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That first show could not have been more perfect...sure there were a few mess ups, but as for how much heart those five put into was perfect. I was worn out by the time I entered the passageways of backstage.....the guys having left a few minutes before us...see they needed to get out of the arena before the fans could get to their cars to follow them. It’s sad that they have to have so many security procedures, but I wouldn’t want anyone to hurt its for the best..I guess. Ashli, who hadn’t actually watched the show...couldn’t stop bragging about how great it sounded..from the dressing room. I just looked at her..not believing a word I heard...but then noticed something shiny sticking out of her pocket.

“Ashli..what ... What is that?” I pulled harshly on the familiar chain freeing it from her pocket. Justin’s platinum necklace hung from my fingers.

“Umm..well he gave it to me to he wouldn’t loose it.” Ashli’s smug smile filtered through my brain waves.

“Justin doesn’t wear this necklace before he fact it doesn’t usually leave Lonnie’s how did you get it?” I was getting angry, and I didn’t care if Justin would be pissed off later..what mattered is that this girl had something that belonged to him..something she shouldn’t be holding.

“You can say whatever you want...but he did give it to hold.” Ashli grabbed for the jewelry, but I held it out of her reach.

Brynn had stopped when she heard my voice increase, and turned around to see what all the commotion was about. She saw me waving Justin’s prized possession around, and stepped closer to hear what I was rambling on about.

“In fact..I remember this necklace being in his bag, before we left...the bag he left in the dressing room..the one that Lonnie was supposed to take care of. How did ya get it away from Lonnie..huh Ashli?” I was beginning to feel my temperature rise..but this girl was making me physically sick.

Brynn came closer, and she could see small beads of sweat forming on Ashli’s forehead. “Lonnie trusted me to watch it...why aren’t you believing me?”

“For a girl who comes from a well to do family....why would she need something like this...why can’t Daddy go get it for her? Lonnie isn’t stupid either..he wouldn’t leave something with you..that he KNOWS he should be watching.” I was stepping dangerously close to her..and if Brynn hadn’t stepped in..I probably would have tackled the girl.

“Ashli...we both know Justin and Lonnie and how everything works better then you just tell us the truth.” Brynn pushed me back as I took a few calming breaths.

“But I told her the truth..Justin told me to watch it.” Ashli was letting her defenses down, and I could tell that she was still lying....which only made me more angry.

“Just give me the damn thing..and when we get back to the hotel....we’ll ask Justin...and see what he says. No one is blaming you for anything just come on.” Javan snatched the chain from my fingers..taking Ashli by the arm and leading her down the hall.

“Leave it to Javan to screw up a good face beating.” I slide down to the floor..holding my now pounding head between my hands.

“He’s just making sure that you won’t do anything that will piss anyone off later.” Brynn stood over me...nudging me with her foot.

I looked up at her..the fear becoming present in my eyes... “Oh no....Javan is gonna tell Justin..and I’m in big trouble now.” I jumped to my Brynn down the corridor to the waiting buses.

We all stood around he looked from the necklace in his hand to Ashli standing near the doorway. Disbelief was written all over his face, yet he remained calm. His penetrating blue eyes met mine, and I knew that I was in for it. Justin seldom got mad..and rarely got mad at me..but well...I wasn’t exactly making things easy on him...and this was the second time in two days that I had gotten in Ashli’s face, and made things difficult for her. The look in Justin’s eyes threw me for a loop though...there was no anger in them...but a pleading look that sent my heart out to him. I kept my mouth shut as he continued to gaze at me....knowing that if he broke my stare..I would open my mouth...

“She’s right...I gave it to her to hold.” We all waited for him to say more..but he stood there in silence..fingering the chain that still remained clutched in his hand.

“Justin....” Brynn stepped up next to him..gently putting her arm around his back. “You know we’ll stand behind you....but no don’t even trust Sara and I with that thing....why Ashli?”

Justin could not look at her...but he stared intently at me..for I knew that he was lying..I could read it in his body..his eyes...and his face. He screamed pain...she had hurt him..and if Justin didn’t have me locked in such an intent stare..I would have taken that girl down. “I just thought that since she was staying backstage..she could keep an eye on it for me...Lonnie doesn’t need to be bothered with such a little thing.”

Javan having heard just about enough..looked over at Ashli..and quickly maneuvered her out the door..shutting it forcefully behind her. “Dammit Justin..stop it.”

We all immediately looked over at Javan as he leaned against the door....his hands in front of him...his furious eyes stabbing through the lies that filled the room.

“What....what am I doing?” Justin sat down on the bed...putting his head in his hands..letting the jewelry fall to the carpet.

“Justin..we’re all friends here....why are you lying for her?” Javan pushed himself away from the door...his infuriated steps thumping across the surface.

Justin looked at both Brynn and I.....the look of helplessness was now present...I wanted to hold him..but I was scared to move from where I stood. “I didn’t give it to her.” His voice was soft..barely audible..but we all heard it.

“No shit Sherlock...It doesn’t take much brain power to figure that one’ve always sucked at lying..the question is...why?” Javan was now standing next to me....his strong arm forcing me closer to Justin.

“I’m not sure.” Justin inched his way up the bed...resting his head against the headboard.

“You know never do anything without having a reason why.....why?” Javan pushed on my knees giving out as I landed on the bed across from Justin.

“I want so bad to trust her....I want to give her a chance.” Justin looked up at Javan..knowing that he was gonna demand more..but Justin wasn’t sure yet if he was ready to spill all his thoughts on Ashli.

“Okay...I can understand that..but Justin..she tries to steal from you...and you’re still gonna allow her to parade around here like nothing is wrong. Why this girl Justin..why her?” Javan sat down next to me...his eyes locked on Justin’s slouching form.

“I have my reasons..and I’m not ready to tell you yet.” Justin eyes roamed around the room..locking on the ceiling...he wanted to avoid Javan’s fierce scrutiny.

“Justin.....” I opened my mouth for the first time since entering this room..but one look from Javan shut me back up.

“I’m not gonna force you into anything...but remember asked all of us to join you on tour. You’ve got your three best friends’re family Justin..and if there is something bothering’ve got us to turn too. Don’t let Ashli ruin everything...because you know she will. Trust us your friends...” Javan stood...motioning for Brynn and I to follow..but I shook my head...climbing over onto the bed beside Justin. Javan just ignored me..and walked out the door..followed by a inquisitive Brynn.

I sat crossed legged next to Justin....just looking over his tired body. His body rocked with soft sobs of betrayal...but he had never been embarrassed to cry in front of me....and I just sat there. After a few minutes...he looked up at me..his eyes red from the fallen tears.

“Sara...she doesn’t want to hurt me...she really doesn’t.”

I patted his leg... “I know Justin.”

He motioned for me to come sit up next to him.. “She’s not everything I’ve made her out to be.”

I climbed up next to him...placing my head on the pillow by his.... “What do you mean?”

His arms went around a embrace of comfort.. “She’s not from a wealthy family.”

“What?” I sat up..looking down on him. “All the bragging..all the luggage Justin..where did she get all the clothes?”

“I umm....well I ummm..I bought them for her.” He looked away from me..knowing that I would be mad at that statement.

“You didn’t.” I laid back down next to him..wrapping my arm around him this time.

He was reassured by my gesture.. “I had to...we had made her out to be something she couldn’t pull I took her shopping..buying her everything she needed. I thought that maybe in some sick way..I was buying her love...I wanted her Sara...and I’m still not sure why.”

“Justin she’s like the others though..she’s just gonna worm her way into your heart..then step on it. I cannot go through seeing you in that much pain again..I cannot go through picking up the pieces. Please..for me and for careful...and watch your back.” I closed my eyes..breathing in the scent that brought me so much peace.

“I will Sar..I will.” His arms tightened around me..and we soon were drifting off to sleep.

*One Week Later*
“Get out of my way.” Ashli shoved by me on our way towards our seats in the V.I.P. box. I clenched my fists together...walking a bit faster to catch her..but Javan caught me around the waist...slowing me back down.

“Whoa there girl...beating her up isn’t gonna solve a thing.” Javan continued to hold onto me as we climbed the steps.

“She’s getting worse...the more Justin babies her..the worse she gets. I can’t take much more of this Javan...she treats me like I’m scum...she walks all over Brynn and Faith..tells Lizzy that she’s nothing but JC’s toy..and well...she can’t be in a room with the other guys...because they’re about ready to knock her down as well.” I slumped down in my seat...crossing my arms across my chest. Faith sat next to me..Brynn on the other side of her.

Javan stood above us...smiling at the picture of misery that we all made. “Now girls...if you smiled any bigger....the guys might actually be able to see it. You’re letting this girl ruin you’re whole mood....look at where you are on tour with *Nsync...and you’re frowning.”

I looked up at Javan and smiled....couldn’t help myself..he always knew when to lighten the mood. I started to laugh...and was quickly followed by Brynn’s child like giggling..and Faith’s cheesy grin spread across her face. Javan was right....we were on tour with the hottest group in America..I was with the man I loved..and with all my closest friends...this was a lot better then sitting at home..wondering what they were up to every moment. I was not gonna let some stuck up girl ruin everything for me....this was my trip...MY TIME.

Chapter Six