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Justin didn’t let up on babying the bitch, and Javan didn’t let up on calming us down. Sara was the worst, she really wanted to take Ashli down. I just wanted her out of our lives, mostly out of Justin’’s. Like I said, Justin usually came to me with problems about girls, went to Sara when he wanted to know how to change them, and to Javan when he felt like bragging. I’d seen Justin hurt too many times. It was always that poor boy who ended up with the whores who just wanted to be with him because of who he was, even way back when he was on MMC. I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that Ashli was the same.

Did she really believe that Justin had just had a memory-lapse or something and actually thought he HAD told her to hold his prized necklace?? She had betrayed him, and he still couldn’t let go. I was mad at him for throwing himself into this predicament AGAIN, but I was really just upset that he just seemingly couldn’t get out. Javan was right, Justin never did anything without a reason.

The first week of shows had gone on without a hitch. The guys were now pretty much performing errorless and were pro at running out of the venues in record time. Lizzy was still skeptical of JC, which was really disheartening to me, because frankly it was Ashli’s fault. But enough about Ashli before I get myself agitated again.

I had just taken a seat on the couch when I felt someone plop down next to me and lay his head down on my lap.

“Sup Sugar?” Javan asked as I smiled down at him and pushed his head off my lap.

“Just chillin. How u doin?” I asked in a fake accent that brought a smile to his face.

“Absolutely nothing. I’m bored out of my mind.” He said as I looked at him pathetically.

“You’re on tour, basically the 6th member of *NSYNC, and you’ve actually got girls screaming for the new drummer now. How is this boring??” I asked inquisitively as he thought about it for a minute before looking up.

“I don’t know. DO I ever know?” He asked as I laughed.

“Point taken.” I agreed as Lance walked into the room.

“Hey guys, has Lonnie been in here?” Lance asked as he looked around before sighing.

“Not that I know of, you looking for him?” I presumed.

“Well actually Ashli wanted to talk to him, and she’s too lazy to get off her sorry ass.” Lance smiled evilly as I laughed. Javan looked from each of us before shaking his head.

“Why can’t anyone let up on the poor girl? She’s obviously been framed or something and she’s just as innocent as any of us. Brynn how would you like it if you had a boyfriend who was famous and always had the chance to go cheat on you? You’d be the same way.” Javan said huffily. I knew he was just trying to compensate but he knew damn well about Kyle.

I looked at him unbelieving for a moment before shaking my head. “I can’t believe you Javan.” I stared at him blankly for a second before shaking my head and getting up and running out of the room. I couldn’t believe he’d compensate for Ashli, but more I couldn’t believe he’d bring up JUSTIN ever cheating on somebody, or saying I wouldn’t know what it feels like. I do.

I leaned against the wall inside the bunk area but I could hear Lance and Javan’s voices in the next room.

“What was that about?” Lance’s deep voice asked as Javan leaned back against the window.

“Brynn absolutely adored this guy Kyle a long time ago. He totally betrayed her a couple times before she found out, and cheated on her with a good friend of hers. She was heartbroken to say the least, and now she’s totally afraid of love and relationships. I guess I shouldn’t have said that…….she’s probably the first person to know what being cheated on feels like.” Javan groaned as he rubbed his forehead and Lance sat down.

“Why DO you stick up for Ashli?” Lance asked a little bit later, forcefully, which surprised me. It was rare that Lance spoke too forcefully.

“Dude I think the girl deserves some slack that’s all.” Javan said, agitated.

I heard someone stand up and then I heard Lance’s voice again.

“Ashli’s not what everyone thinks she is and the last thing she deserves is anyone’s support.” Lance said as he started walking out. “Right when we get there we’re heading to sound check. Don’t be late”

Another door shut and I heard Javan grumbling to himself. Javan was the one to usually to try to get things straightened out yes, but this was his best friend she was hurting. It was all a big mystery to me.

*That Night *
“What the hell??” I heard the normally soft-spoken Lizzy grumble from beside me in the VIP box during the same version of “Just Got Paid” as last tour.

I had noticed Ashli wasn’t with us up in the box, but I didn’t want to ask where she was let alone bring her up. Now I knew. Up on stage, the group of girls dancing behind the guys was as normal except for one girl who stood out. There she was, Ashli grinding against JC from behind. My eyes immediately switched over to Justin, who looked over at them, then did a double take with a pained expression on his face.

“Oh my god..” I groaned as I put my head in my hands, not wanting to watch because I knew there was nothing I could do. Sara jumped up from her seat, and knowing there was no one to stop her tonight because Javan was playing at this show, I jumped up after her and grabbed her arm.

“Not now.” I said as she took a deep breath and nodded her head. Faith came running into the room from where she had been standing in the corridor talking with Joey’s mom.

“DO you see that??” Faith exclaimed as we all nodded and she shook her head. “If she touches Joey she’s dead.” Faith grumbled as I laughed at her comment and the entire moment lightened. I really wished Ashli wasn’t putting us through all this.

Poor Justin couldn’t have gotten more looks of sympathy and disgust that night. As if the poor man didn’t get enough from the audience, he got them from all the guys, particularly JC who was having enough trouble conveying his love to Lizzy as was, Sara, Faith, Lizzy, and me. The problem was, Ashli was on his arm all way back into the bus and on it so no one could get him alone. I wasn’t liking the way this tour was turning out for the personal side of the guys.

Chapter Seven