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The elevator doors opened and I stepped out onto the plush carpet of the expensive room was down at the end of the hall...I had to pass JC and Lizzy’s room...and a loud conversation echoed through the wooden door. I slowed to a stop..leaning against the wall. I didn’t want to eavesdrop..but something told me that I should probably interrupt. I pushed lightly on the door...discovering it was ajar...opened it enough for me to slip in. I surveyed the scene....JC was pacing back and forth...his hands flying everywhere...he looked to be very upset. Lizzy was slumped down on the bed...her head cradled in her hands...her body rocking with quiet sobs. JC stopped moving...his hands placed firmly on his he stared down at his quivering girlfriend.

“Lizzy..we can’t keep going like this. I wanted you to come on tour, because it would be an opportunity where we could spend plenty of time can’t give up on me, because of something that....that girl has done.” JC started walking slowly towards her..his arms out stretched.

Lizzy backed off.... “JC..she’s all over you...the things she tells me...all my fears about what could have happened..she makes them seem so true.”

“You’re honestly gonna take her word over mine...Lizzy if I wanted to go behind your back...I wouldn’t have brought you with me. I want you..I don’t want her..I don’t want any other girl....just you.” He advanced towards her again..this time she sat still..allowing him to wrap his arms around her.

I stood quietly by the door...worrying about my two friends..and their already shaky relationship..but I was forming more anger for Ashli. She was trying not only to destroy Justin..but she was working hard on breaking up every other relationship that existed on this tour. I continued to watch as Lizzy lifted her red eyes to look into JC’s soft blue ones.

“I’m so scared of her JC...she wants us to hate each other so bad....what if I’m not strong enough?”

JC kissed her temple..rubbing his hand gently up and down her back... “Baby..if you’re not strong enough by yourself...then we’ll be strong together. We will beat this...we’ve got so many people behind girl is not gonna destroy all that we have.”

I slipped out the door...shutting it to not disturb the two enchanted lovers. My temper was at breaking point..and I wanted so bad to hit something..but unfortunately Ashli was no where in sight. I stomped down the hall...slamming my door open...but stood still in the doorway as I gazed upon a distressed looking Justin.

“Justin....” I tenderly traveled towards ears ready to heart preparing to hear the worst.

His sad and angry eyes met mine..and I knew that this was gonna be a blow. Why couldn’t things just be happy around here...this was their time..not a time to be hurt..not a time to cry..and not a time to worry about scornful lovers. “She’s demanding more...she’s paying less attention to me..and more attention to everyone else. She expects so much outta me..but I just can’t do what she wants...I’m breaking Sar...I’m letting her win.”

I sat on the bed next to him..pulling his head down so I could cradle it in my arms.... “Justin..she doesn’t deserve’re giving her so much, and she’s throwing it all back in your face. Stand up to her..and tell her where to go..then dump her sorry ass out on the street..and never look back.” I was letting my hateful feelings towards her speak for me....and that is not what Justin needed. I faintly ran my fingers through his silky curls.... “I’m just need to talk to her...tell her where you stand with your feelings..and if she doesn’t compromise with you..then you need to be the man..and just break things off.”

Justin wrapped his long arms around my waist...pulling himself to me... “I can’t..I brought her here..and I promised that she could stay. It wouldn’t be right if I just sent her back to Florida..with nothing more then a good-bye. Sar she has nothing to go back to.”

“Justin..she’s not your responsibility...your happiness and your job are what you need to worry about. Please don’t let her take all your time and energy and all your protectiveness. She’s so not worth all that Justin.”

“I know Sar..I know..but I just...I’m so scared that I’m gonna make the wrong decision.” He began to shake..and I knew that the whole situation was really getting to him.

“Have you talked to know she’s better at this kind of stuff then I am...I’m just here cuz I’m good to hug.” I felt him chuckle....before he sat up to look at me.

“Have I ever told you how much I love and appreciate our mean so much to me...I’m not sure how I would have ever gotten this far without you behind me 100%. Thank you so much.” His heartfelt words touched my soul..and tears were beginning to sting the backs of my eyes.

“Justin.....” I chocked back the tears... “You don’t have to thank me for being your friend...It meant just as much to me...” My arms went around his I leaned my head on his shoulder.

“I love you Justin.”

“I love you too Sar.” His arms pulled me closer..and he just held me.

*Three Days Later*
“He’s not getting any fact I think he’s getting worse. He insists on sleeping in my room..and will not look nor talk with her..unless he has to.” Brynn sighed as she sunk lower in the couch in the back of the bus. “I’m honestly not sure what to do...he’s really freaking me out here.”

I curled up underneath the cozy blanket that spread out across my body.... “He’s getting clingy..and we know that when he gets this way...he’s about to get his heart broken..and that is gonna be hard. What I want to know is why he got involved with her in the first place...he always has some reason...but this one...I can’t figure it out.”

Brynn just shook her head... “He tried to tell me..but he only ended up crying more. Sar I seriously have never seen him this bad. Not even with.....well you know...and he was pretty attached to her.”

“We need to figure out a way to get her off this tour...I don’t care what we do..but that girl...she needs to be gone.” I looked up as the door opened and Faith sat down next to me. “Is he asleep yet?”

She nodded her head... “Chris and Joey had to sing to him..but yes..he’s finally asleep. Ashli called his cell phone about every 30 seconds..until Chris took the battery out and threw it out the window.”

I tried to hide my smile..but it just refused to stay tucked away. “He threw it out the window?”

Brynn giggled beside me as Faith broke into one of her chessy grins. “Yes..he really did.”

Our light hearted laughing brought back some of the peace of mind we all needed. If we joined together as a team..there was nothing she could do to break that up. We would protect Justin’s sanity with everything....and if we had to...we would use force on the girl.

Later that night as I was staring at the bunk above mine..I thought of all the times I had wished to be here. Dreaming of Chris and how perfect I would feel in his arms at that moment. How much I wanted to be near Justin and to joke with listen to him..and to comfort him. Now I was there....Chris soft hands spanned across my smooth stomach. Justin’s heavy breathing sounded from over head...and for some perfect dream..wasn’t so great. Justin was freaking out..and sinking into was one of his defenses..but it took him so long to get him to trust again. Ashli was trying so hard to tear up our little make us all turn against one another. Javan seemed to be the only one not affected by this...which bewildered me. Brynn, Justin, Javan and I stood up for one another..and we never backed down..but as Justin was slowly slipping away..Javan seemed to be standing on the side lines...just watching...trying hard not to smirk. I turned in Chris’ arms...snuggling closer to his warm chest. I breathed him in...the scent bringing me so much comfort. For some reason Ashli had left Chris alone...I wasn’t sure if it was because he was so much older..or if it was because she was scared of what I would do to her if she tried it. She better be scared...for I was going to get her for does not just barge into our lives, then try to screw with them. Screaming at the top of my lungs would help my thinking so much right now..but the silence of the bus told me to keep my mouth shut....if only my brain would stop thinking...if only I could sleep peacefully. I felt Chris stir next to me...his brown eyes opening to expose concern.

“Baby...can’t you sleep?” He moved me closer to him..hugging my lanky body to his.

“I’m so worried about Justin.” I nuzzled my face into his neck...letting him warm my now shaking body.

“He’ll be okay....he always bounces back.” Chris wanted all of this to end as much as I did...and he was trying so hard to protect me from the pain that Justin’s heart ache would bring.

“I know...I just...I don’t think I can watch him go through it all again.” I brushed my lips against his...tasting the sweetness of them.

“It will all work out...we just need to give him space..and time. We also need to keep Ashli away from him until his mind is clear enough to think.” Chris captured my lips with his soft ones...deepening the pressure when I opened my mouth slightly..allowing him more access.

The bright light of the sun peeked through the dark curtains...slicing through the peacefulness that I had just gotten used to. Chris rolled over..hugging me to his body, kissing my cheek..before carefully pushing me out. My feet hit the floor..and I stretched my arms above me head....yawning as the tiredness over took me. Even after falling asleep..I hadn’t slept well, for Justin still plagued my mind..and I worried about him even more. I was hungry and tired..which caused me to be a bit on the irritated side. I snapped at Joey as he offered me some breakfast, rolled my eyes at Brynn as she pushed me over on the bench..and just about bit the driver’s head off when he kindly asked if any of us needed to stop. Chris couldn’t stop laughing..which only made me more I slapped at him..and stormed off into the back room to get changed.

“Didn’t you let her get any sleep last night?” Brynn questioned from across the table.

“I slept fine..she was up all night worried about Justin..who by the way is still asleep.” Chris threw a piece of cereal at Joey’s he bobbed to the music on the television.

“What did I do?” Joey’s question only made them laugh harder...which caused a very sleepy Justin to yell at them from his bunk.

“Will you all just shut’s too early for this..and I’m still sleeping.” His horse voice sounded even more cranky then mine had..and Chris only giggled harder.

I finished dressing and was walking past the rows of bunks..when a strong arm reached out and grabbed me. I bit down on the hand that held me still..until I heard a yelp from the closed in area.

“What the hell. Sara, you bit me.” Justin stuck his head out..curls going in every direction.

“You grabbed my arm.” I stated...continuing my journey. I heard Justin’s feet he jumped down from his bunk....and I then felt his hands on my waist...pulling me around to face him.

“Now what is wrong with you?”

“Nothing is wrong..I just didn’t get a lot of sleep last night..and no one can seem to leave me alone this morning. Now let go.” I pushed against Justin...causing him to loose his balance and fall to the floor with a loud thud. I studied him carefully as he sat on the floor...and suddenly I erupted into a fit of giggles.

“I’m so glad you find this will you please give me a hand.” His outstretched hand grabbed onto I pulled with all my might to lift him to his feet.

“I’m sorry Justin....I didn’t....” I couldn’t finish for I was now doubled over holding my sides for they hurt from all the laughter.

Justin couldn’t hold his smile back either..and soon everyone on the bus was laughing at the silliness that had just occurred. This was only the beginning..but our continuing to bond..and to grow stronger..was sure to overcome anything that Ashli would throw our way.

Chapter Eight