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Justin was losin’ it, and fast. I usually knew what to do with the boy, let him cry on my shoulder until he’s cried enough to talk to me about it, let him hug me until I couldn’t breath, or remind him of old times until I got at least a smile out of him. But these last couple of nights I hadn’t been able to do much more than listen. My advice wasn’t going to help him because he didn’t want to let Ashli go. There hadn’t been a night within the last couple that he wasn’t asleep in my arms from the tears streaming down his face, refusing to leave my room for fear that he may have to talk to her, hear her ask for something more from him.

He was completely emotionally drained and so was I. Ashli hadn’t let up on me, knowing Justin had spent the last couple of nights in my room, she began accusing me of trying to win Justin over and taking a romantic interest in him. I love Justin with all my heart, he’s been my best friend since I was born basically, but never would I see him like that.

“Listen bitch, you may think I don’t notice that Justin has been in YOUR room the last couple of nights but I do, and I know what’s going on. Sorry but he’s taken by ME, and I’ve got him wrapped around my finger like a snake on a branch. Don’t push it hun.” Ashli stopped me on my way to meet Lizzy for lunch.

I swung around, my mouth falling open at what Ashli had just said. I couldn’t believe her. I stared at her sideways for a moment, trying to decide on how to reproach her at her outrage. “What did you just say?” I double-questioned her. I was completely surprised she even had the guts to approach me like that, but now she’d done it. I’d had enough of her through Justin.

“You heard me. Stay away from him.” Ashli replied snottily before walking toward my room door where Justin had gone in to change into some warm ups for sound check. I just groaned at her, not having the energy to bitch her out at the moment. Instead, I raced toward the door before throwing myself in front of it.

“Um sorry BABE but this is my room and NO, you can’t go in.” I smiled as her eyes narrowed.

“JUSTIN!” She yelled, reaching over me to bang on the door.

“ASHLI, GO HOME.” I said matter-of-factly, not wanting to deal with her. I shoved her out of my way and kept walking down the hall, her staring after me. I took a deep breath, finally feeling the agonizing urge to slaughter someone at the moment, someone by the name of Ashli.

“Justin………………I’m hungry…………..” I heard Ashli whine. I wanted to run to get away, and I debated on letting Ashli get to Justin, knowing Justin had begged me to not to mention anything to Ashli. He was still his same self, doing anything possible to stop her from being hurt.

But I couldn’t keep going with her annoying voice ringing in my ears. “Bounce hurry up, Lizzy and I are hungry and we can only go eat after we drop you off at sound check.” I yelled down the hall at Justin as he emerged from the room, closing it behind him as he gave me the most great full look he’d ever given me. “Let’s go.” I yelled, trying to sound rushed as Justin said bye to Ashli quickly before jogging down the hallway.

I turned around to look at Ashli as Justin jogged down the hallway, giving me the brightest smile I’d seen on his face in the last few days. The boy deserved to smile.

“THANK YOU.” He mouthed as I smirked at Ashli down the hall and she turned to walk into her room.

I was a bit surprised to hear Faith’s voice as I turned to look back down the hall. Justin stepped into the elevator, motioning for me to follow but I put up a hand, indicating to him to hold the door for a minute……I was extremely curious as to what was about to go down.

“Ashli can I talk to you??” Faith said as she put a hand on Ashli’s arm. Ashli turned around coldly.

“Faith I don’t really have time to talk right now.” Ashli pouted as Faith looked at her.

“It’ll just take a minute.” Faith insisted, still calm. I watched with intrigued blue eyes.

Ashli just gave Faith a look as Faith continued anyway. “Listen, I’m your best friend and I don’t even know what’s going on. What IS going on with you and Justin? Why are you playing him?” Faith asked innocently.

“Listen Faith, thanks EVER so much for being nosey, but I WILL come to you if I need your help.” Ashli answered as Faith still remained calm.

If Sara were here, I know she would’ve maimed her right then and there.

“I just don’t understand why you are doing this to him Ashli. Does anyone deserve that kind of treatment from someone else?” Faith asked rationally as Ashli turned around in a huff.

“FAITH I TOLD YOU. I’ve had enough of everyone badgering me and sending me dirty looks. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE.” Ashli said, her voice rising as I felt Justin’s arm on my back as he looked out at what was going on down the hall.

“Alright I’ve tried to be civil with you, just like everyone else has been, and now you won’t even take that??” Faith said, her voice growing louder with every word.

“What the hell are you talking about??” Ashli asked as she whipped around to face Faith, her face growing a beat red.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about Ashli. Everyone here has had to put up with your crap since the first day you met Justin. I knew what you’d do to him but I didn’t tell. I watched him help you out and all you can do to repay him is sit here and bitch??” Faith asked loudly.

My mouth dropped open as I felt Justin’s hand tighten on my back.

“Shut the hell up Faith. I’ll do what I want with Justin and I’m so damn tired of you and Brynn and Sara bitching at me. I’M doing the bitching??? RIIIGHT just as much as I love Justin.” Ashli said sarcastically through an evil chuckle.

Faith’s face turned beat red as she fought the urge to pounce her best friend. Justin’s hand once again tightened on my back as I clung to the elevator door to stop myself to charging down the hallway.

I knew I loved Faith.

“Ashli just go the fuck home.” Faith muttered as she spun around and charged into her room.

“Go go go.” I ushered Justin into the elevator as Ashli hurriedly started down the hallway toward us. The door closed just I heard Ashli start talking to herself. Needless to say, that was the worst elevator ride I’ve ever taken. Justin was once again on the verge of tears.
Right before sound check to make it all that much better.

* At the Show*
JC’s voice cracked unutterably numerous times that night as he sang. This was what Ashli was doing to us all. I hated it, but I needed to think of someway to fix it. This is what friends are for, and I needed to be the best friend I could be.

I didn’t understand Javan at all, he was seeming more and more distant from the rest of us as the days went on. I still loved him of course, but I really needed to talk to him about this Justin thing. Maybe I oughta try to see things from the point of view of a guy……..haha……or maybe not.

After the show, we all hauled booty onto the bus. Justin collapsed onto the couch as I stepped onto the bus, the last one to get on.

“Where’s Ashli??” Lonnie asked as he counted heads.

“I’ll go find her.” Javan offered as I moved out of his way.

“I’ll go with him, I have this feeling I might know where she is.” I said as I followed Javan off the bus.

Sure enough, I knew. Way back in the venue, I walked immediately over to the cute security officer who still stood hounding people out. Ashli was giggling and laughing as if she were having the time of her life. Javan smiled over at her and I smacked him as hard as I ever had. Ashli didn’t notice either of us as she leaned in to nibble on the officer’s ear.

“Ash…….” Justin’s voice rang from behind me. Ashli immediately looked up as she removed her hand from the man’s butt and let go of his ear from her teeth.

“JUSTIN!” She yelled as Justin froze and I stepped in front of him as she came over, immediately forcing tears to her eyes.

“He was trying to take advantage of me……” She blurted out, tears beginning to stream down her face, as I shook my head and grabbed Justin by the arm.

“Javan, grab her. We gotta get back before the fans see him.” I mumbled angrily. “On second thought, leave her.” I said as I starting running.

I don’t think I’ve ever sprinted so fast in my life. Once one fan noticed Justin in the crowd, there was a full on rampage. Thanks to the princess, the bus was followed, Justin was almost mauled, and sure enough I knew the truth. The bad thing about it, Justin was worse than ever, but made Javan and I promise not to tell anyone about what we saw. I didn’t know what was going on in his head but I did know I needed to pull him out of it.

Chapter Nine