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“Don’t you even think about coming near this you hear me girl?” I stood my ground in front of Justin’s door...blocking full access from Ashli.

“You have no right to keep me out of MY boyfriend’s room. Do you hear me..he’s MY boyfriend.” She was getting mad, and I knew it, but there was no way in hell that I was gonna let her get by me.

“I DON’T care.” I leaned my back against the hard wood, not budging.

“You are messing with the wrong girl. You will get your’s.” She turned quickly, smacking head on into Javan who had been standing behind her. “Javan will you tell her to move.” Ashli pointed a well manicured finger at me.

“I can’t tell her what to do.” Javan crossed his arms across his chest, staring Ashli down.

“What good are you then. Ya know..this whole thing is stupid. Just MOVE.” She whipped around and shoved me before I could do anything about it.

My head hit the edge of the door, and I grabbed the spot that started to throb with pain. Ashli turned the knob and stepped over my shaking body.

“I tried to warn you.....don’t mess with me.” Her hair hung across her face, and when she went to flip it..I took the advantage and grabbed her foot. She lost her balance and fell face first into the luxurious carpet.

Justin heard all the commotion and stepped out of the bathroom. He looked down at Ashli...then glanced over at me..where I sat still clutching my head.

I pulled my hand away, to grab Javan’s outstretched one, but noticed bright red liquid dripping down my fingers. “I’m bleeding.”

Justin rushed to my side as soon as he saw it, pulling me back into his room. I sat down on the edge of the tub while he held a towel to my head. “Javan will you run down to the gift shop..see if they have anything for cuts.”

Javan left the scene and as things begin to quiet down...Ashli moaned from her position on the floor. “Will someone help me PLEASE!!”

I glanced around the door way at her sitting up....and whispered quietly to Justin. “Even in pain she still knows how to be annoying.”

Justin just silenced he walked back into the main part of the hotel room. “Ashli...are you okay?”

“No..I’m NOT OKAY. You helped her first. I thought I was your girlfriend. Why didn’t you help ME first?” Her screechy voice made my head throb more fiercely.

“She was hurt Ashli...I was just trying to stop the bleeding.” Justin tried his best to calm her down..but the more he tried..the angrier she got.

“Do you honestly think that I care if she was hurt. I was lying pain..and well you didn’t come to my aide. Justin I thought you loved me.” Ashli’s simple statement caused Justin to sit down...his hand over his chest.

I couldn’t move...I watched in horror as Ashli climbed over to sit in his lap..she nestled her head into his shoulder..rubbing her hand up and down his back. “I asked you a question Justin....don’t you love me?”

He could not look at her...and her touch was making him physically ill. She was pushing..and had him trapped in a corner that he knew he couldn’t get out of. “Ashli..let’s go get you checked out...just to make sure that you’re okay.”

Ashli’s mouth hung open...Justin had just danced around her question..but he wasn’t gonna get away with that. “Didn’t you hear me.?”

Justin didn’t stop..he pulled her out of his room, and continued to drag her down the hallway. “I heard you.”

“Why aren’t you answering me? Is it because of HER?” Ashli stopped and yanked hard on Justin’s arm.

Justin gave her a hard look, causing her to shut up. I had never seen him look that infuriated, the anger burned in his blue eyes. “This has nothing to do with has nothing to do with Brynn. Ashli my dear this has everything to do with YOU.” He let go of her hand, and walked towards the elevators.

“Justin wait.....” He completely ignored her as he pushed the button. “Justin please...will you just look at me.”

His hard blue eyes met her teary brown ones..and she visibly shuddered. “What do you want?” His voice was amazingly calm and controlled but I noticed that his hands were shaking as he clinched them tightly into fists.

“Will you just answer me..please.” She hung onto his arm, but he shook her off.

“Well Ashli...if you were would know that answer already.” The doors opened as he finished his sentence. Holding her off with one hand...he allowed the doors to close..leaving her standing alone in the hallway. She sunk down to the elegant surface..the tears taking over her body.

I stood in the doorway of Justin’s room...witnessing the whole spectacle. I had no idea what to do..Justin had just told the girl he had protected for so long that he basically wanted nothing to do with her. She knew that he didn’t love her...and that he never had. She had ruined his precious heart and as I watched her hands slowly clenched together...creating tight fists.

“And he left her there....” I retold the whole display to Brynn and Faith as we sat in the V.I.P. box patiently waiting for Nsync’s entrance.

“He actually got mad at her?” Brynn was dumbfounded..for the whole time we’d been on tour..Ashli had tried to make our lives miserable. Justin’s worse then anyone’s and he now finally stood up against her....he had actually walked away from her.

“Yeah...I have never seen him that mad before Brynn....not even with...well you know who.” I pulled my hair up into a messy ponytail.

“We both know that the first sign of him anger. He’s finally beginning to see what the rest of us have known for so long.” The lights ended our conversation, but Brynn turned to look at me one more time..a look filled with hope. We both prayed that Justin would snap out of this haze he was in...and we both agreed that this was the beginning.

Justin danced that night like nothing I had ever seen. He used all his anger and frustration and pushed himself to perform his hardest. He wowed the crowd, and every girl in that place was hypnotized by his magical hips. I looked down at the audience and smiled at how much they loved and appreciated him. This is what he needed to focus on..the ones that would do whatever it took to protect him from harm. If they knew what Ashli was doing to him emotionally..they would have her strung up the nearest tree...which just happened to be right out the arena doors. I hadn’t seen Ashli since the big scene in the hotel...for I had ducked back into Justin’s room..and when I had come out..she was gone. She hadn’t been on our bus, nor the guy’s bus..and I wasn’t even sure if she had made it to the arena. Javan also was no where in sight, which made me wonder if he had stayed behind to comfort Ashli. I still had no idea why he took so much interest in her...but every time she needed a friend...he was there. I guess everyone deserved to have someone to help them out..but why was Javan being so nice. He was befriending the girl that was tearing his whole world apart..yet he wasn’t affected by it at all. In fact..if I thought back to everything that had happened...Ashli hadn’t done a damn thing to him. That right there...really bothered me. Why was Javan immune to her....why was he being so nice..and why was she so attached to him?

I looked back up to the stage..and saw the familiar blond spikes of his head. Well he hadn’t stayed behind..but the questions were still there..and they still bothered me. My eyes focused in on him as he beat the drum set....the guys prancing around him and the other band members. Javan was so into what was going on..that he didn’t see Lance stand behind him. Lance’s eyes locked onto the back of his head..and I studied Lance’s face carefully. He was unreadable...which only worried me more. Did he know something that we didn’t...something we had missed along the way? Lance had always been able to read people better then anyone I knew..and he could pick up on the smallest things..but I knew Javan really well. Panic over took me..and I had to sit down...for I was becoming sort of breath. Javan....would he really turn against us....there wasn’t any chance in hell that he would side with I would not believe it.

*Later that Night*
I could not sleep.....everything that had happened over the last few weeks played over and over in my head...and it all would not fit together. Pieces to the puzzles were still missing...and try as hard as I answer came to me.

“UGH!!!” I sat straight up...throwing my pillow across the darkened room.

Chris’ eyes flew open, and he sat up next to me...gently rubbing my arm. “Baby..what’s wrong?”

“Why...why...why?” I couldn’t find words to finish my questions..for there were too many running through my brain.

“’re scaring me here. Tell me what is wrong?” He placed both hands on my shoulders..turning me so that I could see his velvety brown eyes.

I calmed down some..but not enough to find the words. “Chris....I just....I just..what is happening?”

“ will be okay...just take deep breaths.” He pulled me to him..his strong arms encircling me.

I placed my head on his shoulder..letting him comfort me.... “She’s taking everything I love..and squashing it. First she tries to drag JC and Lizzy down...then she attacks Justin....she tries to push Brynn around..then physically hurts me...and now Javan. I don’t get that last part.”

Chris was quiet for a few minutes...letting me get my head clear... “What about Javan..what has she done to him?”

“That’s just it...she hasn’t done anything to him.” I sat up to look at Chris’ boyish face..his adorable lips slightly parted.

“Then what is the problem?” He studied my face carefully..knowing full well that something wasn’t setting right with me..something I couldn’t figure out.

“Why would she go after everyone else...but befriend him. Why has he taken her side on all this...and left Justin hanging in so many cases? That is so not like Javan..he’s always been the first one to rescue any of us..and now..well he’s just standing there.” I felt the tears begin to build..and I forced them back. I was not going to cry over this..I refused..because that would make me weak.

Chris was quiet again....and I begin to worry, when after a few minutes he still hadn’t said a word. Finally before I could say anything...he gave me his thoughts. “Thinking back on all the past’re right. She hasn’t done anything to him...yet she’s gone after everyone else close to him. Lance tried to mention something to me along those lines..but Justin walked into the room before he could finish. I do know that Lance doesn’t trust him...and that makes me wonder.”

“I knew that Lance didn’t like him...tonight at the show...Lance was staring him down. Chris..I can’t just accuse my best friend of betraying everyone....I love Javan too much to do that to him. I can’t believe something like that....even though my gut is telling me too.” I wanted to just crawl into Chris’ arms and forget about all the problems surrounding this tour..but I knew that for Justin I couldn’t do that.

“No one is asking you to accuse Javan. I think for right now..the best thing to do is just observe what goes on. I’ll keep my eyes open for anything..and I’ll ask Lance about what he thinks. Don’t worry baby..we’ll get to the bottom of this. I promise you that.” With that said..he captured my mouth with his..pulling me back down into the bed with him.

My eyes fluttered open to the steady sound of the shower. Chris’ smooth voice filled the bathroom..and crept into the bedroom where it filled all my senses. I slid out from between the warm sheets, grabbing a pair of sweat pants before pulling open the bedroom door. I was hungry and I knew that everyone else was I made my way towards the private dining area. Lonnie stood outside the door..but smiled when I came to stand next to him.

“How are you doing?” His rough features becoming gentle as he spoke to me.

“I’ve been better...but the question’s Justin?” I knew that Lonnie would know...he spent more time with the boy then any of the other guards.

“He’s also been better...but he’s been through worse.” Lonnie pushed open the door, allowing me to walk in. I surveyed the people...every face accounted for....but one. One new face appeared in the corner of the room...alone, but behind a newspaper. I had never seen her before...yet her eyes were gentle..her manners seemed polite...and she smiled every time she glanced around her covering. I liked her instantly...whoever this was...she was gonna be a ray of sunlight..I could feel it.

Chapter Ten