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Yup, you may have seen it coming but after living with Justin all my life even I couldn’t have seen his outrage coming forth. I was ecstatic to say the least, and after we had found Ashli with the bodyguard at the concert, Justin and I had had the longest talk without tears we’d had in a long long time, and that was when he stood up to Ashli. No one was happier than I was, other than Sara of course. But actually, Javan seemed pissed off at Justin for some odd reason.

“Why the hell did you yell at her like that bro? You know how softhearted she is, she didn’t stop balling to me until Brynn walked in the room and she decided to bitch at her instead of cry.” I heard Javan asked Justin heatedly as Justin responded.

“Dude I don’t know what your deal is but please just help me out here.” Justin said before Javan just groaned and flopped back on the bed. They continued to talk but at that point I had zoned out of their conversation. Javan was really making me wonder lately.

Sara had told me about what Chris thought, and I even talked to JC about it when JC had come to me to see if I thought Lizzy was acting differently again. But the one who made me wonder about Javan the most was Lance. Lance was always very observant, like me, but he read into things deeper than anyone I knew, but not to far as to deny the truth. The way he looked at Javan really had me confused, and almost knowing the truth but not wanting to admit it to myself. For the next couple of days I tried to let things go by me without watching them too much. We were in the same hotel because the guys were doing another concert in this same area the next day. I was happy to know everyone wouldn’t have to be so rushed again while everything was so confused.

I had noticed one girl in the dining hall almost every time we were, reading a book or a newspaper, or just sitting eating peacefully. I guessed she was here with her family, she looked to be about my age, and she looked like she didn’t even recognize the guys whenever they’d be there eating. Of course they weren’t there as much as Sara, Faith, Lizzy, and I were, they were most rehearsing, but I still saw her a lot and there was something about her that told me she was a breath of reality.

Sara, Justin and I went down to get dessert one night after a late night interview. We were laughing and talking about the few girls who had been able to ask the guys questions, one of which had to be medically attended to after she fell short of breath when Lance kissed her forehead.

Stepping off of the elevator, Justin wasn’t watching and smacked right into the brown-haired girl waiting to step onto the elevator, holding an extra pillow under one arm.

She smiled at Justin as he grabbed her arm and immediately apologized. “I’m so sorry I totally wasn’t watching.” Justin said quickly as she looked down at his arm and smiled up into his deep blue eyes through her own bright green ones.

Justin froze a moment as she smiled and heard the voice of the mysterious girl for the first time. “It’s okay, really. I shoulda dodged ya or something.” She said as Justin chuckled and realized how gorgeous she really was.

I hit Sara in the arm as I noticed that same look Justin got when there was a pretty girl anywhere near him. But this time his eyes glowed with genuine interest as he stuck out his hand. “Justin.” He said as she took his and shook it with that same smile evident on her face.

“Kylie. Nice to meet you Justin.” She said as Justin nodded in agreement and didn’t break the gaze.

“We were just gonna grab some dessert, would you care to join us?” Justin asked as he touched her arm lightly and she looked at Sara and I before we smiled at her tenderly.


Intrigued. Amazed. Lustrous. Want. Need. Refreshed. There’s not one word to say how Justin was that night as we sat talking with Kylie.

After I had introduced Sara and I, Kylie had opened up a little more, knowing we were all friendly and that neither of us were Justin’s girlfriend. She told us she was from Florida actually, but her grandfather lived here and had recently passed away. Her family had come to the funeral a couple of days ago and then had to clean a few things out of the house before heading back to Florida. She was a freshman in college as were Sara and I, and she didn’t have any units this semester in a account of the sickness of her grandfather. So when she got back, she would just be chillin by the beach or recording some songs……..her father was a record producer in the making and he was determined to get her to be a star. She loved singing but didn’t really want to go huge with it.

Justin was really interested in this portion of the conversation; Kylie really didn’t seem to know who Justin was at all.

“Well actually, I’m a part of a singing group and we’re on tour right now actually.” Justin said hastily, trying to decide if she knew who he was or not. Even for Sara, Javan, and I now it was hard to trust anyone. “It’s called *NSYNC.”

“Oh wow you must think I ’m a total numbskull. Of course you are, I’ve heard of you. You guys sound awesome.” She smiled as Justin relaxed.

This wasn’t a normal rabid fan, or a normal fan who didn’t recognize him at first and now was about to jump him. This was Kylie, and Justin was liking her.

“Brynn and Sara and my other best friend Javan are on tour with me, and we’re performing tomorrow night…….would you come?” He asked quickly as Sara and I nodded our heads. “You’ll love it. Sar and I can bring you up to the VIP box, it’s the best view and we’re VIPS.” I giggled as she smiled and agreed to come. Justin’s eyes lit up and she smiled over at him shyly.

“Well I guess I should probably get up to the room. My little bro is sick so I had to come get him an extra pillow.” Kylie explained as she stood up and started to hand Justin some money. He took her hand and pushed it away.

“It’s on me. See you tomorrow Kylie??” He asked as she looked at him sideways and smiled. “Thanks, and wouldn’t miss it.”

*The Next Day *
Javan hadn’t said much to me the last couple of days, nor to Sara, nor to Justin unless yelling at him for the way he was treating his girlfriend. I didn’t want to let him know at all of Justin’s new delicate interest in Kylie, and neither did Sara. Lizzy was a bit upset still about everything Ashli had been plugging into her head. I felt like I had to make everything better, and that feeling wasn’t very comforting, but then JC sat Lizzy down and flat out told her he loved her. For the first time ever, JC had told Lizzy he loved her, and the three words that can mean everything or nothing renewed Lizzy more than I’d ever seen her. She was stronger than she had been in a long time, if not ever. I was so excited to see them finally dwelling in what they had rather than in what they didn’t. Lance told me he had to talk to me a couple of times, but we never really had the chance to talk. My guess was that he wanted to talk to me about Javan, so I figured maybe I ’d talk to Javan and try to get the story before I talked to Lance, and see what differences there were.

“Hey J, can I talk to you?” I asked as I stepped into his room. He pulled a black turtleneck down over his blond spiky head as he looked over me.

“Sure. What’s up??” He said as he looked in the mirror and put a little bit of lotion on his face. “Well you may think I’m totally trippin’ but you seem to be kinda turning against us lately. I don’t mean to be the accusation-thrower here but you seem really distant and I was wondering if there was a reason why.” I said as I looked at him. He didn’t seem phased by my question.

“Brynn have I ever turned against you guys?” He asked frankly.

“Well no but you’ve never seemed this drifted either………….” I pointed out as I stood up and walked over to look at him in the mirror. He put his hands down on the sink and looked at me in the mirror.

“Then don’t worry bout it.” He said before walking out of the room, leaving me alone.

I watched him walk out, my mind still turning with questions. “Where’s Lance?” I asked myself as I stepped out of the room.

Chapter Eleven