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I couldn’t find Brynn anywhere..and I had looked all over this damn hotel. The guys were all getting ready to leave, and we were gonna show Kylie the ins and outs of sound check..and the things that you didn’t get to see on a normal daily basis. I had sent Faith to search the guy’s rooms...and Lizzy to check out the dining area. Still no Brynn.........I was becoming frustrated, and was getting close to ringing her neck. I whipped around quickly, ready to head back upstairs..but Ashli stepped out of the elevators.

She glared in my direction...looked Kylie over, and I guess finding her a threat walked over towards us...her grin getting bigger, but her eyes becoming more evil. “Sara...who is your little friend?”

I cringed at her sharp tone, laced with sugary sweetness. “This is Kylie...Kylie this is Ashli.”

“I’m Justin’s girlfriend.”Ashli’s small fingers gripped the ends of Kylie’s fingertips in a very uncordial hand shake.

I noticed Kylie’s face drop, but she quickly regained her composure, and Ashli didn’t seem to notice. “It’s nice to meet you Ashli....will you be joining us at the concert?”

I was surprised at how nice Kylie was being to Ashli, even after she had been considerably rude. It must have taken Ashli by surprise also, for she just looked at Kylie..mouth gaped open. “Ummm...Yes I will be going to the show tonight. I didn’t know you were going?”

I wanted to laugh..and burst out with ‘YES AND JUSTIN INVITED HER’ but I kept my mouth shut with a slight smug grin on my face.

“I asked her to join us...I figured the guys wouldn’t mind.” I grabbed Kylie’s hand, turning back towards the elevators. “We do need to get going...still can’t find Brynn.”

We left Ashli standing there...but I wasn’t about to lead Kylie into the lion’s den...and I really didn’t want the two to get to know each other. We rode up to our floor, and as the doors opened they revealed Brynn and Faith.

“Hey girls..we were just coming up to get you. Brynn where have you been?” I questioned her as they stepped through the open doors.

“I was talking with Lance...about Javan. I think our conversation got a little carried away, because now we’re both running late.” She bent down to tie her shoe, and I couldn’t help but smile.

The bus ride over was exciting to say the least..the guys weren’t with us, but Kylie’s eyes lit up with every new thing she experienced. I couldn’t keep from grinning, and my jaw was beginning to hurt, but Kylie was so open..honest and so genuine. She took all those bad feelings that Ashli had thrown into the mix, and with one simple gesture, had turned it all around. Lizzy was telling her about JC...and Kylie was saying how nice it must be to have a guy want to be near you that much. Lizzy’s eyes seemed to get brighter with each thing Kylie said, and I had a feeling that she was taking everything to heart. I sat on the couch...watching the girls, and just thinking about everything that had gone on. Ashli had wiggled her way into Justin’s heart, but had made enemies of the rest of us...for some reason we dealt with her being on tour, around all the time and causing problems that didn’t seem to be fixable. We had all held together, every problem that came along, we worked out....Lizzy and JC...more in love now then they were when all of this started. Brynn and I had been there for Justin when he had needed us the most..pulling the three of us into a tighter our friendship hadn’t seen yet. Justin....the moment he had laid eyes on Kylie..all thoughts of Ashli flew from his brain..and that twinkle that had been absent for so long, was now present in his eyes once again. I doubt there would ever be words to express how much Kylie meant to all of us, and how much she had to done to repair our souls.

The we pulled to a stop in the secured area of the arena, and we piled off, making our way out of the hot sun, into the cool concrete building. Brynn and I did our best in showing Kylie around, while Faith and Lizzy rambled on and on about the past concerts, and how enjoyable it all was. Thankfully, as we walked down the long corridors, we had yet to run into Ashli. The guys had finally arrived, and were backstage, waiting until they could take the stage for sound check. Kylie kept asking all of us questions...ranging from what to expect during the anything about Justin. Brynn found the Justin questions amusing, and was having a blast answering all of them. I sort of hung back from the rest of them, just observing Kylie’s reaction, and how much they all bonded with her. It was good to have such a ‘breath of fresh air’ as Brynn had put it...but for some reason I had this sinking feeling that the troubles weren’t over yet...that they were just beginning.

“I’ll just stand out here....” I pushed Brynn towards the door as she asked me again if I was okay. I only nodded once she ducked into the restroom to freshen up. My mind kept coming up with all these wacked out situations...and Javan was in everyone of them. I felt like the world was crushing my soul, for Javan was a huge part of my life..and with every twist and turn this whole predicament took...I found him standing in the spot light..grinning.

“Are you okay?” I heard Kylie’s voice..and I turned around to face her.

“I’m fine..I’ve just got a lot on my mind.” I didn’t really want to involve her in all of this.

“I’ve got all the time in the world..if you need someone to talk to..I’m right here to listen.” She urged me to tell her..but I just couldn’t.

“I’m sure that you’ll know all about this one day....I do have one piece of advice for you though...stay far away from Ashli. Don’t try to talk to her..unless of course she talks to you first..then just be polite. Do not bring up Justin in the conversation..if at all possible. Whatever you do...don’t let her get you down..or drag you into her little game.” I forced Kylie to look at me as I warned her against the evils of Ashli..and Kylie just nodded to each one I said. “One more thing...and this one is a big one..if you all costs avoid Javan.” I wasn’t sure if that last one was necessary, but if my gut was right..then he was gonna be very dangerous.

“I will..I promise.” Kylie placed her hand on my arm...a gesture to prove to me that she would do her best.

“I’m amazed already..and I haven’t actually seen them preform yet...they must be truly remarkable.” Kylie’s smile seemed to light up the dimly lit area.

We were sitting in the VIP box, the last opening act had just left the stage..and now the audience waited anxiously for *Nsync to take the stage.

“You are going to enjoy it more then anything else.” Brynn laughed from her place on the couch next to me.

“I do think its even better then actually kissing one of them.....” Faith’s smile slowly left her face, as she thought about her last statement... “I was wrong..its not quite that good.”

A roar of laughter erupted from our platform..high above the rest of the crowd. “You have a very good point there Faith..its not quite that good.” I nudged her with my foot...only causing the fits of giggles to begin again.

Ashli climbed the few steps up to the coveted box, watching the five of us laugh about something that had been said. “Well ladies, you seem to be enjoying yourselves...did I miss something?”

Not one of us had the nerve to look at we all just slowly shook our heads.

“Oh...I get it...we’re not talking to me now.” She pushed past Lizzy and squished her small body between mine and Brynn’s on the cozy couch. “I’m you have no choice but to talk.”

“Not now Ashli.” Brynn stood up, walking over to stand next to Kylie.

“What does that mean?” Ashli eyes were starting to get that hint of anger that so often appeared there.

“I for one would like to enjoy this concert what Brynn means is...there will be no fighting..and no remarks from you....or I will have Lonnie remove you..and you can sit in the back.” I was once again crossing the lines, but with Ashli I had lost all patience.

“Like you could actually make me leave...I would just love to see you try.” Her anger was now directed at me..but at least it wasn’t anywhere near the other girls.

“Please night..that’s all we ask.” If I had to resort to begging..for this night to be perfect..I could do that.

“I don’t see why I can’t give you one night....” She smiled at me..and I was left speechless.

That had been WAY to easy..and so far out of character for her..that I knew something was up. I let it go though...if she was gonna be civil for one night...then I could keep my mouth shut. Kylie kept up her questioning..but just like I had asked..had kept Justin’s name out of the conversation. She had seen the looks we had all given Ashli..and the looks Ashli had given us..and knew that someone was walking on thin ice.

The lights went off and Ashli plugged her ears as the screaming grew louder. I was focused in on Kylie and her reaction..which just blew me out of the water. It had been so long since I’d seen a smile that big on someone...and she was eating up every minute of it. When Justin’s face flashed across the big screen..Kylie screamed louder then any other person there. She made me smile..and her enthusiasm made me love her even more. Ashli slumped down more into the couch..but I couldn’t sit any longer..I jumped up to join Kylie, Brynn and Faith...the four of us singing and dancing along with the boys. Lizzy sat down next to Ashli...and looking her over...couldn’t help but smile at her defeated stance.

“Kind of sucks when everyone is against you.” Ashli just glared at her..not answering..but standing and walking back towards the stairs.

“Just you wait...” Her fury shining brightly in her she descended down...pushing her way towards back stage.

I watched her go..and I looked over at Lizzy..who still couldn’t stop her smiling. I just shook my head...and turned back towards our boys....I loved this concert..I love those boys..and I loved my friends...and the bond we all shared. Ashli was going down..and if Javan was involved..then by all means..he was gonna go down too. I would not allow all that I loved be dragged down with two people who had huge sticks up their ass’s.....they would NOT ruin this.

Chapter Twelve