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Kylie opened up to us so much over the next few days. I would’ve never expected her to be the bright, shining person that she was under her newspaper and sweet voice, but she really brought a new look on life for us all, in particular, Justin.

After the concert, we had brought Kylie back to the hotel with us and Justin invited her into his room to talk…………at that point Sara and I ducked out and giggled all the way down the hall to Faith and Lizzy’s room, being sure to avoid Ashli’s on the way. I still didn’t know what to make of Javan. I found myself refusing to believe that he would do anything to hurt any of us…….the fearsome four…….but with every day, he only hurt me more. He would go days on end without saying a word to Sara or I, or sometimes would say things in a snappy manner. I didn’t know if maybe he was just homesick, wishing he hadn’t come along, but I kinda relied on Javan to be the sane one in situations and that was exactly the opposite of what he was doing.

“Hey Brynn can I talk to you about Javan again?? I think I might have something new on him.” Lance asked me, touching my arm ever-so-lightly to catch my attention. I turned around with a smile. I loved having these talks with Lance.

“Sure. Ya wanna go to my room? Sara’’s getting some lunch with Chris.” I said as he nodded his head. His determined look in his eyes surprised me a bit but I brushed it off as I led the way down the hall. Once we were in my room, Lance wasted no time in sitting me down.

“Listen Brynn, I know Javan has been one of your best friends all your life, but even you were suspicious of him last time we talked. I think I might have something on him.” Lance said as my eyebrows creased with concern and I began to think I did not want to hear what Lance was about to say.

“Lance I know Javan has been being weird but I’m thinking of talking to him myself and then maybe he’’ll…….” Lance cut me off at that point.

“I saw him with Ashli.”

“What??” I asked, a bit stunned, not sure what Lance was trying to imply.

“I saw him with Ashli, his arm around her waist, nibbling on her ear, the whole bit. I think they’re conspiring or something.” Lance said as I looked at him, my eyes narrowing.

“Listen Lance, I don’t know exactly what your trying to say but if you’re telling me that Javan is turning against us like this, I think your really really wrong.” I said, not knowing what to do. I could feel my anger rising inside me.

“Brynn I’m not trying to say Javan would do anything to ever hurt you, I’m just telling you what I saw. You know what’’s been going on lately as well as I do.” Lance tried to compensate but I was raging. I hated being told this, I felt ridiculous.

The worst part was I deep down knew he could be right. “You know what? I don’t believe you. Whatever.” I stuttered before stomping out of the room in a huff.

“BRYNN!” Lance came after me, grabbing my arm and turning me back toward him.

“Haven’t you said enough??” I asked, my eyes narrowed as I looked deeply into his green eyes. I knew I’d later be regretting my bitchy tone but I was so pissed at the time. How could Lance of all people be trying to tell me my best friend is cheating with my other best friend’s girlfriend? It was like the perfect dilemma to a not-so-perfect drama.

“I’m sorry. I’m not trying to make you mad or distrusting in Javan. I’m just trying to look out for you because I don’t trust him.” Lance said, trying to calm me down. I don’t think he’d ever seen me this mad, and I was frankly surprised at myself for being so defending of Javan when he’d been so rude. But I wanted to talk to Javan more than anything now.

I looked up before looking down again and leaving, Lance watching me as I hurried away. I needed to find someone to spill my anger out to, and who better than Javan.

*Later that day *
“Alright everyone leave they’re luggage right here and we’ll load it. We’re rollin in 5!” Lonnie yelled over everyone as we left our luggage where we were and headed onto the bus. I was still seething about Lance and I hadn’t been able to find Javan. Rather than dump it on anybody else, I decided to hold out for awhile and let things sink in. I took a seat on a couch next to the window and looked outside with a sigh. I watched as Ashli put down her bag and pulled on Justin’s arm to come. Javan took Ashli’s other arm and pulled her toward the bus, in an effort either to help Justin or to help himself.

Justin took his chance to pull Kylie into a tight hug. I watched as Kylie massaged the curls at the nape of Justin’s neck and Justin looked around quickly before giving her a peck on the cheek. “Call me on the way.” Kylie said as Justin nodded. I knew Justin wanted Kylie on tour. Maybe that could be mine and Sara’s job……maybe we could invite her on tour as a friend. Faith and Lizzy both loved her, I didn’t see the problem.

As Justin stepped onto the bus Kylie waved to me from outside and I smiled at her before looking over at who had stepped onto the bus in front of Justin- Lance. I groaned as I thought things over again. I hated being mad at Lance, and I hated what he had said. I need to talk to Javan about this personally.

Chapter Thirteen