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If we thought Javan was acting funny before..he was down right peculiar now. Before this tour, it was hard to find Brynn without Javan..or Javan without Brynn. Now never see the two anywhere near each other. It’s the same way with me and Justin..we never see’s like he’s disappeared. Another strange thing has happened though too...Ashli has vanished..I only see that girl at the concerts..and sometimes on the bus...and she’s hardly hanging on Justin anymore. It makes me worry and fear what it to come more then before...for now we’ve got two people who usually are around...that aren’t around.

I had also been noticing the fact that Brynn wasn’t talking to Lance..not that he wasn’t trying to talk to her though..she just down right ignored him. It was almost impossible to be in the same room as them, for they tried to use the others in the room against each other. Lance would try to talk to Brynn..she would tell who else was around, to tell Lance that she wasn’t speaking to him..then Lance would plead with one of us to talk some sense into was so UGH!!! Our perfect little group wasn’t being so perfect right now. Justin was miserable because Kylie couldn’t be on tour with least while Justin was still technically dating all he did was pout. JC and Lizzy were still on good terms...Faith and Joey still had never fought...and well there is me and Chris...and awwww is all I can say there..but with Brynn and Lance fighting..and Justin being incoherent..we all just seemed to be falling apart.

I was snuggled against Chris’s shoulder, watching the others in the room...Chris was sleeping..Justin was gazing out the window of the bus...Brynn was up front because Lance was back here asleep. Javan and Ashli were on the other bus along with Faith and Joey. Lizzy and JC were taking a nap in one of the bunks...which is why we were all back here. I took a quick glance over at Justin...his posture only proving to me that he was miserable..and it broke my heart. Why did the girl who made his life Hell had to be on this tour, but the girl that brought back his soul, have to be far far so wasn’t fair. I shifted quietly and softly out of Chris’s grasp, and slide over next to Justin.

“Hey J...what ya thinking about?” I ducked my head down, coming up next to his face so he could see me smile at him.

“Kylie.” Was his only reply..I didn’t even get a smile out of him.

“Justin...are you gonna be like this the rest of the tour?”

“Like what?”

“You know what I’m talking about....THIS!” I pointed to him...but his still confused look made me give in. “ are so hard up for her.”

“Do you blame me?” He really wasn’t up for if I wanted answers I was gonna have to push him.

“I’m sure if I were a GUY..then no I wouldn’t blame you.” I nudged him in the side..forcing him to look at me. “ to me..please.”

He looked down at me..a good sign. “Sara...I miss her so much. I can’t look at Ashli without wanting Kylie more..but yet I can’t get up the nerve to dump Ashli. What am I gonna do?”

His eyes pleaded with mine...for some help, some comfort. “ know that if you need to kick the girl..I’d be more then happy.” He smiled..a little bit. “Seriously though...which one makes you happier?”

“Kylie.” His voice was soft, but spoke volumes.

“Justin you know what I’m gonna tell you..because Brynn and I have been telling you this exact thing since we were young..but do what makes you happy. You are singing, dancing and entertaining millions..cuz it makes you happy. Brynn, Javan and I are on tour with you, because we make you happy. Get Kylie if she makes you happy..and loose Ashli cuz we know she doesn’t even make you smile.”

“How do I tell her?” He seemed so lost...and I had no idea on how to help him.

“Be honest with her....”

“What if I can’t be?” He stared back out the window..a small tear sliding down his cheek glistened in the dimming sunlight.

“ matter how much it hurts...being honest with her is the only way you will get out of this with a clear conscience. If you’ll regret it.” I pulled on his hand, holding it over my heart. “I want you to be heart can’t take seeing you broke again.”

His attention came from the window, and focused on his hand.... “I can’t take my heart being broke again either.”

“Then talk to her...please.” I gave him my best puppy dog eyes, and it seemed to work..a little.

“I’ll talk to her.” I let go of his hand, and turned around..but he stopped me. “Don’t leave me...just stay..”

I wrapped my arms around his neck..letting him hold I held him. We needed each others comfort and if only I could get Lance and Brynn talking again.

*Next Day*
“What went to wrong that you now refuse to talk to him.” I had stopped Brynn in the hall of our new hotel..forcing her into a conversation about Lance.

“I really don’t want to talk about this.” She moved to walk past me, but I stuck my arm out, blocking her path.

“You have no choice.” I pushed her through the open door that was on our right...shutting it behind me.

“Sara...he....he...” Hear head went between her hands, her quiet cries became audible.

“He did what?” My anger was beginning to rise, but I took a few deep breaths, forcing my self to remain calm.

“He accused Ashli of cheating on Justin....with..”She feel silent again, and I knew that I was in for a blow. “Javan.” Her voice so quiet I had to lean in closer to understand her.

“Javan? Did I just hear you right.” I took a step back..feeling the pressure in my chest.

She just nodded her head.

“How could he..why would he...when did this happen?” I was full of questions, yet I knew she couldn’t answer any of them.

“I have no idea. Lance just said that he saw the two together.” Brynn slid down to the floor, pulling her knees to her chest. “I haven’t been able to talk to I don’t know the truth.”

“Don’t take this the wrong way...remember he’s my friend too..but how would you know whether or not he was telling you the truth?” I looked down at her, feeling the same pain she was going though.

“I won’t know..but he’s been our friend for years Sara..if I can’t believe him...then who can I believe?” Brynn raised her head, her eyes meeting mine..the pain showing brightly in them.

“We’re in a mess aren’t we?” I slumped down onto the floor next to her, resting my head on her shoulder.

“A big mess. We have to figure out a way to get ourselves out of this...I can’t take this kind of pain anymore.” Her eyes were now closed, but a tear escaped and cascaded down her cheek.

“Talk to Javan..I’ll talk to Lance. I want to her what he told you...then I’ll see where I stand on all this. You get Javan’s side of the story...and we’ll put two and two together. Hopefully we’ll figure out which one is lying..and lets just pray it’s not Javan.” I pushed with my hands on the plush carpet, standing to my feet, reaching down to pull Brynn to hers.

“Sounds good to if I could only find him.” She pulled the door open, walking down the hall towards Javan’s room.

I watched her go...turning in the other direction..heading towards Lance’s closed door. I took in a deep breath before knocking softly.

It took him a few seconds, but the door slowly cracked open, his green eyes peering out at me. “Sara...what can I do for you?” He opened the door wider, allowing me access into the room.

“Can I talk to you...about Javan?” I breezed past him..making myself comfortable on the blue couch.

“Sure..what about him?” He sat across from the large oversized chair.

“Did you really see him and Ashli together?” I wasn’t about to dance around this...I wanted answers..and as fast as possible.

His answer was slow in coming, and I was getting impatient. “I did.”

I sat there...waiting for him to say more, but he just looked at me. “Okay..and...”

“They were holding hands...he was whispering in her ear, then nibbling on it..she was giggling. It had all the signs of a relationship.” He grew silent again, watching me closely.

“Where was Justin?”

“I’m not was a few days ago, at the hotel. I think he might have been with Kylie. Please don’t run out of her like Brynn did..she’s already not talking to me..I don’t think I could handle you not talking to me too.” His eyes begged me to stay.

“I’m not going anywhere...I just wanted to know what you told Brynn. This whole Javan/Ashli/Justin thing is bewildering to all of us, especially Brynn and myself. I just don’t understand why its happening.” I moved over so that I was sitting closer to Lance.

“I wish I could help, but I’ve told you what I know. I think that Javan is up to something though...he’s been more secretive then usual.” Lance’s eyes still never left my body.

“Chris said the same thing..I just have a hard time believing that Javan would turn against us. Look I know that Brynn doesn’t want to talk to you..but you need to talk to her. She’ll break down and tell you everything..but you’ve got to force her.” I stood up, stopping in front of him. “If we don’t get this settled...well I don’t want to know what would happen.” I walked towards the door, but stopped when I heard his voice.

“What are we gonna do about Justin?”

“I’m going to give Kylie a call...she’s got to be here...because as of right now..she’s the only one that can keep him strong.” I paused a few moments.... “It’s hard to have to let go of the guy you’ve loved for so long...but even I can’t make him happy anymore.”

Lance continued to keep his gaze upon me as I moved out the door, slowly shutting it behind me. I leaned my back against it..letting the tears fall. They were long over due...but I just couldn’t take being the strong one anymore. I needed someone to hold me, and I knew exactly where to find him. I pushed away from the wall, moving silently towards the room I shared with my only true love. I needed his soft brown eyes, his strong arms, and his words full of comfort. I just needed him. I stopped at the door..smiling as I pushed it open. There he sat, engrossed in a book, but he looked up as I entered, the playfulness dancing in his eyes.

“Baby, where have you been?” He stood, taking me in his arms, holding me close...becoming worried when I begin to cry against his shoulder. “Sar, sweetie..what’s wrong?”

“Just hold me Chris...please just hold me.” I tightened my arms around his neck, as he lifted me towards the bed.

“Sugar, I’m not ever gonna let you go.” He kissed my forehead, gently stroking my hair as I cried myself to sleep.

Chapter Fourteen