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“I hate doing this to her.” Faith whispered quietly to Kylie and myself as we walked towards the buses, after the loud and exciting concert.

“We all do Faith, but I have a feeling that this is going be the only way to get her to come back to us.” I reached the steps of the expansive bus, turning around to look at my two friends. “I just hope that we don’t end up hurting her more.”

“Now that we’re working on Brynn, what do we do about Justin?” Kylie’s question sounded from behind me, on the pavement below.

Without turning around, I quickly walked up the steps, looking around to make sure no one was with in hearing range. “I’m not sure, but it will have to be something drastic, even more so then what we’re doing to Brynn.”

“Ugh..I knew that one was coming. He’s a stubborn one, are you sure we can get through to him?” Kylie pushed a couple pillows over, making herself a seat on the couch.

“I hope so, I truly hope so.” I sat down next to her, waiting for Lizzy and Brynn to join us, so we could go back to the hotel and sleep. I placed my head back onto the cool glass of the bus, closing my eyes, taking in the quietness that surrounded the three of us. Last night, Lizzy, Faith, Kylie and myself had decided that the best way to make Brynn realize exactly what she was going to loose, was to ignore her...well not completely ignore her, but enough to make her come running when she sees that she’s losing her friendships. Yes it seems drastic, but this is an extreme case, and we needed to go this far. During the ‘Make a Wish’ foundation concert last night, Brynn had started to come around a little bit..that twinkle in her eyes shown through enough to give me some hope. That hope, gave me the strength to push aside my fears and insecurities, to work on getting both of my friends back..and for good. Justin was gonna be hard, but we were starting small, working out way towards the bigger fish. The bus rocked slightly, indicating that passengers were entering the confines of the long bus. Silence followed the two that entered, which proved, that even if it was hard, Lizzy was sticking to our plan. Someone sat next to me, so I opened my eyes, gazing at the short blond hair, bobbing just above her shoulders. Brynn shut the door at the end of the bus, and as we started to pull out of the arena’s parking lot, the four of us joined in on the events of the day.

“She’s not happy about us not talking to her, and let me tell you...I had the hardest time keeping my mouth shut.” Lizzy pushed a piece of hair out of her face. “Her face fell when I just shrugged my shoulders at her, pushing past her on the way out here.”

“Did she show any signs of breaking...opening up even a little bit?” I was jumping ahead of myself, for I knew that it would take longer then one day.

“Nope...none at all.” Lizzy picked at the skin around her fingernails, and I smiled, knowing that it was a habit just like JC’s.

“We have to keep trying. It’s only been one whole day...and we have no idea how long it will take her to finally let her wall down.” I grabbed a pillow, fighting the rocking of the bus, as I pulled the curtain to my bunk open. “Wake me when we get there.”


“Faith!!” I screamed her name, as I raced down the corridor towards her. “I figured out how to help Justin.”

“How?!?” Her face lit up with the mention of having Justin back to his normal self.

I placed my hands on my knees, taking a couple deeps breath, before standing upright, to look at her. “Justin’s passion has always been music, and last night, I was listening to a CD I had just gotten, and this song came on....then it hit me....we’ve got to get through to him with music. He opens up when he feels free, and he feels that way when he’s up on that stage right...why can’t he feel that way without the stage..we’ve just got to find the right song...and I’ve got it. However, there is on minor flaw in this plan.”

Faith listened carefully to each word I said, but when I stopped, her eyes scanned my face for more. “Well....”

“I need Brynn to help me pull this off..without her..I can’t do it” I glanced at the door that led into Brynn’s room....the door blocked us from her...much in the same way her heart had blocked us all out.

“We’ll get Brynn, don’t worry.” Faith patted me on the shoulder, trying her hardest to give me some encouragement. “Let’s go find the others, tell them about your new plan.”

As the two of us moved down the hall, we heard the click of a lock, and the sound of a door knob turning. Stopping briefly, we turned towards the sound, watching as Brynn’s head poked out from behind her door. Faith and I glanced at each other quickly, hoping she wouldn’t talk to us, so we wouldn’t have to ignore her, but she decided to make things difficult on us.

“Umm..hi..” She seemed so unsure, like she didn’t know how to act around us anymore.

“We can’t talk right now, we’re busy.” Faith pulled on my arm, as I tasted the bitterness of my words.

“Sara, wait.” Brynn closed the door behind her, walking quickly to catch up with us. “Can I come?”

I hated myself for doing this to her, but I knew it was for her own good. “’s sort of a private thing.”

“Oh.” Was her only response, stopping to watch us walk away from her. Tears begin to roll down her cheeks. She knew she had hurt all her friends, but she had not known that it was to this extent. She couldn’t go on living the way she had been, holed up in her hotel room, shutting the door on the lives around her, making herself scarce whenever someone would come near. She wanted her friends back, but as things were going..they didn’t seem to want her back.

I shot a look in Brynn’s direction, noticing her stance, and the way she stood still. She was crying, and I knew it..she always got like that when tears took over her body. I stopped in my tracks, causing Faith to take notice, and turn around to see what had caught my attention. We both didn’t know what to do...we had no idea that our plan would make her cry...would hurt her in more ways then we knew. I wanted so bad to go to her...hug her and tell her that I would always be there..but Faith stopped me.

“Sara..we can’t. As much as it hurts me...I can’t let you.” Faith pulled on me again, knocking softly on Lizzy’s door. “Don’t look at her....please Sara..don’t do this to yourself.”

I tore my eyes away from Brynn’s broken appearance, if only I had known that what we were doing was actually causing her to get a grasp of what was really going on around her. If I had know any of that...keeping this plan in action would have been easier.

*One Week Later*
The music pounded through the thin walls of the dance studio, creating a world all of its own. I sat down outside the large glass window, watching as she pushed her body harder, working out all the frustrations and energy she had bottled up inside herself. In the last week, Brynn had shown some signs of breaking..her wall crumbling around her. We had started talking to her a little more, but nothing like we normally would have. We didn’t help her in any way...never going to her...always pushing her to come to us. She had some of her spunk back, dancing like I hadn’t seen in weeks now...the spark dancing in her eyes. If only Justin were this easy to get job as a friend would be so much easier. The music begin to fade, and Brynn begin to slow...ending her routine in a frozen pose. I wanted to jump up and cheer, screaming like I always had before. I just watched....noticing little things that proved to me that my Brynn was showing her true colors...was becoming more like the girl I had grown up with. A smile crept onto my lips...things were beginning to turn had been a long struggle, and granted it wasn’t over yet..but it was an uphill climb with Brynn from now on. Chris walked up, watching me carefully as I focused in on Brynn..the smile on my face, bringing one to his own. I had been getting better, since everyone had joined sleeping was becoming more restless nights. I was eating again..and showing plenty of love towards Chris. He sat down next to me..wrapping his arms around my shoulders...kissing me lightly on the cheek.

“Hey baby. What ya up to?” He nuzzled his nose into my neck, causing me to squirm.

“Stop that...” I laughed, as he blew his warm breath into my ear. “I’m watching Brynn...she’s still a very troubled person..but look at her Chris...I haven’t seen that much energy out of her in so long. Things are beginning to work now....they are...”

“Have you talked to her yet?” Chris pulled my head down, to rest on his shoulder, kissing me lightly as I encircled my arms around him.

“I want to...really bad..but I’m afraid of running her off again.” I closed my eyes, letting him just warm me all over.

“Sara, you weren’t the one that scared her off in the first place...and right now..when she’s needing friends the the best time to talk to her. She’s opening up...and that leaves room for you to jump in.” He turned to look at Brynn... “That girl is so much like Justin..its scary.”

“They have always been a lot a like.” The music started again....sending Brynn into another I she made up...taught to both Justin and myself. That routine...that was it.... “Do you remember that plan I had for Justin..the one that involved the music..and dancing?”

Chris looked at me, only nodding his head. I pointed towards Brynn...every kick, every step..everything perfect.

“Chris...that’s it....with the song I have in mind..and that has to work...we all know that will bring us all back and dance....” I jumped up, running into the room where Brynn had been for hours now. I burst through it, knowing that I would probably screw up a long week of hard work, but I needed her...and this just couldn’t wait any longer.

Brynn’s eyes caught mine through the mirror...turning around slowly to face me. “Hi.” A smile begin to creep onto her face, but she spun around to turn the music it never grew into a full smile.

“Brynn....” I didn’t get any further..for she ran towards me, flinging her arms around my neck..holding onto me for dear life.

“Sara..I never want to be that alone again....I don’t want to be without you anymore....” She begin to cry...tears cascading down my own cheeks.

“Brynn..I’ve been here all along....” Her arms tightened around me...the two of us crying for everything that had happened in the last few weeks....tears of joy, sadness, tears of frustration, tears of nervousness, tears of fear....we cried it all..just the two of us..alone in that room.

She finally pulled away from me, wiping her eyes..smiling up at me for the first time in so long. “I’m ready to let go of it all..I’m ready to move on..and I can’t do that without you.”

“I’m so glad to finally hear you say that.” I hugged her once again...the two of us sitting on the floor, talking...opening up our hearts..our minds..and connecting our souls as friends once again. I told her all about our plan to ignore help her realize that she was slowly pushing us all away. I discussed the plan we had for Justin..and her smile grew even bigger as she thought of the three of us dancing together again. She told me all she had been feeling since Javan had abused her...about seeing him at the club...about feeling so lost and so closing herself off, had brought nothing but loneliness..and how bad she felt for putting so much pressure on me. We talked for so long...not wanting to leave, for the two of us healed right along with the other, but finally we gathered up her things, walking back towards elevators.

The doors opened on our floor, and the two of us were greeted by many smiling faces. JC was the first one through, gathering each of us in his arms, squeezing us till we couldn’t breath, but the smiles never fading....for our group was almost a whole. Faith and Lizzy squealed as the raced towards us...Kylie joining in on the group hug. Chris and Joey gave us each big hugs..and Lance who seemed to be the happiest about Brynn finally being back..walked towards us, open arms...but I didn’t step towards him.....Brynn found herself enveloped with comfort, warmth, and strong love.

“Lance...I’m so sorry.” She whispered in his ear, holding onto him...for she had grown to trust him...for she knew that he would never bring any pain.

“I’m just glad to have you back.” He went to kiss her cheek, but at that time she turned to look at him....their lips connecting for a brief second, before Lance’s head tilted back towards her...his lips pressed against he held onto her...never wanting to let go.

I glanced down the hall, catching a small glimpse of his curly hair, fading behind the corner. He had been doubt....and the pain I’m sure he was feeling was a lot. I wanted to go to him..but right now was Brynn’s time..and Justin’s would soon come....with a little time..and a lot of help from everyone else...his time would come.
