Chapter Three

"No!" "Please dad!" "Don't do this to me!" I scream. I started crying "Mandy, Mandy!" dad started shaking me and screaming "Mandy, Mandy!" I wake up my head damp with sweat. Justin was there. I was still crying in Justin's arms. "Don't ever hurt me Justin." "Don't ever leave me," I cried as he hushed me. " I won't" he promised "I won't"

When I finally calmed down Justin asked, "what was that all about?" "Nothing" I say. "All I need is a friend to keep me warm…like you" I said.

"What was the dream about?" Justin asked curiously. :: Knock knock:: "who is it?" I ask. "JC" "Come in" I said. "I heard screaming is everything ok?" he asked concerned. "Yeah I just had a bad dream, sorry to wake you." I said, "Where is Jaci?" I asked. I took her home we are gonna just be friends. 'Oh' I say. "I am sorry." "What about Shawna?" "She stayed" "and Audrey?" "Her too." "Cool" I smile. "So what did you guys do last night?" JC asked. "Nothing" Justin said before I could answer. Puzzled I just smile. "Well, hey I am gonna make any breakfast want some?" JC asked. "Um…got any apple cinnamon cheerios...or any kind of cereal?" Justin grinned "of course, duh, that is my favorite food." Justin laughed. JC just smiled hit my leg and said C'mon then!" Justin just glared.

When we went downstairs, I grabbed a bowl. There were applejacks. uot; she asked "No" I laugh. "I think we are gonna go out again. I said. "Ok go ahead." Mom says as the smell of alcohol rises off her. My eyes start to water and I run upstairs, Justin is sitting on my bed. I start crying. "What's wrong?" Justin asks. "Ever since dad did this to us mom has drank and when she drinks she is mean. All the time." I explain.

"Justin I hope you stay by my side for a long time." Justin rocked me. "Sometimes I wonder if life would've been better if I lived with dad but then I realize that I am happy where I am and god put me here for a reason. "Well god is always on your side." Justin said. "Justin?" "Yeah?" "What am I gonna do when you leave?" I rambled on "Be alone again?" "I am only 15 years old!" "Mom ain't gonna let me leave." "I know' he said. "I've thought about this for a while." He said. "Are we gonna break-up?" "Are you gonna find another girl while your on the road?" I asked. "HELL NO!" he answered. Justin calls Lance him and Audrey are still in bed. Justin talks to lance about what they gonna do. Lance laughed at Justin. He told him that they are done with touring after this one! "Really?" "That's great!" "Thanks bud bye!" Justin said. Justin hung up the phone and starts laughing. He kissed me and explained how he was done after this last concert. It was just what I needed. That's when I heard 'THUD'. I ran down the steps. "MOM!!" "Oh, god, JUSTIN!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Mom collapsed on the floor. I felt for a pulse. "Oh, god she is not breathing!" "MOM!" "PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!" Justin called 911. The ambulance was there in minutes.

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