Chapter Four

We waited in the hospital for hours. I was crying in Justin's arms the whole time. I was crying: "I told her to stop drinking!" "I begged and begged!" "God if she only would have listened!" Justin was trying to hush me.

The doctor came out. "Amanda…Amanda Franks?" I stand up. "Yes that is me, is she gonna be ok?" The doctor shook his head…"Her liver failed…she is gonna need a transplant. We put her on the emergency list but until then she is very weak there is still a lot of chemicals in her." I started to cry again. "Is…is it because of her drinking?" I asked. "Well," The doctor said..."when she punctured her liver that was bad and her drinking…well…yes that is what did it." "She put to much on it and if she gets her liver she will need counseling." The doctor said. "Yeah right" I mumbled underneath my breath. "But maybe she will realize she's been giving a second chance." Justin said to me. "Right now we are pumping the alcohol out of her body." "Okay" I said. "Can we go in and see her?" The doctor looked at me "you can…family only." I look at Justin…"go ahead babe, I wanna call the guys anyway." "Are you sure?" I asked. "Of course!" he said with a smile. He kissed me. I went in. She had all these machines hooked up to her. She looked terrible. I held her hand it felt like ice. I started to cry. "Mom please don't leave me…I cried…Please." "I promise to get you help and I will be a better kid." "I will treat you better." I cried. I need you and god and Justin." "You guys are all I have…please mom"…my voice squeaked. I cried. I felt a very faint squeeze in my hand. "Your gonna be ok mom" I cried. "Your gonna be ok." I prayed.

"Oh My gosh Mandy…Are you ok?" Audrey came running in with Lance behind her. She gave me a big hug. Lance gave me a kiss on my cheek. Then came Shawna she hugged and kissed me and so did Joey. Then came JC with roses "for you mom" he says and pulls out of single rose for me. I smile and smell the rose and thank him softly. Then Justin "how she doing?" he asked with concern. I shrugged…"ok I guess". "Oh well ok is better than terrible isn't it?" I smiled slightly and nodded. "Well I got us reservations for a fancy smancy restraunt. " Umm…I even bought u a dress." He smiled. "Ok" I say. "I will leave my cell phone number here and if anything changes they will let us know." He said. But as he said that I realized something…"umm everyone where is Chris and Heather?" Dumfounded everyone shrugged and went looking. Except Justin and I. we got in his car, inside there sat a gorgeous pink and soft ivory dress with white velvet shoes. The sizes were perfect I blushed "how did…He stopped me from finishing my sentence. "Before…the accident…your mom told me." He said stuttering. "Oh" I said. "Could you smell the beer?" he nodded "yes I just didn't want to say anything." I closed my eyes and rocked back and forth trying to push the memories out of my dizzy head.

"Can this be true tell me can this be real" He sang I opened my eyes. He kept singing with his heart and I thought (god has given me something so special, but why? I am so terrible and mean) I looked at him. "God must have spent a lil more time on you." I smile at him and sat there quietly. "What are you thinking?" he asked. "You" I say. "Oh tell me" he grins. "God sent you to me." He smiles. "No, God sent you to me." He said correcting me. We pull into the drive he lets me in.

I took the Beautiful dress upstairs and tried it on. I started crying at how pretty I looked. I tried the shoes on they were a lil snug but I could deal. I pulled a lil bit of my hair back and curled the rest. I smiled to myself. There was a knock at the door. "Come in" I said. It was JC. "Oh Hi" I smile. JC looks at me "you look stunning" He said. "Thanks, Justin bought it for me, I spin letting him see the whole dress. "Well I wanted to tell you I am sorry about your mom." He said. "Its ok I said god wants it this way." "Well if ya ever need a friend," he said. I nodded. "Thanks JC." I give him a hug. Justin walks in. "wow!" he says. I smile. He wrapped his arm around my hip and pulled me to him. He whispers "whose girl are you?" "Yours" I giggle. "Good answer I love ya" He winks " I love ya more I say with a sigh.

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