Chapter Five

We get into Justin's car and we were off. "I hope my mom is ok." I say. "She will be" Justin said. "You sound so sure." I say confused. He just smiled and said, "I promise." In that moment, the cell phone rings. "Hello?" Justin answers. "Yeah she's right here hang on…he hands me the phone. "Hello?"…Its Audrey…Hey what's up how's my mom?" I ask. "No way…Oh my gosh…Cool…thanks girl…Love ya too…Bye."

"What?" Justin says with excitement. "They got a liver for my mom, she's going into surgery tomorrow at 3:00. "Awesome!" Justin cheers.

We got to the restraunt; "wow this is fancy." I said. "Yeah" Justin sighs. "Umm…wanna go get some burgers?" I ask. "Yeah!" Justin says as a mile comes over his face. We run back to the car laughing the whole way. We head toward sonic. We get our order to go and head back toward the club. Once we get there we take the food up to his room and get into our jammies. I was wearing my cat pajamas and he was wearing boxers. He gave me my French fries and chicken sandwich. I pulled out the ranch dressing to dip my fries in. "Eww" he gives me the disgusted look. "Hey, don't knock it till ya try it." I laugh and fed him one smearing some ranch on his face. "Whoops." I laugh wiping it off with my thumb and he licks the dressing off. "Mmm…yummy." I put a French fry in my mouth. "Wanna bite of my sandwich. I ask. "Sure" he said. I take a bite of my sandwich and hand it to him. He pushed it away and kisses me taking the sandwich out of my mouth with his tongue. "Justin!" I slap him jokingly. "Mmmm…yummy" he laughs.

After dinner, we just laid there. Then he started tickling me. "NO!" I laugh "No Justin No!" I hit him with the pillow. He hit me back with his. I climbed on him and hit him again. He smiles a look down at where I am. "Whoa!" I laugh. I lay down next to him. He yawns. "You got a big day tomorrow." I tell him. "I know," but at least you will be there. "Always I whisper as he falls asleep. I kiss his head. "I love you baby." I whisper as I fall asleep.

When I woke up, I looked over at Justin. He seems to be staring at me. "What?" I smile. "Good morning beautiful." He said to me. "Good morning handsome." I answer back. "Sleep well?" I ask. "I could sleep forever knowing you are by my side. He stood up. "Where are you going?" I ask suddenly. "To the bathroom." He smiled. "Ohhh" I blush. "I can't wait till this day is over. He says from in the bathroom. "I will get to have some time with you." He says as you hear the toilet flush. I look at the clock. Its only 5:00am. "What is today?" I ask. "Monday." He answers. "Oh no!" "I've got school." I say. "I have no clothes!" I giggle. "Well" Justin says. "You will have to wear my clothes." He pulls out an outfit its all BabyBlue. "Here…go try these on." He says. I went into the bathroom and put them on. I smelled the clothes they smelled of Justin. I come out. "Am I a 10 or what?" I laugh. "Oh yes" he laughs. He gets dressed and we head to school. "Are you hungry?" He asks. "No I am fine." I say as we pull into the parking lot. "Bye honey" I will be here at 2:30. He says. "Ok." I kiss him. "Love you." I smile and get out and walk inside.

As I walk into the school like 10 girls walked up to me. "Is it true?" they ask. "What?" I ask with a smile. "Are you dating Justin Timberlake?" they said. I smile "yeah he's so sweet." I laugh. "No way!" these girls scream. Yep, and Shawna is dating Joey. I say. "You guys are so lucky." One girl says. "No not really they are just five normal sweet guys." I say. "Yeah and the hottest." Another girl says. I just shrug.

First period was boring! Second and third was ok. Fourth period I was just sitting there daydreaming of Justin. There was a knock at the door. Mr. Gough answered the door. She was handed a dozen long stem BabyBlue roses and some chocolates. He was surprised and handed them to me. Everyone grew quiet as I read the card. It said…'To my baby, Love you lots cause god must have spent a lil more time on you! Love, Justin'. I smiled to myself. Most of the girls freaked out. The rest of the day went fast and finally the day was over. "Yes!" I say aloud and run for the front entrance. I walk outside into the warm air; they're sat a stretch limo. There were bodyguards everywhere. I walk to the limo and a guard pulls my arm. "Oww!" I yell. "Sorry ma'am this limo is waiting for Mandy." He said. "Umm that's me I say rubbing my arm from where he grabbed me. "Oh, I am sorry he says and opens the door. "Hey honey where ya been?" Justin says as get in.

"You just had to bring the limo didn't you? I laugh. "Oh yeah I like the attention." He says. "I can show you attention." I say getting close to him and squeeze his leg. "Ok." He smiles. I kiss him, reach over, and grab a chocolate that he had sent to me. I take a bite. I close my eyes as I taste the chocolate on my lips and hand him the box. He takes a piece. "Yumm…strawberry." "Can I have a taste?" I ask. He stuffs the rest in his mouth and says "sure." He smiles. I move in and kiss him tasting the sweet chocolate on his lips. I put my tongue in his mouth and eat the candy.

All of a sudden, the door opens. Its Shawna "hey guys" She hops in. I back away wiping the chocolate off my face chewing the strawberry. Justin had a grin on his face. "Hey Shawna" I say smiling. "Whatcha doing?" Shawna asked. "Nothing" I laugh and blush." "Where's Joey?" she asked puzzled. The chauffeur window goes down and there was Joey in a goofy hat. "Where to miss?" he said in an English accent. Shawna starts laughing. I look at Justin. Joey looks at me and laughs "Them chocolate covered strawberries sure are good!" I felt my face go red. "Oh great" Justin laughs. "Oh my gosh you were listening the whole time?!" I said. Joey smiles. "Did I miss something?" Shawna asks. Joey climbed in the back "Nope you didn't miss anything." He says as he kisses her.

"Well girls we are gonna drop you off at the hospital and we will see you tonight at the concert." (Audrey went to a different school Lance went to get her) We kissed our men good-bye and left.

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