Chapter Six

We got in the hospital, there Audrey greeted us and they took us to a waiting room. A doctor greeted us. "Hello ladies, your mother went in five minutes ago, she is doing great." He exclaimed. I was so happy I started to cry. "Do you know when she will come out?" Audrey asked. "In about an hour or two." He smiled. "Ok" I say with a sigh and sit down. They plop down beside me. "So girls tell me all about your men." I say with a smile

"Well, Audrey starts…Lance is officially the sweetest guy in the world!" "After you and Justin left mad at Brittany we danced two more songs. Then came back to the private club once we got there JC took Jaci home and Joey and Shawna went upstairs. Lance and I went to the couch. There we looked into each others eyes and I told Lance about how much I have loved him and then we started making out." "NO WAY?!" I smile "Go Audrey" She blushed. "After about fifteen minutes of that we went upstairs and talked for hours in each others arms. Then we finally fell asleep. Next thing I remember you call." She sighed

"Ok Shawna your turn" "Well after you guys left Joey kept tickling and flirting with me. We danced and goofed around then went back to the club and went upstairs to his bedroom." (This had Audrey and my attention) We laid on the bed making out he wanted to go further but the first time I said stop we stopped and laughed finally we fell asleep.

"So Mandy what about you?" They ask. I smile. Then the doctor came out; it had already been two hours…I stood. "The liver transplant was a success!" the doctor said with a glow in his eyes "you mother is gonna be just fine." "HURRAY!!" We all jumped for joy. I walk toward the pay phone. Audrey grabbed my arm "you not getting off that easy." She said "You're gonna tell us everything." Shawna said with a smirk.

I dial the phone; Justin picks up out of breath. "Hello?" he says. " Hi" I say smiling at the sound of his voice. "Hey baby whassup?" he says. "Mom is gonna be just fine!" I say. "See, I told you!" he answers back. "Well hey I gotta get off here and get back to sound check. "See you tonite?" "Of course front row" I smile. "Ok love ya baby bye" he hangs up.

I hang up the phone and turn around with a big smile. Audrey and Shawna are there and the smile turns into a laugh. "Tell us!" the both demanded. I walk past them to the doctor "can I see her?" I ask. "Sure right this way." I follow him into a dark room. He flips on the light and I see my mom laying there sleeping.

She looked better she had color to her face and less machines hooked up to her. "Hi mom, how are you?" I ask. "Ok" she smiles slightly. "Been with Justin?" she asks. "Oh yeah!" I laugh. "I am glad you are happy Mandy." She said to me. "Ever since your dad…well…you know…you have been so upset and since Justin…Nsync…has come around I truly know you are happy." She smiles grabbing my hand. Tears were in my eyes. "I am happy you are ok." I choke out. "I would have died without you." I smile. "They said I can come home in a couple of days." She said. "What time is it?" she asks me. "5:30" I answer. "Oh wow, you better get going to that concert," she says. Are ya sure?" I ask. "Yes have a good time." she says and tell Justin I said thank you for taking care of my baby." "Oh mom" I say as I kiss her cheek and tell her I love her.

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