Chapter Seven

Shawna's mom picked us up (cause we not knowing how to drive). She took 
us back to Shawna's house. Once we got inside Audrey and Shawna dragged me up 
stairs to her room and sat me on the bed. "Talk!" they said. I fell back on 
the bed. They lay next to me.

    "He is so great!" "I love Him so much!" I rambled on. I told them 
everything that happened to me that night my first kiss, the beach, and the 
fancy restraunt we ditched.  "You are so lucky, he likes you a lot!" Shawna 
said. "No" Audrey corrected "he loves you a lot." I just smile and say; "well 
whatever it is it feels great." We sat there with silence for five minutes. 
"Well girls we better get to that concert." I say. We change and walk outside 
there sat a stretch limo waiting for us. "No way!" Audrey says as her mouth 
drops.  "These guys are such gentlemen."

    We got in the limo and goofed around Shawna hung from the sunroof.  On 
our way, we see Chris and Heather running in that direction. I stop the 
driver. "Wanna lift?" I say with a laugh. He smiles " yeah thanks"  "where 
have you guys been?" "Around." they answer.   

Once we get there, we all are escorted to the back. Justin, Lance, Joey, and 
JC greet us. "Chris!" "Where have you been?!" JC screams. "Around" we answer 
for him.  Justin gave me a hug and whispers I missed you" "Four hours away 
from you and I go crazy." I laugh and say "well what are you gonna do when 
you go back on tour?" He shrugs and told me not to worry about it. Chris 
clears his throat…we all shut up. One, two…and

    I lie awake I drive myself crazy drive myself crazy thinking of youu made 
a mistake when I let you go baby I drive myself crazy wanting you the way 
that I doo.

We all clap with excitement.  "You guys are gonna do so good tonite." I say.  
"Do you guys wanna say a prayer with us?" JC asked. We nodded. We all held 
hands and JC spoke…"dear god, please watch over us tonight and keep us safe 
as we go out there and watch over Mandy's mom.  Thank you for everything you 
sent us lord especially these girls, we are so blessed (JC squeezed my hand) 
in your name Amen.

"AMEN!" we all shout. I let go of jc's hand and put my arms around Justin, 
kiss his nose, and wish him good luck for tonight.

    We go stand in our front row seats. Girls were everywhere screaming their 
names, but Shawna, Audrey, Heather and I all knew that they were taken by us. 
Nsync came out on stage…"oh Justin is such a hottie." I hear one girl say.  
Some girl screams. I just laugh and say "of course"  "do you know him?" she 
asked. "Umm…yeah she is only his girlfriend." Audrey answers. The girl just 
stared. "You?" she stuttered  "but he can so much better than…you." She said. 
 "Ugh!" I cry. "Hey!" "What are you saying?" Shawna said furiously. The girl 
got an attitude and said, "She is a fat ugly Bitch!" Shawna was pissed and 
started to go after the girl. Heather pulled her back and said "Whatever!" 
"If she's so ugly why does she have Justin and you don't?"  (That hurt) I say 
to myself, but I was not gonna let it show I just gave the girl a nasty look 
and tried to enjoy the night. Then all of a sudden I felt someone grab my 
body and kiss my cheek. I grabbed my cheek and look at to whom could have 
done it. Then I realized it was JC!

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