Chapter Eight

Once I realized who it was he was already on stage.  I glared at him with 
anger.  Shawna, Audrey and Heather's mouths were on the ground and in shock. 
"Omg! What a jerk!" I thought.  I watched Justin's reaction. Justin glared 
with anger in his voice, I was so afraid he was gonna punch him in the face.  
After they sang for the girl…They went backstage.  I snuck past the security 
guards and looked for Justin I went into his dressing room he had his pants 
off (boxers on). "HEY!" he yelled when I first came in but then he realized 
it was me.  "Why?" He asked.  "I dunno, I shoulda told you when he hit on 
me." I said sadly.  "WHAT?!" "HE HIT ON YOU?!" Justin yelled. "I swear I am 
gonna really get him." He put his pants on. I walked up to him and smiled 
making the anger disappear off his face. I pushed him to the ground and 
climbed up. He smiled. I bent all the way down and kissed him deeply. "I love 
you so much…you are my angel." I said again. He smiled and slowly licked his 
lips. "Your wearing gloss?" he asked. I nodded. I touch the side of his face 
with the back of my hand. "Be ready for tonite!" I say smiling softly.

    I walked back to where I was sitting smiling.  They came out dressed in 
60's clothes. "I love him so much…I think I am ready," I said.  Shawna's eyes 
got big "are you serious?" She said looking at Justin while he stared at me 
smiling. I started swaying my hips to the music. Audrey heard and gave me her 
opinion "Mandy, I want you to think about this before you regret it you've 
only known him a couple days." I stopped swaying and looked at Audrey, "don't 
worry I will." The concert was a big success. I loved every minute of it. All 
of us went home to wait for the guys to return.  About half an hour later, 
the guys came home.  "Justin, it was just a joke!" JC said. "I don't care JC, 
you hit on her too!" Justin said.  "What…JC said…how do you know that?"  
"She is my girlfriend!" "She doesn't exactly hide things from me!" He yelled. 
"She can't keep ANYTHING, a secret!" JC yelled.  Justin ran up the stairs. 
Tears were in my eyes the whole time. JC looked at me and his eyes softened. 
"Oh honey I am so sorry!" he said walking over to give me a hug. "Don't touch 
me!" I yelled and ran upstairs.  I walked into Justin's room and laid on the 
pillow crying. The pillow smelled of Justin. He came in with his boxers on. 
"Are you ok?" he asked. I nodded. "Want some company?"  In do again. He laid 
down next to me and wiped the tears from my eyes. "Are you angry with me?" I 
asked. "No, of course not" he smiled. " I love you" I squeezed his leg. "I am 
so tired…He says… me too…Justin closed his eyes and that's when I knew he 
did love me and didn't want me for anything else.

When I woke up Justin had his arm around me. I shivered. Then he put his legs 
around me making sure I was warm. I put an arm around him. I felt his lips 
against my lips. He ran his fingers down my neck and I knew that I wasn't 
ready.  "Justin… I can't…not tonite."  "Not until I am married…me neither he 
answered.  "Just promise me one thing." He said "yeah?" I said.  "I will be 
the one." He said. I smiled "of course and drifted to sleep again.

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