Chapter Nine

I woke up to the sound of Justin coughing.  :: cough cough:: I look over as 
he sneezed. "Aww" I say in my head. I got up and went downstairs. I was noon. 
I grabbed some cold medicine, milk, and made some soup. As I walked up the 
stairs, I heard Justin scream my name.  I hurried in trying not to spill 
anything. "What?" What's wrong?" I said. "I didn't know where you went!" I 
smiled. "You were coughing and sneezing so I brought you some soup and 

    He coughed…"Thanks." "Where is everyone?" he asked. I shrug. All of a 
sudden, we heard a 'THUMP'. "What was that?" I said looking out the door. I 
ran out of the room and walked down the cold floor looking in each room. I 
walk into JC's room. JC was lying on the floor. He fell out of bed he looked 
up at me. I tried to keep a straight face but I smiled.  I turn to leave 
"wait…please." He pleaded. I stop and look at him. "I am so sorry for the way 
I have been acting…and yesterday...I just. I Just stood there…"okay?" he 
asked.  "Yeah" I shrug slightly and then smile…"Come here." I smile and gave 
him a hug.

    :: Cough Cough:: "I wanna kiss you but I'm sick." I put My hand over his 
mouth and kissed the back of my hand. He smiled. "I need to go see my mom." I 
told him.  "Is it ok if JC gives me a ride?"  I ask. He hesitated but he 
finally said yes. I smile "thanks!" and kiss his cheek.

    I walked into JC's room. He was playing his piano.  He was playing "for 
the girl" I started singing. *You drive a prettat hour you were gone I was 
buuussssy!" Justin laughed.  JC Gasped "Your cheating?!" "On Mandy?!" "Well, 
I gotta tell her!" JC turned to leave.  "Oh no your not!" Justin said...and 
who said I was cheating?!" JC glared and one word came out of his mouth "Jerk!"

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