Chapter Ten

"I love you baby" Justin said as I got out of the car. "Love ya too!" I 
smile.  School was so boring.  I thought I was gonna die. The only good thing 
about school was friends. My good friend at this school was Tim. He is a good 
friend to me.  I can always count on him to make me laugh. Then there was 
Chris, he is my cousin, but I consider him an older brother.  The school bell 
rang, school was finally over. I went outside expecting to see Justin's car 
or the limo but nether one was there (Hmmm) maybe he is just running late.
* An hour pasts *

I call the house JC answers  "where's Justin?" I ask. JC was quiet. "Mandy 
you better come here…to this house…I got some bad news." In addition, he 
hung up that was it.  I sat down on the curb and put my head in my knees. 
Then I felt someone touch my back. I look up…its Tim. "What's wrong?" he 
asks. I explained what happened. He gave me a hug. "Do u need a ride?" he 
asks. I smile slightly.  "Thanks that would be great." 

    As we pull into the drive, JC comes running out "you can't go in!" JC 
said. Tim getting out in anger. "Why?" However, what they didn't realize is I 
snuck past JC and was already in the door, but what I saw was probably the 
most horrifying thing in my life.

    "NO!" I fell down on my knees and start to cry in my hands. What I saw 
was Justin on the couch making out with Brittany. Tim heard me scream and 
came running in he pulled Justin off the couch and punched him in the mouth 
knocking him to the ground. I ran out of the house I had to get out. I got in 
Tim's car and beeped for him. Tim came running out and we pulled out.  "Where 
are we going?" Tim asked. " To the hospital…I think I'm… MANDY! He yelled…I 
think I am…Stay awake! He screamed. Then I blacked out.

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