Chapter Eleven

When I woke up, I saw Chris and Tim. "Are you ok?" Chris asked. "Yeah a 
lil dizzy." I answered. "You scared me girl!" Tim said putting a wet wash 
cloth on my head. "Sorry" I shrug.  JC walked in.

    "What's wrong with me?" I asked looking around.  "You had a panic 
attack." Chris explained. "They wanna keep you over night." He said. "You 
ok?" JC spoke.  "Yes." I sigh. The nurse knocked at the door carrying a vas 
full of roses. The card said 'Sorry baby, Love Justin' I started to breathe 
heavy with anger and Threw the vase on the floor. Three nurses came running 
in. I smile my convincing smile "Sorry it fell" I said.  As they cleaned it 
up Tim said, "well hey I better get going!" He gave me a hug and so did 
Chris." "Bye guys" They left me with JC.

    "Are you mad at me?" JC asked. I started crying. "Why, what did I do 
wrong?" I cried thinking about what I had saw all over again.  "I must have 
been to ugly for him." I cried more.  "Calm down!" JC said. I put my head 
underneath the pillow. Justin walked in.  I felt someone touch my back. I 
looked up at him. The anger and pain rose inside of me again…"Get out!" I 
yelled in a hoarse voice.  "But…He said.  "Get out!" I said raising my voice. 
 "Dude…Just leave her alone…you are the one who put her here." JC stood up 
and walked Justin out.  Brittany walked in. "I told you!" she said.  "All he 
wanted was a lil something and now he's mine he loves me not you!" The nurse 
walked in. "Please get her out of here!" The nurse grabbed Brittany and 
pulled her out. JC walked back in.

    "Thanks" I said. "Can I have a hug?" I asked. JC froze he came over and 
hugged me. He smelled like Tommy Hilfigure. I breathed deep "wow that stuff 
smells good." He looked at me "Can I kiss you?" "Wha?"  But before I could 
answer, he kissed my lips. I mean really kissed me. I pushed him away.
Then he said "I've wanted to do that since the first day I saw you in the 
limo." I smile slightly.

    Just then, Justin walked in. I noticed the fat lip he had from Tim. Jc 
was sitting on my bed. I looked into Justin's deep blue eyes and started to 
get flashbacks. I started crying and JC flipped. "LEAVE!" I knew I was gonna 
black out again…then my eyes rolled in the back of my head. I blacked out 

    When I woke up this time, I found Audrey and Shawna sitting next to me. 
"Hi Guys." I say with a smile.  "You ok?" Shawna asks, "I heard what Justin 
did. I shrugged.   "Well after you blacked out again this is what 
happened…according to JC…a tear fell down Justin's cheek and he said "I'm 
killing her…. Then JC said…Yes you are on the inside and out."

    Then Audrey spoke…"He said to me that Brittany came in his room and he 
told her to leave she said that she just wanted to take his temperature and 
one thing led to another."  JC walked in "That a BIG lie…he was bragging to 
me about it." "You guys its over!" I yelled trying to get them to shut up.  I 
started to cry again.  Audrey handed me a glass of water not wanting me to 
black out again.  

    Shawna said "If I ever see Brittany again she's gonna be on the ground." 
"Yeah!" Audrey said pounding her fist into her palm.  There was a knock at 
the door. It was Joey, Lance, Chris, and Heather.  "Hey guys!" I say as a 
smile comes over my face. "Hey girlie!" Heather said.  The nurse came in. 
"You can leave today, we think you will be ok." I smile "YEA!" I get up "Lets 
go!" Audrey laughed "You might wanna change first." I looked down at the 
gown. "Oh yeah!" I walk into the bathroom and look into the mirror. My face 
was pale and my hair a mess. "Yuck!" I say in my head.  I got changed, washed 
my face, and brushed my hair. I looked into the mirror again noticed I had 
some color. I walked out...let's go see my mom first!"

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