Chapter Twelve

We walked into my mom's room. Justin was there; my mom saw me and smiled. 
"What is he doing here?" I asked.  "Visiting" she answered. "Mom, he cheated 
on me!" I explained. "What?" she said confused.  Justin said. "Well Cindie I 
better go." He left. I told mom everything. She didn't even know I was in the 
hospital. "All he could talk about was how much he loved you and how he 
planned to spend forever with you.' She said confused. "What?" I said even 
more confused. "Mom! He's a jerk!" "He was with Brittany!" "I told you about 
her Mandy." She said.

    All of a sudden the phone rang…."Hello…Oh hi…oh yeah she is here hang 
on…she handed me the phone. "Hello?" It was Justin trying to say he was sorry 
I hung up the phone. "Wrong number!" I stared at her. We told her good-bye 
and we left.

    "Can you guys drop me off at my house?"  "I think I wanna stay there." 
"Sure." Chris said.  "Can I stay over there with you?" JC said "I wanna make 
sure your safe and all." "I don't care," I said as a single tear escaped my 
Audrey gave me a hug as we pulled in my drive. I got out and ran inside. I 
plopped down on my couch, JC followed. "You ok?" he asked. "Yeah, Just 
scared, afraid to sleep by myself."

    As the guys pulled in the drive Justin came running out "Where's Mandy?" 
he asked. Audrey shot him a dirt look.  "She is at HER house with JC. 
Justin's stomach did a flip-flop "Why JC?" he questioned. "Because he cares 
for her and she needed a friend." Shawna spoke.  "Why couldn't you have been 
the friend?" Justin snapped. "Well, because I couldn't have protected her if 
there was danger, Audrey snapped…Besides, Its not like u give a shit. "You 
lien cheatin no good Basterd!" Audrey continued to scream.  Shawna hushed 

    "JC, I am gonna go take a long bath will you be ok?" I asked. He smiled 
and nodded.  I walked into my bathroom and started the water, filled it with 
bubbles, put the head phones next to the tub and lit some candles, and turned 
the lights down low. I closed the door, but my hair up and the headphones on. 
(Ahhh!) I thought to myself. I pressed play. Nsync. I sighed not wanting to 
be sad anymore.

    Why did my life go from so perfect to so sad? What did I do wrong? Tear 
welded in my eyes. The doorbell rang but I ignored it and turned the volume 
up. It was god must have spent… I knew I was singing aloud but I didn't care. 
Then my bathroom door flew open. I jumped and looked making sure the bubbles 
were covering me. It was Justin. "Get out!" I yelled, "Get out of my house!" 
In my ear it was playing I want you back…I took the headphones off. A tear 
fell down my face while I had my eyes closed. I felt him softly with his hand 
wipe the tear and tell me not to be sad but I wouldn't listen. "Listen!" He 
said. "I am sorry, I can't live without you." "Justin, You hurt me you killed 
me!" "I hope you're happy with Brittany, now would u please get out and don't 
let the door hit you on the way out!" I went under the water...when I came 
back up he was gone. I let out a sharp cry and just cried.

            **Back at the Private club**

"What a Jerk…Shawna said. (Audrey and Lance were outside jumping on the 
trampoline) Shawna looked at Joey "hope you never do that to me." "Never!" "I 
wouldn't be that stupid!" Joey said. There was a knock at the door. "I'll get 
it!" Joey said jumping up. He slowly opened the door and there stood Brittany.

                **Outside with Lance and Audrey**

    They were jumping around laughing…Audrey fell! Lance was so high he 
couldn't stop himself. "WHOA!" Lance said falling on top of her. They laugh. 
"I love you Audrey" Lance said solemnly. Audrey kissed his lips "I love you 
to." They sat there kissing.

            **Back Inside**

    Shawna saw Brittany standing there. "What the hell are you doing here?" 
Shawna yelled. "To see my man!" she walked in.  "Well he's not here!" "He's 
at Mandy's." "What's going on?"  Lance interrupted. Audrey saw Brittany and 
an evil look came over her face. "You're NOT welcome here!" Audrey snapped.  
"Well!" Brittany said. Just as she said, that Justin came running in, he ran 
upstairs.  "Well duty calls!" Brittany said as she went off after Justin.  
"OH MY GOD, she has the nerve!"  Shawna Yelled. "What a…Hey now! I said as I 
walked into the room.  "MANDY!" they all say together. "Umm…yes I think 
that's my name. I laughed. "What are you doing here?" Joey asked. "Does it 
matter?" I ask. "Yeah cause Justin and Brittany are upstairs." Lance said. 
Audrey slapped him. "Big mouth!" She said. My smile turned into a frown. "Its 
his life." I mumbled.  "So what are we gonna do tonight?" Joey asked.  "Lets 
go dancing!" JC implied. "Yeah!" I said. "Ok then dancing it is!" Lance said. 
I had JC take me home. I changed into my flares and my angel baby tee. I put 
my hair in clips and curled lil strands. JC walked in "Well, looks like 
you're my date tonight!" I say. "Yep!" he smiles. I grab his hand and say 
"Well then lets go!" (Deep down inside I was missing Justin, but that wasn't 
gonna ruin my night!) We picked up the guys and we were off.

    "So…I said…Justin isn't coming?"  "Yeah, He's coming. Audrey said.  "You 
missed it!" Shawna said.  "Missed what?" JC asked curiously. "Justin broke it 
off with Brittany." "He told her that he loved you very much and he can't 
live with out you."

    As we walked in, I grabbed JC's hand; he looked at me warmly and smiled. 
Shawna and Audrey pulled me into the bathroom. "Your not falling for JC are 
you?" Audrey asked. I shrugged.  "Mandy, Justin loves you so much can't you 
see?" Shawna spoke.  I turned my head not wanting them to see my pain. "You 
guys he cheated on me and how's come all of a sudden you're for him when you 
were against him?" I ask angrily. "Because he cares for you Mandy." Audrey 
said. "Why should I give him another chance?" I mumbled but my heart was 
saying something else.  "He IS sorry!" Audrey said.  "You guys, I am here to 
have a good time not to worry about Justin." I said but my heart was saying I 
was stubborn. I walked out of the bathroom.

    I saw JC sitting, I didn't want to think so I pulled him up and we 
started dancing. It was Mariah Carey's heartbreaker. The song ended. The next 
song was 'I Do Cherish You' by 98*. (Oh no) I thought to myself. I put my 
head on JC's shoulder. I closed my eyes tightly imagining the first time I 
danced this song with Justin, how we danced so close and he held me so tight 
like he was never gonna let go, and I didn't want him to ethier. Then 
Brittany showed up and ruined everything. I thought holding on to JC tighter. 
I sighed. Then someone tapped me on the shoulder

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