Chapter Thirteen

"Can I cut in?" Justin asked. JC looked at me. "I guess," I said. Justin 
grabbed my hand and pulled me to him. I started to cry, it felt so good being 
in his arms again, but he really hurt me. "Please don't cry." Justin begged. 
"You promised me forever." I told him. He looked at me. "I love you, I am so 
sorry for what I did and I don't know how to show you. I put my finger on his 
mouth "Shhhh" I said crying. I hugged him. "I love you so much, I dunno what 
I would do without you!" he said again. I looked at him and put my finger on 
his mouth. "I forgive you." I whispered. He stopped dancing, slowly with his 
finger traced my lips, and kissed me.

    "Aww Lance look!" Audrey pointed to Mandy and Justin. "They make such a 
good couple." Audrey smiled. "Looks Like JC found someone to." Lance pointed. 
Audrey didn't look she actually kept her gaze on Lance. He looked at her and 
she smiled.  She laid her head on his shoulder. "I love you Lance." She said. 
 "I love you too." He said making her look at him. She leaned in to kiss his 

    "That is so sweet!" Shawna said. "Now all we need is to get Brittany. 
Shawna smirked.  Joey smiled.  "What are you thinking?" Joey laughed. She 
laughed "Oh you will see!"  Muh HAHAHA. She laughed. Joey just smiled and 
kissed her.

    "Heather, I love you, I wanna spend the rest of my life with you." Chris 
said. "What are you saying? Heather asked. Chris reached into his pocket and 
got down on his knee. "Will you marry me?" Chris asked solemnly. Tears welded 
in heather's eyes. "Yes of course!" she cried.  Chris slowly slipped the ring 
on her finger and kissed her.

    JC gazed around him, everyone had someone. He looked at Becky, the girl 
he was dancing with. "Do you know Mandy?" JC asked wanting to make 
conversation but realizing that, that was a dumb question. "Yeah, she is one 
of my friends." Becky said. He nodded. She laid her head on his shoulders. (I 
think I am gonna like her) he thought to himself.

    We all walked outside. Justin had brought his own car so we were gonna 
head opposite ways. I grabbed Audrey's hand. "Take care of you." She said 
hugging me. Shawna whispered in my ear "don't do anything I wouldn't do." I 
hug her laughing. I hug JC "Thanks for tonight." He smiled and winked.

    I walked to Justin's car. I shivered as a small breeze came through the 
midnight air. "Here" Justin said wrapping his jacket around me. "Thanks" I 
smile. We got in the car and went to the beach.  Once we were walking on the 
sand in our bare feet, I spoke. "Now I want to tell you something." I said 
seriously. "Ok, Shoot!" he said.  "I hope you're not expecting sex from me 
since that thing with Brittany."  Justin was quiet.  "I didn't have sex with 
her." He mumbled. I sat down in the sand. He sat next to me.  "Justin I love 
you but, you don't have to lie to me about it." I said.  "I mean all we did 
was kiss." He said. I shot Justin the 'yeah right' look. "You told JC…I 
started. "I know I told him I was buuussssyyy…but all I meant by that was 
making-out. I was so happy to hear that I hug him knocking him into the sand. 
All of a sudden, the water comes over us, soaking us.  "OH NO!" we laugh. We 
stand up drenched. He takes his shirt off ringing it out. I was soaked and 
wearing a white shirt. I look down. He looked at me knowing what I was going 
for and laughs.

    Back at the clubhouse, JC and Becky are sitting on the porch swing. He 
had his arm around her and a blanket around them both. "The moon is pretty 
tonight." JC said. "Yeah, see how it smiles." She said. "Yeah." JC said with 
sadness in his voice. "Are you still hung up on Mandy?" Becky asked. "Well, a 
little, but my heart will soon realize that she can only be my friend." JC 
said.  "Mandy once told me that she would rather be friends with someone, 
because friends last forever and loves don't. She said.  JC shook his head. 
"Not all the time.  "Her parents may not have lasted forever, but look at her 
and Justin they have made it through a REALLY tuff time."  "I bet you once 
Mandy turns a good age, they will get married."  "Justin told me, but I never 
told her, he wants to spend forever with her."  Becky pulled closer to JC.

    Audrey sat down next to Lance. He grabbed her side tickling her." She 
laughed hysterically and laid down next to him. He wrapped his arms around 
her, and put his head on top of hers. He breathed deep. "Your hair smells 
good." She turned staring at him and kissed her.

    Joey and Shawna were REALLY hyper and bored. "You wanna go to the 
arcade?" Joey asked. "YEAH!" Shawna smiled. So they got in their car and 
headed for the mall.

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