Chapter Fourteen

I was admiring Justin's body. We ran back to the car-soaking wet. My stomach 
let out a huge Growl. Justin looked at me wide eyed. "Hungry?" "A little." I 
said. We pulled into a DAIRY QUEEN and walked inside. "Like I need this." I 
said tapping my stomach. "Ugh…I am so fat!"  "No you are not, stop saying 
that!" A girl walked up to us she looked about 17 maybe 18. "Are you Justin 
Timberlake?" she asked. "I better be." He laughed. "Can I have your autograph 
I am like your biggest fan or at least one of them." She said looking at me. 
"Sure!" He smiled taking the piece of paper from her hand. "Thank you!" she 
smiled walking away. As we walked up to the counter, he turned around giving 
her another look. "Justin!" I say slapping him in the arm. "What?" he said. I 
looked at the girl from the side. "She is prettier than me." I sighed.  "What 
are you talking about?" he took my hand "You are prettier than her." He said. 
"Yeah right" I said under my breath.  "Can I take your order?" The man at the 
counter asked.  "Yeah, we would like an order of French fries, with ranch 
dressing, and a strawberry milkshake with two straws. When our food came, 
Justin smiled as we sat down; there was a single cherry on top.  Justin stuck 
his tongue out and I laughed. I love when you do that." I smile. We both 
reach for the cherry but I pull away letting him pick it up. He handed it to 
me; I push it away "Wanna share?" His eyes lit up and he nodded. "You wanna 
eat it or me 
ask." Chris just shrugged. "Well, guess what?" he said.  "What?" I said. 
"Heather and I are tying the knot." He said with excitement. "Oh wow!" I said 
giving him a hug. "Congratulations man!" Justin said happily. Chris walked 
back inside and Justin had a big smile on his face. "What?" I asked him. "I 
hope that is us in a few years." He said. "Aww!" I smile. "By the way, I say, 
TAG YOUR IT!" I yell running off the porch. "OH, I am so gonna get you!" he 
smiled and came after me. We ran down by the lake in his back yard. I 
stopped. He slowed and grin. "Hey come here I gotta secret to tell you." I 
told him. He came over to me, I put my mouth to his ear and…pushed him into 
the lake, but he grabbed me pulling me in with him we were cracking up the 
whole time!

    "Look at those lovebirds!" Audrey said sighing. Lance fell asleep on the 
couch. She grabbed a blanket and covered him up with him. He opened his eyes 
and lifted the blanket motioning for her to get under." She climbed under. He 
brushed her hair out of her face. "Hey, I know, lance said, there is a secret 
place in this house lets go!" Confused Audrey stands up and follows him.

    Becky became bored watching the movie the time was midnight.  She took 
the pillow and hit Jc with it. She laughed. Jc stood up and hit her back. 
Soon they were fighting. Becky's pillow broke and feathers flew everywhere, 
then Jc's pillows broke. They both fell on the bed cracking up. Jc kissed her 
and they laid down and fell asleep not one word was spoken that whole time.

Heather and Chris must have fallen asleep.

Shawna and Joey were walking in the mall most of it was closed because it was 
midnight.  As they walked out there were a million girls screaming it rushed 
over Shawna's ears.  Bodyguards were everywhere trying to hold the girls back 
but all of a sudden, they broke free, over a million girls came running at 
Joey.  Shawna grabbed Joey's hand holding on tight, but the girls were so 
overwhelming the pulled Shawna right out of Joey's hand. She reached for 
Joey. "Joey, Don't leave me!" Shawna yelped, as she was engulped in the 
crowd. (Someone help me) she thought. She felt someone punch her in the 
stomach and said, "Let's see if Joey likes you all beat up." Then someone 
punched her in the mouth. She let out a shriveled cry for help. Some one 
kicked her, making her fall to the ground. She felt people stepping on her 
and laughing. She screamed.

    Joey searched and reached for Shawna he was screaming her name. He heard 
Shawna's last scream. Everyone grew quiet; the guards finally got the crowds 
under control. Joey saw Shawna lying there helpless. She was on the ground 
all mangled up.  "Shawna, OH MY GOD!" Joey started crying at the site of his 
love. Shawna opened her eyes (One swollen) She smiled "I am all right." 
Shawna said. She started to get up. "Are…are you sure?" "Yes, let's go home." 
She said limping to the car.  

    Justin and me walked inside the house-sopping wet. The house was quiet. I 
had mud in my hair from the lake.  "Ugh, I need a shower." I told him. His 
eyebrows raised at my idea. "Don't be getting any ideas." I laughed.  "Not if 
I get to the shower first!" He laughed. We started running up the steps but 
because he was a head of me, he beat me. "JUSTIN, DON'T YOU DARE!" I screamed 
as I heard him switch the lock onto the bathroom door and start the water. I 
reached into my pocket and pulled out a small key as big as my pinky. I 
unlocked the door. He was already in the shower; his head peaked out from 
behind the black curtain and laughed. "Grr!" I growled. He stuck his tongue 
out at me and said, "there's room for two in here." " Um no that's ok, I 
think I will pass." I laughed sitting on the edge of the sink. "Ok, then are 
u gonna watch?" He laughed. "Nah, I'm leaving." I say as I close the door. 

I ran into the kitchen with a bucket, Audrey was there drinking a glass of 
water. She sat in her bathing suit. "Hope your not going outside, it's 
freezing!" I laugh. "Nope" Audrey said. "Well then…where ya going?" I asked 
filling the bucket with cold water. "No where." She said. After I filled the 
bucket, I sat down at the table with her. "Audrey you know what?" I asked. 
"What?" she asked staring at me over the glass of water. "You are my sister 
and I love ya like one forever, I thank god I am sharing this experience with 
you." I hug her. I hear the shower water turn off and grab the bucket. "What 
are you gonna do with that?" Audrey asked.  "Be right back!" I laughed. I ran 
out of the kitchen. All of a sudden Audrey heard ~SPLASH~ 
"MANDY!"  Justin yelled then Audrey saw me run past the kitchen, Justin 
running after her with a towel the only thing covering him which was now 
soaked. Audrey let out a laugh at this site. The she heard me shriek, and ran 
back the other way. I stopped for a brief second and said, "that's what the 
bucket was for!" I look over my shoulder to see Justin coming at me again. I 
ran and Justin ran past again. Audrey was cracking up.

    Audrey finished her water, walked into Lances room, and opened the 
closet. There were stairs leading down. Audrey slowly stepped down them to 
see lance in a Jacuzzi holding a single rose for her. There were bubbles 
everywhere. Audrey stood there enjoying the scene. She slowly walked up to 
the Jacuzzi it was kinda big so she held Lance's hand to step in. The water 
was hot but sitting next to him made he feel just right. He smiled at her 
staring. Audrey loved every minute of it lying in her loves arms.

    Joey and Shawna pulled in the drive. Shawna got out, and started limping 
to the house.  Joey couldn't stand seeing Shawna in so much pain, so he 
picked her up and started carrying her to the house "I'm sorry, it's all my 
fault." "Don't be silly!" She said hugging close to him.  He took her up to 
his room and they laid down.  Shawna's eye was so swollen, she couldn't even 
see out it.  Joey kissed each of her eyes, put his arm around her not 
squeezing to tight and fell asleep.

    I ran into the bathroom, closed the door, and locked it. Justin pounded 
on it. "I'm going to get you!" Justin said. "When you least expect it, you'll 
be sorry!" "We'll see!" I laughed starting the shower.

    After I took my shower, I walked into Justin's room, he was singing, 
Under MY Tree.  Its Beautiful under my tree.  I sang. He looked at me and 
smiled.  "It' to bad we won't be spending Christmas together." I sighed. "Why 
not?" He asked suddenly.  "You need to go see your mommy!" I said. "Well, you 
can come with me!" he said.  I shook my head. "What about my mom?" "She can 
come with us. If we are gonna spend forever together they need to meet." You 
could see it in his eyes how much he wanted to be with me on Christmas. I 
hugged him. "We'll think of something." I yawned; it was two in the morning. 
I laid down on the soft pillow; he laid next to me. He put his arm around me 
and kissed my forehead. "I love you very much." He said. I smile, "I love you 
too." Closing my eyes and drifting to sleep.

    Audrey let out a slow yawn. "Let's go to bed Lance, I'm tired." "Ok…lance 
sighed not wanting to let go of the scene. They got out, dried off, and 
changed. Audrey laid down next to Lance. "Thank you god." She whispered as 
they fell asleep.

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