Chapter Fifteen

When I woke up I looked at the clock it was four in the morning. I 
realized I had to go to school. I sat up and looked over at Justin. He was 
still sleeping. I then realized my mom was due home today. I walked into the 
bathroom and closed the door. (We can give her a welcome home party) I smiled 
to myself. There was a phone in the bathroom. I picked it up and dialed my 
mom's number.

    "Hello?" my mom answered her voice hoarse cause I woke her.  "Hi mom, I 
couldn't sleep." I said. "You thinking about Justin?" she asked, still 
unaware we were back together.  "No, we are back together. I went to bed at 
two and just haven't been able to sleep." I said.  "How are you feeling, are 
you coming home today?" I asked.  "Yep I am fine." There was a knock at the 
door.  "Well mom I gotta go!" I said. "Ok honey, love you." Love ya too bye!" 
I hung up the phone. I opened the door. "Good early morning!" I said. "Who 
was that?" Justin asked pointing to the phone. "Who were you talking to?"  
Puzzled…"My mom why?" "Oh!" he laughed... Then I realized what he was talking 
about. "Oh Justin I would never hurt you like that, don't worry I love you!"  
Will you do me a huge favor?" "Sure what?" he asked.  "My mommy's coming home 
today, will you go to the house and decorate?"  "Sure will." He said with a 
smile. I nodded with happiness, went back into the bathroom, and changed. 
Justin went downstairs to cook some breakfast.

    I walked into Jc and Becky's room. I shook Jc. "Good Morning Sunshine!" I 
said. I look at the floor where millions of feathers laid. I laughed, "get 
Becky up, she's gotta go to school. I hug him and leave I look back over my 
shoulder as JC stretches.

    Next, I went into Chris and Heather's room, then realizing they didn't 
have school. As I turned to leave I heard Heather call my name. I turned 
"Yeah?" "Doesn't this seem like a dream?" she asked me. I nodded "more than 
you know." I laughed. "I mean how did this happen to a bunch of normal girls 
like us?" I walked back in the room and sat on the edge of the bed. It was 
cold in there, I shivered and one word slips out of my mouth…"God" She nods 
"God works in mysterious ways."  She said. "I prayed to god that this would 
happen to me." "You know what?" she said again. I look up at her from the 
floor. "Your pretty cool" she said.  "Thanks, well I gotta go get the others 
up, your welcome to get up and help Justin with the Welcome home 
decorations." She laid back down "Maybe later."

    Next was Shawna and Joey. I walked into the room it had a fresh summer 
day in the dead of winter smell. I looked over at Shawna, her eye was 
swollen, her arm bruised, and her leg had a shoe mark on it. My eyes got big 
and I twisted Joey's toe hanging out the blanket.  "OW!" he sat up. "What 
happened to Shawna!?" I asked him raising my voice making Shawna stir. "My 
fans went crazy, they took her outta my hands and beat her up, I was gonna 
take her to the hospital but she refused.  I touched her head softly. She 
opened her eyes, "How are you feeling?" I asked. "Ok" she smiled. "You feel 
ok enough to go to school?" I asked. "I don't want to but yes." "Ok then get 
up!" I laughed.

    Last was Audrey and Lance. I walked in and shook Lance, he opened his 
eyes and smiled "hey," he said at a whisper trying not to disturb Audrey. Hey 
looked at his alarm clock and sighed "School?"  "Yep, I said I will let you 
wake her."  "Breakfast will be ready soon." I say as I closed his door.

    I walked down the steps, Justin was making French toast, and it smelled 
so good.  "Hey baby." He said to me as I appeared around the corner.  "I've 
got a great idea for this Christmas." He said. "Ok, what is it?" "Picture 
this…he laughed. "You, me, Colorado Mountains, snow, us sitting by a 
fireplace."  "That would be so wonderful." I burst out. "But what about your 
family?" I asked. "Well…. I was thinking Sunday is Thanksgiving, I will go 
then and will be back in a week or two. So we will leave tomorrow." A smile 
formed over my face. " You are so wonderful!" I jumped hugging him. "The best 
thing about it all we all get our own cabins, it will be just me and u." He 
smiled, flipping the piece of bread.

    He walked to the freezer, I am hungry, he said laughing. He pulled out a 
lil tub of ice cream; he opened the lid and stuck his finger in. He swiped it 
in his mouth but missed as a lil bit of vanilla sat in the corner of his 
mouth. I walked up to him and licked it off, it melted as I felt his tongue 
go into my mouth. "Eh hem." I heard a voice from behind. I turned it was 
Audrey rolling her eyes. I laughed; Justin went back to cooking.

    I looked at her "Good morning." She just laughed. Justin spoke. "So what 
times your mom coming home?" "After I get home from school." Audrey's eyes 
lit up. "Yea!" "BREAKFAST!" Justin yelled making Audrey and me jump. He 
laughed wrapping his hand around my waist "Someone's jumpy."

    As we pulled in the drive of my school Justin looked at me funny. "What?" 
I asked. Two weeks…that's an awful long time…I don't know how I will do it." 
I think you will live." I said as the driver opened the door. He grabbed my 
hand. As I got out, he wouldn't let go he just followed. I look at him "Are 
you coming with me?" I laughed. There were girls standing at the door 
watching. I looked over at them and then back at Justin I grabbed his other 
hand. "Kiss me" I said. His eyes lit up and he bit his lip. He leaned in, I 
closed my eyes and kissed his I could still taste the syrup from breakfast. 
All of a sudden, someone pushed us apart. I look its Brittany. Justin gave 
her an evil stare. "This is a school not a make out place." She snapped. 
"Brittany, SHUT UP!" I snapped back. The bell rang for first hour. I started 
inside. He grabbed me and pulled me to him "I love you." He said it looked 
like tears in his eyes. I wiped his eye. "Love you too. I say as 
I walk into 
the school.

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