Chapter Sixteen

I walked into the school. First hour was choir I had a Nsync song in my 
head…Merry Christmas Happy holidays. Today I was so happy I felt like I was 
floating on air. I walked into my class with a sparkle in my eye. God is so 
good to me I love him and thank him.

    Justin walked into Rite Aid and girls came running up to him with pens 
and paper. They were asking him questions, but the one question came up that 
he dreaded he tried so hard to hide from the presses. "So I heard that Mandy 
wasn't good enough for you so you went to one of her friends is that true?" 
Justin could feel his face turn red. "Well…well I…I've gotta buy some 
decorations for Mandy's mom. Nice talking to you." Justin walked away fast.

    It was 2:20, five minutes left; I was sitting in World Geography, 
studying. BORING! So I drained out Mr. Oldenburg and thought about Justin he 
was just so great, a smile came over my face. RRRIIIINNNGG! The bell rang. 
"Yea!" I jumped up and ran outside, Audrey and Lance were out there. She 
motioned for me to get in. "Hey bud" she said. "Hey girlie." I said opening 
the back door. "Hey Lance your looking rather cute today." I laughed. Audrey 
looked at me "He always looks cute, GrOoOwl." She said. I laughed. "You're 
not looking so bad yourself." You seem to be glowing." Lance said looking at 
me through the mirror." Audrey turned and looked at me. "Yeah she does." "You 
guys get the house decorated good?"  Lance nodded "Now all it needs is your 
mom." He said as we drove to the hospital.

I walked into the hospital there I saw mom waiting. "Hi mom!" I yelled waving 
to her. "Hey Mand."  Audrey and me sat in the backseat. "Hello Cindie." Lance 
smiled. "Hello Lance, how are you?"  "I am doing ok." "Can we please go!" I 
laughed. "I miss my man." Audrey rolled her eyes as we headed home.

    We pulled in the drive. Justin was standing outside waiting. I bet you my 
eyes lit up. I opened the door and ran to him. He smiled. He was wearing a 
red Sweatshirt. It was so soft. He smelled like brownies. My mom laughed at 
me.  "Its good to be home." My mom said. " Now all I need is a glass of 
wine." I turned around and just stared at her with anger. "I'm just kidding, 
come on lets go inside its freezing out here." "Oh really? I haven't noticed 
I said wrapped in Justin's arms. This time Audrey laughed.  We walked inside. 
There were decorations everywhere, and presents on the table. My mom's eyes 
lit up. "Oh my goodness!" she smiled, sitting on the couch. Becky and Jc 
walked in with brownies. My mom had tears in her eyes. Heather and Chris 
walked in behind Audrey and Lance. Shawna and Joey walked out of my room, 
Justin counted to three and then everybody shouted WELCOME HOME!

    While everybody was celebrating, Justin pulled me into my room. He 
reached into his pocket and pulled out a velvet box. I looked at him. He 
smiled and opened it. There sat a small diamond ring, the diamond was in the 
shape of a heart. "It's a promise ring." Tears found their way to my eyes. I 
sat down on my bed, holding the box ever so carefully. "Well, I don't know 
what to say but thank you." He sat down next to me. I looked at him; he put 
his arms around me. I didn't want to blink I wanted to remember every minute. 
His finger touched my cheek as I kissed him. In my head I was thanking god."

    "Well isn't that that cute." I turn to see my mom. Justin smiled as he 
slipped the ring on my finger. I showed it to my mom; her mouth seemed to hit 
the floor. "It's a promise ring." I smiled. "Wow!" she took my hand an 
examined it. "Looks expensive." She said looking at Justin. "Nah, it was no 
big deal." He started to look around the room. "It sure feels weird standing 
in your room with about a million pictures of me and the guys." He laughed. 
"Well, its not my fault, I stand up and pinch his cheek, that your so cute." 
I laughed. "I love your eyes and your nose and you personality." I started to 
ramble on. He touched my lips. "I love your lips and your beautiful green 
eyes, your hair, your smile, your laugh, and everything else." My mom 
laughed. "You guys are so cute." She walked out of the room. Justin looked at 
me again, "I'm gonna miss you so much." I'm gonna miss you too, but its only 
two weeks." I said. "That's an awful long time." He complained. "We are 
leaving at 8:00 in the morning tomorrow, we are all leaving and you are the 
only girl that knows, so we are gonna announce it in there." He pointed 
toward the living room. I kissed his cheek, walked in, and sat down on the 
couch where all the girls sat. All the guys stood there in front of us. Lance 
cleared his throat as the room got silent. "Girls, we have something to tell 
you, we are leaving tomorrow at 8:00 in the morning." Audrey's eyes grew big. 
"Why?" "Did I do something, cause if I did I am sorry." I grabbed her hand. 
"Audrey its ok, let him finish." I said. She sat back. Lance continued. "We 
are gonna go see our parents for two weeks, then come and get you girls and 
take you to the Colorado Mountains for Christmas. "Oh." Audrey's face turned 
bright red. "That's great!" Shawna exclaimed. Heather laughed. "I thought you 
guys were gonna sing!" Chris smiled, "Well I guess we can do that." Justin 
smiled. They hummed. 1…2…3…4. They started singing 'Promises'.

    Once we got home, I decided we all go do our own thing with the guys. 
Justin and I decided to go play a game of Basketball and then go see a movie. 
Becky and Jc decided to go on a nature walk. Chris and Heather were going to 
the beach. Joey and Shawna were going to six flags. Audrey and Lance decided 
to play a game of Basketball with us then go do there own thing. 

    I changed into a pair of shorts and a long sweatshirt. I walked down the 
steps. "Well." But before he could finish his sentence, I interrupted him. 
"Let's go play some basketball baby." I laughed. "HEY!" Justin chuckled. 
"STOP LANCE STOP!" Audrey came running down the steps, Lance running after 
her. She ran behind me. Lance bumped into me trying to catch her. "STOP!" I 
yelled and they both stopped and stared at me. "Race y'all to Justin's car!" 
Audrey laughed and took off to the car; I took off after her. Justin and 
Lance just stayed behind. "We're the luckiest men in the world." Lance spoke. 
"Yeah." Justin exclaimed. I was sitting in the front and Audrey sat in the 
back. The guys were standing out side of the car talking. I brushed my hair 
back into a ponytail.

    "Lance, why haven't we been busy this week? We are usually swamped when 
we have a week or two off." Justin said. "Yeah really, our cell phones should 
be ringing off the hook!" Lance said. "I get the occasional fan phone call, 
but that's about it." Justin said. They heard giggles and laughing from 
inside the car. They peered inside. Audrey and I were talking and laughing. 
Justin smiled. "It's kinda nice though." Lance smiled "oh yes it is."

    They got in the car. Audrey pulled out my ponytail. "Hey!" I said 
reaching for it. "Leave it down, I like it better down." She said pulling it 
away. "Yeah, so do I." Justin said brushing my hair with his fingers. "Fine!" 
I laughed. We pulled into the basketball court. I grabbed the ball and got 
out. "Oh yeah and by the way." Justin started. "Be careful what you grab." 
Justin laughed. I blushed, "Ok" I said as Justin reached over to grab the 
ball but I pulled it away.

    "Ok, these are the teams, Audrey and me Vs Lance and Mandy. Audrey you 
block Lance and I've got you." He said poking my side. Lance pulled me into a 
huddle. "Be careful I am slow." I laughed. "When Justin puts his arms up to 
pass to Audrey, tickle him right here." He said poking my side. "Ok" I smile. 
"We get the ball first!" Justin yelled over at us. Lance went back to 
instructing. "After you tickle him he will drop the ball. I will grab it and 
score!" "Got it?" "Yeah, yeah. I said standing up. Justin looked at me. "You 
ready?" "Yep lets go!" Justin stood behind the line; I checked it to him. He 
ran. I stood in front of him and put my hands up. He put his hands up to pass 
to Audrey. "NOW!" I heard Lance yell from behind me. I charged at Justin 
tickling him. Justin started laughing hysterically dropping the ball. Lance 
and Audrey went for it, Lance dived. He smashed his elbow against the 
concrete and his head. Justin stopped and pushed me away. "Lance!" Audrey 
yelled, but Lance didn't even move. She laid down next to him on the 
concrete. He looked at Audrey with no expression on his face. His eyes were 
just staring. Justin touched Lance's shoulder. "Hey Lance you ok?" When Lance 
didn't answer, Justin whispered to me. "Take Audrey away from here, he gave 
me his keys and call an ambulance." I walked over to Audrey crouched on the 
ground. "C'mon lets go to Justin's car." I spoke softly. "NO, I can't leave 
him!" I laid my hand on her back and helped her up. She reached for him lying 
on the ground. I took her to Justin's car while she cried on my 

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