Chapter Seventeen

The ambulance got there in five minutes. The doctor walked up to Audrey 
and me. "He is perfectly fine he just needed a few stitches on his elbow and 
head." "Why didn't he answer us when he called his name?" Audrey asked. "He 
was in shock, he is fine now." He said. "Thank-you doctor." I said shaking 
his hand. Audrey jumped off the hood of the car, and ran to Lance. She hugged 
him ever so tightly. Justin walked up to me. "Hey." I said at a slight 
whisper. "Hey, I am sorry I was so ruff with you." He said. "It's ok you had 
to." I said. I hugged him. "I love you." I whispered. "Ditto" he said.

    We didn't play basketball and we decided not to go to the movies. We 
decided to go to the park and walk around. It was a cold and gloomy day. 
There was a lake, and swings, and a bench by the lake. I sat down on the 
bench and let out a long sigh. He sat down next to me and put his arms around 
me to keep me warm. I looked at him as he moved in to kiss me. My eyes were 
closed while we sat there kissing. I opened my eyes to see snow falling all 
around us. A single snowflake fell on Justin's eyelash making him pull away. 
"Oh I've always wanted to do this." I said. "What?" he asked. "Spend the 
first snowfall with the one I cherish so deeply." A snowflake fell on my 
nose. I stuck my tongue out trying to catch one. "You look so cute with lil 
snowflakes in your hair. I looked at him with my tongue still out. He 
laughed. "Well, I say you know once you leave for Thanksgiving your gonna get 
swamped with stuff to do. "Christmas specials, questions about us, stuff like 
that." He grabbed my hand. "I promise through all that I will find a way back 
to u." He said kissing my fingers. "Aww." I said wiping the snowflake from 
his eye. Then we sat back and watched the snowfall.

    Becky and Jc walked along in the woods together. Jc was quiet. "Are you 
mad at me?" Becky asked. Jc just shook his head. "Well, I am getting a 
feeling you are." She said. "Well, I am not ok?" Jc snapped. Becky just shook 
her head. 

    "Ok, let's ride it again!" Shawna said pulling Joey into the line again. 
"But, we already rode it five times!" Joey whined. "Just one more time!" 
Shawna begged. Joey looked around "Lets go there!" He pointed to the tunnel 
of love. Shawna sighed. "Ok, Let's go!"

    Audrey sat back on the blanket. Lance had planned a picnic. Audrey looked 
at the chalk gray clouds as the sun tried to peer through. She looked over at 
lance he was staring at her hands sitting on the blanket then her eyes moved 
to his hand. They were small compared to his.  Then she noticed a small 
silvery snowflake had landed on his hand. She looked up. Snow. Lance looked 
at Audrey and smiled. She reached her small hand up to his face and kissed 

    We walked in the front door. It was still kinda early, but Justin had to 
pack, and it was getting rather cold outside. He had a cherry red nose and 
cheeks. I chuckled. "What?" he smiled looking at me. "Nothing." I shook my 
head.  My hands were warm and I put my hands up to his cold face. He closed 
his eyes. I ran my finger through his hair. He opened his eyes. I guess I was 
caught up in the moment when I mean we were really kissing. I pulled away. 
"Do you love me Justin? Really, Love me?  I asked looking into his eyes. "I'm 
planning on spending forever with you." He said grabbing my hands. "Why 
though?" I asked "What makes me so special that you love me so much?" "I'm 
not exactly pretty, I'm not the nicest person, I…just…But before I could 
finish my sentence, he kissed me. "It all seems like a big dream you know?" I 
say while he brushes my hair out of my face. "I mean your laying right here 
next to me and I can have you, but you can have any girl…and…yet…he put his 
finger on my mouth. "I want you, you are the person I want."

    He stood up and pulled out a huge suitcase. My stomach sank. "I have a 
feeling you will be gone for more than two weeks." I said. "Why do you say 
that?" "Because remember last year, how busy you were?" You were in how many 
Christmas specials?" He sighed. "Yeah, that was a hectic year." I frowned. 
"That was the worst year of my life." Justin hugged me. "Well how's the 
millenium been treating you?" he asked. "I think this has been the best year 
of my life!" I played with the promise ring on my finger while I watched him 

    All of a sudden, we heard the front door slam. "What is your problem?!" 
Justin and I ran downstairs. "NOTHING!" Jc said. "What's going on?" I asked 
Jc looked at me and smiled. "Nothing…it's just." "WHAT?!" Becky screamed. Jc 
grabbed Becky's hand. Justin put his hand on my shoulder. "I don't think this 
is gonna work out." Tears welded in Becky's eyes. Jc's heart melted as he saw 
Becky crying. Becky turned toward the door. "Take me home." Jc just nodded, 
as they walked out the door.

I looked at Justin. "What was that all about?" Justin shrugged. Lance and 
Audrey walked in.  Audrey had a puzzled look on her face. "Why was Becky 
crying?" "Jc called it off with her." Justin exclaimed. "Do you know why?" 
Lance asked. "No." I sighed. I turned to go upstairs. "He going to pack?" 
Audrey nodded sadly

    "There all finished." Justin smiled. I frowned looking at the two 
suitcases. You packed everything. Justin smiled. "Not everything." He walked 
over to the drawer and pulled out a single out fit for me to wear.

    Audrey felt like Lance was leaving never to return. "Promise me you'll 
return to me." Lance Chuckled and softly brushed Audrey's golden hair. "Not 
even an ocean could keep me from you." Lance laid down next to Audrey. "I 
love you." Lance said. "I love you too." Audrey said brushing Lance's hair 
with her tiny fingers.

    Heather and Chris sat in Chris's car. They couldn't go to the beach 
because was to cold and it was snowing. So they sat in Chris's car watching 
the snowfall. Chris had already packed. He wanted to spend as much time with 
Heather as he could. He just sat back and enjoyed the scene as Heather 
snuggled so close to him and closed her eyes. Chris ever so lightly kissed 
her forehead. He laid his head next to hers and closed his eyes.

    Jc pulled up to Becky's house. She had been crying the whole way home. Jc 
felt so bad, but he knew he was doing the right thing. She looked at him with 
her bloodshot eyes. He reached to give her a hug but she pulled away. She ran 
to the house crying. Jc sat in the car for a moment then slowly drove off. 

    Justin laid on his stomach shirt less while I 'tickled' his back. I knew 
he liked it with the sweet smile on his face. "I used to do this to my little 
cousin when he wouldn't go to sleep. I said. Justin sighed with pleasure. I 
loved to touch the 'sweet spot' on his back. Cause his back would tense up 
and he would crinkle his nose. It was so cute! He turned around on his back 
and touched my face softly He kissed my lips slightly. I felt the tips of his 
eyelashes on my cheek. I shivered. I reached my hands to his chest then down 
his back while he kissed my neck. I pulled away and shook my head. He smiled 
understanding and laid next to me as we fell asleep.

    It was 4:00 in the morning. Joey and Shawna walked in the door cracking 
up. "Who's there?" Chris said coming down the steps with Jc behind him Justin 
following. I looked over Justin's shoulder. "Shawna?" she laughed and looked 
over at me. "Shawna…are…are you drunk?" Justin burst out laughing at the 
sight of Shawna.  I pushed my way to the bottom of the steps. "Shawna looked 
at me straight in the eyes!" I said. She looked at me a groggy and laughed. 
"Uh huh, that's what I thought!" I said. I walked over and started slapping 
Joey. I wouldn't stop until I felt Jc pulling me away. "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR 
PROBLEM?!" Joey yelled rubbing his arm. "How could you be so stupid?" "JOEY, 
she's only 15 years old!" "OMG, maybe I was wrong about u!" "Why don't we 
just go to sleep and talk about this in the morning." Jc whined as he yawned. 
"We can get at least two more hours sleep." "Yeah and we all know that's what 
Jc likes to do…thank you…" I laughed. He smiled at me. "Will I ever live 
that down?" "Not while I am around." I laughed.

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