Chapter Eighteen

Justin's alarm went off. I felt his arm reach over me and turn it off and 
then he kissed my head. "Do you have to leave?" I whined. He flipped the 
light on. "Afraid so." He sighed. I grabbed his hand and with my other hand, 
I softly rubbed down his chest. He closed his eyes and smiled. I ran my hand 
up his neck and traced his lips with my finger. As he brushed my finger with 
a soft kiss. I let go of his hand and kissed his cheek. My hand went down his 
side as I tickled him he laughed and grabbed my side, I grabbed his hand 
trying to pull away but he was to strong. I was laughing. "Stop!"  There was 
a knock at the door. "C'min." Audrey walked in. "Justin, Lance needs you 
downstairs. Justin jumped up and winked at me.  Audrey sat on my bed. "Hey, 
how are you?" I asked.  She shrugged. "You ok?" I asked concerned. I was 
sitting Indian style on the bed staring at her as tears emerged in her eyes. 
She laid her head on my lap. "Audrey, what's wrong?" She sniffled "oh Mandy< 
I had the worst nightmare of my life last night. I brushed Audrey's hair; it 
had been wet from where she had been sweating. "Tell me."

    "I'm driving in the night unaware as to what lies ahead. I listen to the 
soft hum of the radio as I glare unto the moonlit road. A crash comes from 
behind and I hear a powerful screeching of brakes as I black out. My eyes 
open with a sudden dampness. Little crystals had formed around my eyelids. (I 
shivered) I hear around me whirling voices and the steady ponder of an 
ambulance. "What has happened?" I question myself.  I look around and there 
is a cold damp pavement beneath me, Iced from the cold winter rain. A small 
cloud escapes my cold shivering lips. Broken glass is spread all around 
stretching ten feet away. I feel a sharp pain in my face. "It must be cut." I 
say. A horrible and excruciating pain shoots up my spine to my almost frozen 
neck. I'm upside down, I realize as I look at the pale figure staring before 
me in the fogged rearview mirror. The seatbelt kept me arisen in the air like 
a rag doll. Oh…the pain…such horridness. My hand brushed against the icy 
pavement below…Blood? A huge pile of blood touched the tips of my fingers. It 
was my own…I solemnly realized. I looked to my left startled to see Lance 
there. "Oh Lance" my voice screeched in a painful whisper. He looked back 
with no expression a ghostly face, his eyes glassy and plain…and his 
face…such confusion…such shock." Like at the basketball court." I 
interrupted. She nodded and went on. "A painful scream arose MY NECK OH GOD 
MY NECK." A tear escaped my bloodshot eyes as I reached out my trembling hand 
to Lance to hold him one last time…my love…my life…my angel…the light began 
to fade…"Lance" I managed to choke out. "I love you don't leave me." But my 
time was fading I would now be separated from the only reason I was 
alive…forever…another tear escaped and stained my face once again. My 
eyesight faded…yells became whispers…fading…fading…my hand stopped right in 
Lance's palm as it fell to the winter ground. Then I woke up to Lance's 

    "Oh god Audrey." I hugged her while she cried. "Have you told Lance?" she 
shook her head. "No, I can't it will ruin his vacation, but he knew something 
was wrong when he saw me sweating and crying. She looked at me with her blood 
shot eyes and her hands trembling in mine. "Oh Mandy I was so afraid I was 
gonna lose him forever." Tears welded in my eyes. "I would've lost you to 
Audrey…I would've died…thank the lord it was just a dream. I wiped the tears 
from her eyes. "Don't cry Audrey." I smiled "Everything's gonna be ok." She 
nodded and hugged me tight. "I love you bud." I whispered/ "I love you to 
sis." She said. "More than you know."

    Audrey and I walked down stairs where everyone was except Shawna and 
Joey. "Good Morning Everyone."  I smiled. "Good Morning." They all said 
simotainously. "Where's Shawna and Joey?" "Are they still in bed?" Justin 
laughed. I smiled. "Hangover huh?"  I walked upstairs into their room. Joey 
was snoring. I flipped on the light. He opened his eyes and moaned. He must 
have saw me coming with my fists in hand cause he jumped out of bed, but then 
he fell. "Oh my head!" I laughed and shook Shawna. She opened her eyes. Then 
grabbed her stomach "Ohh I don't feel good." "Well, you should have thought 
about that before you went and got drunk. I said but before she could reply, 
she ran into the bathroom gagging. I gave Joey an evil look and walked out of 
the room. I went downstairs and everyone was sitting at the table. Justin 
looked at me with milk running down his chin. There was an empty chair for 
me. Jc smiled at me. "Good Morning Sunshine!" I looked at him funny. "Good 
Morning." I said pouring a bowl of applejacks.

    After breakfast, Shawna came downstairs all pale, Joey following. "C'mon 
you guys we're gonna be late." "Joey and Shawna you ride with Chris and 
Heather." Jc explained. "Audrey and Lance can go by themselves."  "Hold on 
Jc!" Justin exclaimed. "The girls can't drive." Justin said. "Oh yeah, well 
we can take two limo's." "It will be Me, Justin, Mandy, Audrey, and Lance in 
one and Joey, Heather, Shawna, and Chris. Jc said. Chris spoke up. "I can 
take my car, Heather can drive." Jc nodded. "Then Lance and Audrey can ride 
with Joey and Shawna." Justin kinda chuckled underneath his breath. I looked 
at him. "What?" "Don't you see, Jc is trying to protect you?" Justin 
explained. "What?" I said even more confused. "He wants to be in the limo 
with us, to watch us closely, so I don't try nothing as he said that he 
grabbed. I laughed and pulled away. "Well maybe he wants to protect you…so I 
don't try nothing." I said grabbing his side. "GrOoOwl." He said. Jc came 
down the steps. "Looks like it's just us three." "Yep" I said. It was 7:00. 
We all got in our limo's and drove off. I was sitting on one side of the limo 
the guys on the other.

    As we pulled onto the highway you could see the people staring as two 
very large limo's passed them. I wanted to let them know I was special so I 
opened the sunroof and climbed out standing on the seat below me, I was 
yelling and having a blast. Then I looked to the other limo and there was 
Audrey. We were both yelling back and forth to each other. Then I saw a big 
blue van. I pointed. "That's Brittany!" Audrey's eyes got big. Justin must 
have heard me yell that cause he climbed up with me. I put my arms around 
him. Jc was down below on the phone. I pointed to the van. About to pass 
Audrey's limo and said. "There's Brittany." As the van was passing Audrey 
batted her eyes and waved in a 'haha I am here and your not' kinda way Then 
the van came to our limo. We saw Brittany staring out the window at me and I 
started yelling at her. Justin grabbed my shoulders and pulled me toward him. 
He kissed my lips. I laughed we rubbed our noses with grins on our faces. I 
looked over at the van and I could swear Brittany and her mom gave us the 
finger. We were cracking up. I sat back down in the limo still laughing. Jc 
hung up his phone. We pulled into the airport. My heart seemed to be beating 
faster. My head started spinning. I knew deep in my heart I didn't want 
Justin to leave. but I needed to be strong  for the other girls. So I sighed 
and put a smile on my face and got out.

As Audrey got out of the car, she held Lance's Hand. She looked over at Mandy 
she had a smile on her face. (How can she smile isn't she a little bit sad?) 
Audrey thought to herself. She looked at Justin he was sad you could tell. 
She could just see it in his actions. Then she looked at Lance he didn't 
smile; Audrey drew close to him. He looked at her. "Are you ok Hon?" he said. 
"You seem kinda out of it." Audrey sighed. "Yes Lance for the millionth 
time." "I'm ok." She gave him a reassuring squeeze, but deep down inside she 
was screaming with fear and sadness.

    Justin looked at Mandy it was tearing him up inside that he had to leave, 
but he looked at her laughing and smiling. He smiled to himself. (She's so 
cute!) He thought to himself. "I'm gonna miss you so much." He said to her as 
he kissed her soft lips.

    We all went inside the airport. It was 7:30. We were all sitting at the 
enter way. It seemed to me that all the girls were gloomy, but I sat there 
with a smile on my face wondering why because I was miserable. Shawna moaned 
aloud. While Joey sat there with his hand on his head I laughed and said, 
"you'll learn." She just shot me a dirty look. I just laughed. "I'm gonna 
miss you." Justin said. I wanted to say I am gonna miss you too but instead I 
said "Its only gonna be two weeks."  Justin frowned. Audrey spoke up "Mandy 
what's your problem?" "Your love is leaving and you're acting like its no big 
deal!" Tears swelled my eyes uncontrollably. "Audrey, you don't know ok?" 
"I'm trying to stay strong, but you can't see that it's tearing me up 
inside!" Justin reached for my hand, but I pulled away and ran into the 
bathroom crying.

    "Mandy?" "Mandy?" "Where are you?" Audrey said. The bathroom toilet 
flushed and I walked out of the bathroom. My face was red. I turned the water 
on and washed my face, Audrey spoke softly "I'm sorry Mandy, I didn't 
know…But you don't." "Audrey…just leave it alone…she shook her head. I wiped 
my tears and walked out. It was 7:50 they were leaving me in ten minutes. 
Justin saw me and stood. "Wanna go for a walk?" he asked. I nodded. He 
grabbed my hand. We walked in silence for a moment. "Mandy, you don't have to 
be strong for me, I know you feel you have to but you don't. He stopped and 
looked at me. I started crying. "Oh Justin I don't want you to leave, I love 
you so much. I guess I am just afraid I am gonna lose you." I looked at him 
searching for an answer in his eyes. He sighed. "Mandy when I first saw you, 
you caught my eye with your smile and your attitude it was just so great. I 
didn't go for your looks ethier. Your smile and your laugh was just perfect." 
"Everyday I wonder how I ever got along without you. I promise no matter what 
I will be yours I love you so much." Every word he said it made me want to go 
with him. I hugged him so tight "I love you"

**Attention the plane heading toward Orlando Florida is now boarding! **

    In that moment, I thought I thought my world had stopped. My world, My 
life was leaving me. Although it was for a short while it seemed like 
forever. A single tear streamed down my face. Justin took his finger and 
wiped it away. I looked at the ground not wanting Justin to see me cry. He 
lifted my head with his finger. "It's ok you don't have to be strong for me." 
I looked into his deep blue eyes and they seemed to sparkle. I slightly 

    Everyone was saying good-bye. I hugged all of them and said my good-byes. 
Jc kissed my cheek and hugged me tightly. I kissed his nose and told him not 
to worry about me. "Where's Justin?" Chris asked. I frowned. "He's probably 
on the plane already." But here came Justin around the corner with a single 
BabyBlue rose. Tears welded in my eyes, he kissed me deeply and said he loved 
me. I had his hand and I wouldn't let go. "Mandy, let go." Audrey said from 
behind me. I slowly let go. "Good-bye baby." He said turning around in the 
corridor and he blew a kiss. "Good-bye." I said smiling with a twinkle in my 
eyes, I love you.

*****************Two Weeks Later**********************
 RECAP OF TWO WEEKS: Things were going slow everyone seemed to just be there. 
They all got the occasional phone call but the girls missed their men. Mandy 
Especially. Her mom noticed her moping and occasional crying. She also 
realized when she was around Justin she was so happy, any of them 
made her 

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