Chapter Twenty-Six

Audrey looked intently into Lance's wholesome eyes. She smiled warmly at his 
loving embrace. She had practically fallen into his arms. The sight of him 
again made her release how weak she had been. Her knees seemed to have 
unlocked and she carefully snuggled into his warm shoulder. His navy sweater 
gently brushed her cheek as she became comfortable. She breathed him in deep 
lost in his arms safe from the world. Her heart leapt at the sudden feeling 
of passion. She needed to let him know how much she missed him. His sexy 
smile, his careful grip, and his tender oh so passionate kiss against her 
lips.  Her arms wrapped around him pulling him even yet closer as she 
silently recovered from her tears. Gaining back her strength, from the 
weakness she felt in his arms, she lifted her head to face Lance once more. 
His eyes softly glowed of a green shade and an irresistible smile appeared on 
his face. Audrey's eyes where glassy from her crying but she soon wiped them 
away with her loose sleeve. Lance lifted Audrey's slightly trembling face and 
made her lips touch his for a soft yet romantic kiss. He slowly brushed 
Audrey's cheek with his soft hand. Audrey, in reply, slowly brought her hand 
up to his and rubbed his fingers across her lips. She looked up at him 
smiling ever so brightly.

"I missed you." Lance whispered into Audrey's ear

"You have no idea of the love I've gained for you over this parting." Audrey 
replied slightly choking on her words.

"Well, I'm here now." Replied Lance as he wrapped Audrey in his arms. Audrey 
felt so small compared to him. He was so adorable though, the way he would 
laugh and his teddy bear personality. He was one who you could fall instantly 
in love with. Audrey looked to her right still buried in Lance's arms over at 
me who was sitting on the couch lost in Justin's arms as he swayed me back 
and forth kissing the top of my head in a ever so careful manner. In a sweet, 
careful manner that one parent kisses their new born child. The caress that 
they would use in each touch showed their ever dying compassion for what was 
theirs, a creation that had come into the world by them. Audrey smiled. She 
realized how truly happy the presence of them could make us go from so 
miserable to true happiness. Audrey turned her focus back up to Lance who had 
placed his chin lovingly on her head swaying her back and forth. She looked 
at him once more as she searched for the longing in his eyes as she knew was 
showing  in hers. When she saw him give her a sign of  'lets go somewhere 
private' flash in his eyes, Audrey quickly caught on. Audrey took his hand 
wondering where he would lead her. What destiny lye before her. She didn't 
really care at this point her heart could only tell her one thing, 'She was 
in love.' I looked up feeling movement before me. I was able to catch two 
figures walk into a room both with passion gleaming in their eyes. I softly 
whispered towards them trying not to be heard. 'Follow your heart Audrey 
,don't let it misguide you.' and with that the door quietly shut with a sight 
of Lance looking at Audrey with love in his eyes.

 Lance withdrew his hands from the silver knob. Slowly turning around to see 
Audrey slightly shivering. Wondering what was wrong and in a questionable 
worry he asked her, "What's wrong, Audrey?" Walking closer and embracing her 
to where she could feel his body closely pressed against hers. 
"I...I...d-don't know exactly" Audrey choked on her words once more. Audrey 
suddenly melted as she quickly forgot about her fear as to what would happen 
between them. Audrey looked at Lance assuringly, "I'm fine....I was just I 
don't know...nevermind." Audrey slightly smiled. "Are you sure?" Lance asked 
wondering what would make Audrey be so hesitant. "Ya, I'm sure It's nothing." 
Audrey said convincing Lance by leading him farther into the depth of the 
room. She looked around suddenly realizing that they were standing in a pool 
room. It looked rather old for the design of the pool table looked like from 
the 19th century. Audrey suddenly lit up thirsty for a challenge. "Want to 
play a game?" Audrey said whipping her head around to face Lance pleasingly. 
"Sure, but get ready to lose." he said jokingly "Pssssh, the day you beat me 
is the day the birds swim." Audrey said confidently "Is that right?" Lance 
asked laughing in a competent tone. "Really" Audrey said in a low voice 
wrapping Lance's arms around her in a bear hug. "I think I like that idea." 
Lance said in his bass voice. Audrey shivered at the powerful way that his 
voice made her tremble with anxiety and longing. She wanted him badly and she 
hoped he wanted her. Her body began to feel weak as her arms felt lifeless 
and her whole body was overwhelmed with a blurry fuzz. It seemed like she was 
in a dream drifting with ever movement. "I'll break." Lance said suddenly 
making Audrey jump slightly at the sudden sentence. "Sure." Audrey said 
looking at him wanting to feel his tender kiss once again. She sighed in her 
mind this is it the voice re appeared in her mind. The time has come for the 
truth to be spoken it warned. Audrey smiled as Lance had his stomach bending 
over the table concentrating hard on the ball with a crinkle of seriousness 
on his forehead. Audrey smiled sweetly. She just couldn't resist the chance 
to do this. She walked up to Lance sneaking up from behind. Snickering evilly 
she ran and pounced on his back causing Lance to shoot up in sudden surprise. 
Audrey cackled as she clinged onto Lance's back as he held her suspended in 
the air. 
"You think that's funny, eh?" Lance questioned as a mischievous grin appeared 
on his lips.
"Wha-wha?" Audrey said laughing softly unprepared of what Lance was planning. 
With fear of falling, she grabbed a hold oh his shoulders even tighter. Lance 
quickly grabbed Audrey's legs spinning her around in countless circles. 
"St-stooop" Audrey yelped pleading for a release laughing continually.
"You think you're tough do ya?!" Lance laughed as Audrey lay helpless upon 
his back.
"W-woaaah" Audrey let out a gasp as she leaned forward falling over Lance's 
shoulder causing them to both fall softly to the ground. A soft thump echoed 
throughout the room followed by laughter. Audrey lifted her arm to grab the 
side of the pool table. She used it to help her body slowly lift up from the 
floor. She breathed heavily as another burst of laughter escaped her lips. 
Audrey had both of her hands supporting her balance as she leaned over the 
table in a long gasp of air. She suddenly grew tense as she felt Lance's warm 
breath paralyze her neck. She grew weak in the knees again as a hand slowly 
turned her around to where she faced Lance. She stopped laughing when she saw 
how Lance's eyes stared back at her making her drown in an endless sea. There 
was a ice-touched window in which the moon cast a wan light on Lance's face 
making him look more handsome than he had ever looked before. She didn't know 
quite what it was, but tonight she couldn't refuse anything. He moved in 
closer looking Audrey straight in her wandering eyes. Audrey immediately 
looked at Lance who proceeded to give her a reassuring kiss on the lips. 
Audrey shivered slightly as warmness overwhelmed her body and her eyes could 
not leave Lance's hypnotizing gaze. "Are you alright?" Lance asked slightly 
breaking the spell. "Uh-oh, yes I'm more than ok." Audrey answered by leaning 
Lance closer to her. He was so close, so incredibly near. She could feel the 
ever so soft pulse of his heart against hers as silence swallowed the room. 
Audrey was now almost leaning backward on the pool table as Lance leaned in 
and started kissing Audrey passionately. She now knew that life was 
inevitable without him. She needed him more than her own life. He carefully 
ran his fingers through her hair as Audrey gently caressed his back with her 
hands. She was now sprawled across the table kissing Lance with the strong 
and intense feelings she felt for him. He was now lying on her breathing hard 
as their hearts collided with a rhythm of longing. He slowly kissed Audrey's 
cheek moving to her ear and whispered a phrase that made Audrey immensely 
aroused, 'I will love you until the sea parts and the voice of heaven for 
takes my soul.' Audrey then knew  that she would no longer be scared. The 
door opened as Audrey and Lance emerged from the small room they had entered 
hours ago. Audrey's shirt was coming unbuttoned and her hair was slightly 
tangled. Lance had lipstick smeared as with Audrey all over their faces. 
proceeded to walk up to me with Lance standing confidently beside her.They 
came outside in a silent manor holding hands in a way that spoke out to me. I 
smiled as Audrey 

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