Chapter Twenty-Seven

After we saw Audrey go upstairs Justin looked at me and smiled. "I missed 
your eyes and you hair." I closed my eyes and laid my head against his chest. 
I could hear his heart beating I closed my eyes at the sweet rhythm it was 
making. "Let's go somewhere alone" he whispered softly. I look at him ok I 

    Once there we walked into the living room where the fire blazed...Justin 
turned off the lights leaving only the fire to light the room. I sat on my 
knees on the bear skin rug. he slowly sat down next to me brushing my soft 
brown hair out of my face. He kissed me...being with him made me feel so 
wonderful inside. I felt like I could fly in his arms, I put my hand to the 
back of his neck and kissed him deeply. He pulled away looking in my eyes, 
like he was searching for an answer, I carefully softened my eyes letting him 
see I wasn't scared. I put my hands on the soft BabyBlue pullover he was 
wearing. He kissed me again making me tingle he slowly went to my collar bone 
as he slipped the shirt off my shoulder, he put his finger to my shoulder 
making me tremble, I kissed his cheek looking into his eyes again. "don't be 
afraid" he said brushing my lips with every syllable. He unbuttoned my shirt, 
looking at me with longing In his eyes, I became scared but feeling his touch 
and seeing his smile gave me reassurance. I unzipped his pullover and taking 
it off running my hands down his chest, then tracing his spine with my finger 
tip. He let out a breath of excitement, I slowly went up to his ear "I love 
you until the day I die" I laid back on the rug as he laid one leg on each 
side of me.  He looked beside him where a rose sat and picked it up. He 
traced my jawline with it then down my collarbone and then slowly down my 
stomach. When he got to the edge of my jeans he unbuttoned them and he kissed 
my cheek as I felt  his eye lashes against my ear, I will love you until the 
ocean never touches the sand.  He looked in my eyes again, and maybe even 

I sat up carefully taking the delicate rose from his hand. I laid him down 
taking the position he once had on me. I touched the end of the rose with my 
fingertip. Justin's concentration stayed on my fingers. I traced his jawline 
with the rose then down his chest and over his stomach, it tensed up with 
excitement. A small strand of hair hung in my face as I looked at him. I bit 
my lip. His soft finger brushed it out of my face. I kissed him again feeling 
the cold button of his jeans on my stomach. I slowly unbuttoned them to 
relieve me from the cold. I was extremely excited and ready for any thing. I 
started to drift away.

    Audrey's heart pounded as she walked into the dim litted room. She smiled 
as she remembered Mandy laying on Justin with a mischievous grin on her face. 
She let out a laugh as to what was running through Mandy's mind. Audrey's 
focus turned back to Lance. He was staring at her with a glow in his eyes. 
"What are you thinking?" Audrey laughed as a smirk grew over Lance's face. 
She sat down on the bed patting next to her for Lance to sit down. He sat 
down. Audrey soon became dizzy as Lance started to nibble on her ear. She 
raised her hand to Lance's face. He laid his hand on her thigh rubbing up. 
Audrey's mind raced with the things that were about to happen, she knew in 
her heart she was ready for anything. She felt Lance's cold soft hand go up 
her shirt. She shivered, his hands were so cold, but she grew excited. She 
pulled Lance's shirt over his head then let out a small laugh to how messy 
his hair was. He laid her onto the soft cloud like pillow. Audrey smiled as 
Lance's mischievous eyes wandered over to the glass of ice water, he reached 
into the glass and pulled out an ice cube.  He brought the ice over to 
Audrey's stomach as a single drop  fell on to her stomach. Audrey let out a 
suttle moan. Lance licked the ice catching the next drop. He smiled as he put 
the ice cube on her soft lips and traced it down her neck. Audrey's eyes were 
closed with a faint crease between her eyebrows, as if she was concentrating 
on something. Lance set the ice cube back into the glass. Audrey opened her 
eyes, Lance kissed her. Lances kiss went all the way down to her stomach. She 
bit her lip trying not to let her pleasure come out of her. She felt a sudden 
relief off her stomach as he unbuttoned her pants. Lance laid next to Audrey. 
Audrey smiled as her hands wandered down to Lance's jeans. She licked his ear 
as Lance breathed heavy in Audrey's ear extremely aroused. Audrey's whole 
body seemed to tingle, she knew it would be an unforgettable night.

Jc's heart sank as he watched Mandy and Justin exit the room. 'Why does 
Justin always get the girl?' He asked himself. He still had something for 
her. 'If there was only one way I could show her.' He stared at the fire as 
he concentrated on how to show her he was better than Justin. He slowly stood 
up and walked into the guest room. He let out a long sigh as he pictured 
Mandy and fell asleep.

*~An hour and a half later~*

Audrey laid there amazed as to what just happened. She couldn't sleep. She 
looked over at Lance and smiled he was awake too. "I can't sleep." She said. 
Lance nodded in agreement. "I'm going downstairs to watch some T. V." She 
said. "Me too." Lance said. Audrey walked downstairs. The living room door 
was closed. She opened it slightly to see Mandy and Justin laying on the 
floor with only a blanket and there arms covering each other. She smiled 
slightly and closed the door. 

She walked into the T. V. room, Lance was laying on the couch watching MTV. 
She laid down next to him as he wrapped  his arms around her. He kissed her 
head. Audrey felt warm and grew tired. "I love you." She said as she drifted to sleep.

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