Chapter Twenty-Eight

I awoke to the pleasant sound of birds chirping in the snow kissed trees 
outside. I slightly sighed raising myself up slowly with a suttle yawn. I 
looked over to my right to find Justin sleeping peacefully. I smiled. I 
figured that I would let him sleep because he looked truly exhausted. I 
watched his chest seep in and out as small breaths escaped his mouth in a 
quick thrust. "I Love you" I whispered as soft as a breeze in his ear. He 
replied by a groan and by shifting to the other side. well then I slightly 
laughed good morning to you, I thought slightly chuckling. My eyes were now 
open as I peered around the room as my gaze shifted from  Justin to the 
window. It was open as the soft touch of sunlight pouring into the cold 
drafted room. I heard something come from the kitchen that sounded like 
someone was up as well. "Maybe Audrey's up." I smiled wanting to know the 
details of her night. I hurriedly got up and proceeded into the slightly dim 
hallway. I walked into the kitchen eyes focused on finding Audrey. To my 
surprise, I saw Jc sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee. I looked to 
his right to see Audrey and Lance cuddled on the couch sleeping soundly and 
sweetly. Lance had his arm around Audrey and a blanket laid upon them 
protecting them from the cool mountain air. I shivered as I walked over to Jc 
who still didn't notice my presence. I sat next to him taking a sip of his 
coffee. He looked up slightly surprised, but quickly smiled as he saw it was 
me. "Hey there." he said looking into my sleepy eyes. "Hey, sorry I needed 
something to wake me up." I replied setting the coffee down. "Ya, that makes 
the two of us." Jc whispered lowering his voice not wanting to disturb Audrey 
and Lance's slumber. "Why are you up so early?" I asked him concerned. "Oh, I 
don't know I just didn't get much sleep." Jc said 
I gazed up from Justin's lap as I saw Jc sitting alone on the couch across 
from me. I lowered my head back in place as Jc's eyes seemed glassy as the 
fire reflected in his hurting eyes. 

"Mandy?" Jc asked. I jumped slightly slamming my eyes in his focus giving an 
awkward smile. Jc stared at me with a crinkle of question on his forehead. 
"What were you thinking of?" asked Jc suspiciously. "Oh-oh, nothing." I 
replied quickly looking at Jc as serious as I could. It didn't convince him 
because he slowly put his hand on mine. He glanced at me with the same sad 
eyes he had given the fire the night before. Such emptiness. His eyes 
screamed of longing and passion. Such desire, such loneliness. I could feel 
tears weld in my eyes. Mandy I told myself nervously. I stared at Jc, 
my friend, who's heart been empty and unanswered. I placed my hand on his 
looking at him with convincing eyes, "I'm fine" I answered assuring him with 
a soft rub. JC returned the rub but on a more romantic note. He traced my 
finger with a gentle touch caressing my hand. I looked at Jc whose focus was 
still on my hand placed in his palm. I felt such pain for him at that moment, 
but a strong feeling of warmth filled my body. Jc's focus then went from my 
hand to my almost watered eyes. "Aww Mandy." he spoke softly. "I--" Jc was 
cut off "Good morning." a tired voice suddenly arose from the living room. I 
quickly wiped away my tear and looked into the direction of the voice. Jc 
quickly shot his head around as well. Audrey was standing there as she lifted 
her arms up in a huge yawn. Audrey smiled and quickly awakened as Lance came 
from behind wrapping her in his arms. "Why'd you get up?" he asked in a puppy 
dog manor. "You were my warmth." he said romantically. Audrey smiled kissing 
him on the forehead. Jc and I both laughed as the two love birds walked into 
the kitchen. "So" Audrey spoke up yawning slightly, "What's the plan Stan?" 
looking at me and JC then tilting her head back to question Lance. We all 
shrugged making Audrey sigh. "Oh well, there's always other stuff." Audrey 
smiled kissing Lance and looking him in the eyes. Jc and I looked at each 
other and knew what one another were thinking. We both replied to each 
other's thoughts by rolling our eyes. "What?" Audrey said pretending to be 
offended. "I don't here any other suggestions, thank-you!" Audrey then went 
backing to calling Lance the usual love names. It was now around 6:00 p.m. 
and none of us had suggested a thing to do for the day. The whole afternoon 
was wasted as we lounged around in our clothes sprawled across the floor. 
"I'm hungry." Justin suddenly spoke up amazing us all. "And then there was 
voice." Audrey said making us all crack up. We all looked at each other in 
awkward glances. We weren't exactly the physical type. "Let's go out to eat." 
Justin said suddenly sitting up. "Dinner, but it's on--" Joey said cutting 
himself of realizing the time. "Geez it's already 6:45" Joey remarked 
slightly astounded. "Wow, we spent the whole day just sitting here." Justin 
said. "Let's please go eat." he said as a rumble escaped his stomach. 
Laughter filled the room as we all sat up from our resting spots. "There's a 
dinner not to far from her." Jc suggested. "Sounds good! Let's go!" Justin 
stood up hurriedly. "Woah-woah." Chris said "Some of us gots ta get dressed 
first." he laughed. "Fine, but just--" Justin was cut off again by his 
roaring stomach. "We better go fast or his stomachs gonna explode." Audrey 
said sarcastically as we all got up laughing and heading for our cabins. I 
was the only one who didn't get up. "Mandy?" Audrey asked me slightly worried 
"You gonna go get dressed?" she asked. "No, Audrey, I don't feel well I 
thought I'd go rest." I replied "Oh, ok would you like me to get you 
something while I'm gone?" Audrey questioned "Ya, Tylenol Cold." I replied 
sniffing. "Sure thing, Mandy." Audrey smiled. I didn't want anyone to feel 
any more sorry for me ,so I proceeded into my room and shut the door. 
"Audrey?" Jc asked as he walked up to my side. "Where's Mandy?" He asked 
shifting his eyes around the room. "Oh, she's not feeling well and is going 
to stay here." I replied worriedly. "Oh, Jc, I don't know If I should go I 
me--" Audrey's hesitation was answered as Jc spoke up, "I'll stay and watch 
her." He tried to stay as casual as possible, but excitement was building up 
in his body. "Oh, would you." Audrey said relieved as she gave Jc a thankful 
hug. "It's no prob, what are friends for?" Jc smiled. Everyone was ready to 
go and of course, Justin in the lead jumping up and down in unison with his 
stomach. "Shut-up!" he yelled at it angrily. Justin hadn't even noticed Mandy 
was not with them as they exited leaving Mandy and Jc alone in the driftwood 
cabin. Jc's mind came alive. 'Here's your chance to prove yourself to Mandy' 
he thought. 'Tonight is the night.' he said softly grasping the knob of the 
wooden door smiling as he closed it slowly making a soft echo dance across 
the mountains. I awoke to the sound of the television sounding in a low tone. 
I sat up slightly surprised gazing out of the room as soft colors of blue 
gave evidence the TV was on. I got up slightly dizzy from resting and pulled 
off the covers

My eyebrows crinkled with question as thoughts came amongst my mind,

"Who could be watching t.v.?" "I thought that I was alone." 

I shivered as a whirlpool of pictures raced in my head. I slowly raised 
myself trying hard not to shake. My balance was uneven as my heart leapt with 
wonder and fright. An ice-touched fear shot up my spine as I walked 
cautiously into the hallway unprepared. I needed something for protection for 
my mind was becoming blurry and blank by the second. I slowly tip-toed into 
the entrance of the small kitchen as my heart pounded. I started to breathe 
heavily as I frantically searched for a weapon of defense. My eyes rested 
upon a large kitchen knife lying on the counter. I was terrified at this 
point in time as I quickly grabbed the handle. 

I quickly grabbed the handle and turned slowly to face the living room 
entrance. The volume of the television was now even louder since I was so 
sickly close. The thought of whoever lied on the other side of the wall would 
be able to hear, made me even more tense. I suddenly thought the knife 
wouldn't do enough for me, because I just didn't feel safe enough. I 
hurriedly shifted my eyes around looking for yet another and more powerful 

I finally spotted something perfect. I grabbed a bat that was leaning against 
the kitchen wall. I looked at my knife not wanting to let it go as I took 
both objects in my hands. Sweat began to fill my palms as I squeezed both 
utensils even harder. I raised the bat and wrapped my fingers around the 
sharp knife. Finally gaining courage, full of rage and fright I sprung into 
the living room. 

"Okay, you!" I yelled. My eyes shockingly widened to find JC sitting half 
asleep on the couch.

"What the?!" Jc's sleepy expression changed into a scared appearance. JC was 
now almost on top of the sofa as fear splashed in his eyes.

"Oh my gosh." I gasped in a long sigh. 

JC laughed nervously. "Just a little paranoid, aren't we, Mandy?" he spoke 
lowering himself onto the couch.

"I feel so, ugh." I replied laughing at my stupid action. 

"It's okay." Jc smiled, "Dang girl, I thought you were Julius Caesar coming 
back from the dead for revenge," he joked.

"Oh, shut up." I replied by sitting next to him on the couch and punching him 
in the shoulder. 

Jc laughed as he looked at me, "Ouch, what was that for?" he remarked rubbing 
his shoulder.

"You know perfectly well what it was for, you ass." "You scared me." I 
shrieked. "I had no idea that someone was going to stay behind." I glared at 

"Well, excuse me for caring." he replied jokingly offended.

"Oh, don't give me that 'Who me, I'm Richie Cunningham' act," I glared at him 
once more.

"You're referring to me, right?" he said sadly.

"Oh, please, you know exactly who I'm interpreting this too," I sighed.
"You know I still love you." I said giving in pathetically.

"So, are you feeling any better?" JC asked while turning off the television 
so that all focus was upon me as the room grew silent.

"Yes, thank-you," I smiled. "I think it was just a suttle cold." I replied 

Not easily fooled JC replied, "Doesn't sound like that to me." JC raised an 
eyebrow questioning my stuffed nose. He went into the kitchen disappearing 
out of my view.

"JC, really, I'm fine." I called into the direction in which he had exited. 
Moments later, he returned with a box of tissue and a cool glass of ice 
water. I smiled as he sat down next to me. He then set the water and tissue 
box on the coffee table before us. He then grabbed a single tissue and handed 
it to me. I looked at him with sorrow building up inside of me, "thanks," I 
said gratefully taking it from his grasp.

"No problem," Jc replied. 

"They sure have been gone long," I said suddenly tensing up and biting my lip 
as JC slowly scooted nearer.

"Oh, don't worry about them," he said assuringly. "They're probably just 
having a good time for once." He let out a laugh breaking my worry.

"Ya, you're probably right," I laughed. I then stopped laughing as I felt 
Jc's eyes on me. I slowly turned to face him answering my sixth sense. He 
stared back at me with passionate eyes. JC suddenly spoke up breaking the 
uncomfortable silence. 

"I love your laugh," he seriously remarked as he gazed at me intently. 
Suddenly, without warning, JC leaned in inches from my lips. I wasn't sure 
how to react, I nervously closed my eyes. Before I could even react, his lips 
me mine in seconds. My eyes widened in confusion as I placed my hands on his 
chest pushing him away with a quick jolt.

"JC?!" I yelled. "What were you, I mean how could you?" I looked at him with 
slightly confused eyes. I was then surprised when I gazed at him as 
butterflies shifted in my stomach. I surprisingly liked it as my own words 
echoed in my mind, 'I liked it'. JC stared at me with loving eyes reaching to 
the depths of my soul. I was suddenly paralyzed by his powerful possession 
over me. "I-I" I stuttered slightly dizzy. JC smirked a romantic smile and 
leaned in for a soft, yet wet kiss making me suddenly warm. This time I 
didn't pull away. 

He slowly raised his hand placing it on my face caressing it swiftly against 
my cheek. I placed my hand on his shoulder tightening my grip as I kissed him 
passionately. My body filled with question, 'Was I developing feelings for 
him?' my thoughts repeated. This felt so wrong, but yet it felt so right. It 
was as if something was filling my heart with the missing piece it so 
desperately desired. My body became overwhelmed with warmth as JC leaned in 
closer as I slowly laid back on the couch's arm. His hand slowly ran through 
my thin hair as his warm body seemed to sink into mine. We soon became one as 
he kissed me intently. His lips slowly rubbed mine as his tongue soothingly 
massaged my own. I raised my chin up to his as our lips stayed locked still 
kissing passionately. 

His body now aroused me as I ran my fingers across his chest. I know wanted 
him immensely as my heart roared with longing. We kissed with intense and 
loving rage as our feelings whirled in all directions. I unbuttoned his shirt 
revealing a white tank top. It unbuttoned with ease as his strong biceps 
appeared. My hands slightly trembled as I ran them down his arms pulling him 
even closer. A large sigh escaped my lips as I leaned back in pleasure. He 
was now caressing my tongue even harder as he moved his heavenly lips from 
mine to my pale neck. 

My hand grabbed his shoulders tightly as my eyes slowly opened, We were so 
caught in our own passion that we didn't even notice they had returned. I let 
out a small gasp lifting JC slightly off me. Justin was standing before us 
with anger in his blue eyes. His hand became a dominant fist as he charged 
for JC in a violent rage.


I let out a scream as I backed off onto the rim of the couch digging my nails 
into the velour surface. I watched in horror as Jc received a violent attach. 
I couldn't stand to let this go on for any longer. I plunged for Justin 
trying to pull him away with all my strength. I truly felt like a damsel in 
distress. My face was wet and streaming with tears as I was finally able to 
pry Justin off.

"No!" I screamed as fear pounded in my heart.

 Tears now blanketed my face making my breaths seem long. Justin was now 
standing up looking at JC with blood stained eyes. I looked at JC who was 
struggling not to attach from Justin's outburst. His lip was slightly 
bleeding as a small cut was revealed on his lower lip.

"Omg, JC, are you okay?!"  I gasped.

"I'm fine," Jc replied in a low tone trying to avoid Justin's peering eyes.

I looked up at Justin who's head sharply turned to face me. He looked at me 
with hurt eyes trying hard to control his tears. I looked at him unable to 
speak a word as his eyes pierced down at me. Finally, Justin spoke up.

"Mandy, what the hell?!" he screamed at my already shaken body.
"How could you?!" he became unglued. 

I felt so weak and thought the pain wouldn't ever leave until JC stood up 
turning Justin around to face him.

"It wasn't her fault, she had nothing to do with it," he said taking all the 

Justin was now breathing harder as his eyes slyly looked JC up and down 
disgusted. I could feel the tension between the two men growing as the room 
became silent.

"I thought so you son of a -" Justin fired as he reached for Jc's throat, but 
was cut off by my blood curdling scream

"Stop it!" I yelled.
I began to break down crying curled up on the couch. Justin immediately 
dropped his hands letting out a fearce sigh. JC sat next to me, whom was 
rocking back and forth. His hand touched my shoulder and warmness filled my 
body once more. He was so incredibly near once again.

"Mandy I-," Jc was cut off by Justin. 

"Get out, now! Get away from her!" he bellowed.

Jc quickly removed his hand from my shoulder. He rised from the couch, 
grabbing his coat. He carefully walked past Justin ignoring his gaze. He took 
one last look at me and was gone within minutes. I looked up from my hands to 
see Justin who was still staring at the door in anger.

"He had the nerve, I swear if.." he trailed off lowering his head.

I had to do something or he would be infuriated the whole night. 'Besides, he 
was the one I loved right?' I didn't answer my thoughts I just reacted. I 
slowly walked to his side facing him. I carefully placed my fore-finger on 
his wet lips.

"Shh.." I whispered as I stared him in the eyes.

He instantly melted in my gaze.

"Mandy, I'm sorry for doubting you it's just-" I circled him putting my hands 
upon his back and kissed it gently convincing him to relax. I smiled as I 
grabbed his hand and gave him a knowing look. He quickly lit up grabbing my 
waist and sexily whispering in my ear as we headed up the steps.


Flashes of Jc's romantic smirk entered my mind. I became dizzy and 
motionless. I suddenly awakened as I felt a presence surround my body. I 
opened my eyes desiring to see JC, but realized it was Justin was whom I was 
kissing. He began to put his hand on my thigh proceeding up my skirt, but I 
quickly pulled it away. I pushed him away from me as our lips unlocked. 
Justin looked at me with confused eyes wanting to go farther.

"What's wrong?" he said demanding for an explanation.

"Justin, I just don't feel like it right now." I said lowering my gaze to the 

"What?!" Justin said suddenly developing an attitude.
"I thought you wanted to, I mean you led me on!" he whined.
"Now, come on baby."

 Justin leaned in aiming for my lips as he dominantly held my shoulders. I 
angrily pushed him away looking him in the eyes.

"Justin, I said no." I warned in a threatening voice. 

He looked at me infuriated by his loss. 

"Fine!" he screamed suddenly becoming outraged.
"Britney is a way better kisser in bed than you will ever be bitch." he said 

I looked at him shocked and hurt as tears flooded my eyes,

"You slept with her?" I choked on my words crying uncontrollably.

Justin looked at me with a triumphant stare. I away quickly disgusted.

"How could you, you lied?!" I screamed as I shot up and glared at him with 
fearce eyes.
My hands became tighter forming into powerful fists.
"Justin, that was way harsh," I whispered in a deep voice trying to control 
the shaking.

"Well, what are you thinking now, huh?" Justin evilly smirked at me.

"Justin, right now, you really don't want to know," I snapped back.

With that, I ran our of the room not wanting Justin to see my tears. I 
proceeded down the steps as the whole view of the house seemed like a blur. 
Objects flew by as I ran for the front door only able to concentrate on one 
thing. I opened the door slightly hesitating gazing back from where I had 
been and knowing the person I thought was my soul was up there. I quickly 
looked away suddenly feeling sick.

I stared out into the snow as the wind softly blew snow across the Ice blue 
sky. I shivered as a quick breeze whipped my hair. I wrapped my arms around 
me realizing what I was wearing wasn't exactly warm. I cautiously turned my 
head around and spotted my coat on the closet door knob. I slowly walked back 
inside towards it shaking. The energy of evil I felt amongst the house was 
overpowering. Wanting to get out of there, I grabbed my coat and walked fast 
towards the door way. I froze in horror as I heard footsteps coming down the 

My heart raced as I was paralyzed with fear. 'Get Out.' a voice screamed 
inside my head making me able to move. Without thinking, or looking back I 
ran faster towards the door in explicable terror. All I could think of was 
that Justin was coming after me. I ran out the door with my heart trying to 
explode out of my chest. I panted as I looked into the house and saw Justin 
standing before the dim stair well. My eyes widened as he started to pace 

"Mandy, get back here!" he yelled.

I panicked as a paralyzed squeak escaped my lips. Terror seeped into my 
watery eyes. My arms suddenly became locked as I became fiercely panicked. I 
was amazingly able to grab the door slamming it in Justin's face. I leaned 
back against the door in suttle relief as I began to cry. I stayed there for 
several minutes unable to move. Justin hadn't even tried to open the door. I 
let out a long sigh as I opened my eyes which had tensely been shut by my 
fear. It was now deadly silent as I gazed into the snowy mountain region. It 
was now darkening as the last splash of sunlight disappeared into the trees. 
The air blew eerily a wraith howl over the land. I glanced to my right seeing 
everyone's cabins. One cabin, among all the others, stood out clearly.

I hurriedly ran through the snow as imprints of my shoe crunched in the white 
substance. I seemed to be limping as I headed towards my destination. A small 
cloud of breath escaped my lips as I grew tired. Everything seemed to be in 
slow motion as I walked even closer. My tears blurred my vision as I ran into 
the night. The cabin finally came into view. The dim, yellow porch light sent 
off a feeling of safeness and security. For the first time since the argument 
with Justin a few hours ago, I felt safe. It was now pitch black as the stars 
slowly shimmered in the sky. I slowly walked up the wooden steps as the 
creaked beneath me. I was now standing in front of the metal door knocker for 
it seemed to shine as the lit hit it softly. My hand reached up slightly 
trembling as I grabbed it nervously.

I knocked on the door lightly not wanting to sound intrusive. I slowly put 
down my hand and rested it at my side. I rocked back and forth starting to 
cry once more. The door quickly opened in the pulse of a heart beat it seemed 
as JC emerged. He smiled, but it quickly faded when he saw my tears. Worry 
filled his expression as I spoke up,

"JC, Justin, he-" I couldn't finish my sentence as I collapsed in his arms 
sobbing uncontrollably yet once again, He immediately understood as he rocked 
me back and forth in the doorway.

"Come on, let's get you inside." he said in a soft and wholesome tone in my 

He wrapped his arms around me leading me safely inside. The door shut behind 
us leaving a whole night of possibilities to come.

"Here, have a seat," JC said warmly motioning towards the soft couch.

I sat down instantly having a flashback of JC on top of me kissing my neck. 
Jc sat down taking my hand as he spoke,

"What's wrong?" he asked me concerned.

"Justin," I choked, "He lied to me." I cried harder.
"He slept with that two timing skank," I said aloud anger building in my 
I began to sob as I remembered how hurt I had to been when I saw Justin and 
Britney making out on the couch.

"Awe, Mandy," JC said with sadness in his voice.

He grabbed me softly pulling me close in his arms. He swayed me back and 
forth quieting me as I sobbed. I became warm and dizzy with seconds. I sighed 
happily knowing that I was in his grasp lost in his arms. His hands found 
their way through my hair as I gradually stopped crying. A large smile spread 
across my face as I returned his sweetness with a hug. I breathed him in deep 
smelling his Tommy Hilfiger cologne instantly melting. I raised my head up 
slowly looking him straight in the eyes. They reflected back with a dark and 
mysterious shade of blue as I became paralyzed once again.

"JC, thank-you," I smiled placing my hand on his cheek.
"I shouldn't of just rested all my problems on you," I apologized.

His smile that possessed me appeared as he replied, "Mandy, don't apologize, 
it's not a problem." "You are most welcome."

He then leaned in for my cheek, but I quickly leaned in wanting more as I met 
his lips. He was slightly surprised, but he smirked playfully. I looked at 
his eyes losing my senses. He placed his hand on my face as I slowly closed 
my eyelids. I held his hand on my cheek as I slowly brushed against it. I let 
out a dazed sigh as a tear was wiped away. I now knew that I wanted him more 
than ever at that inevitable moment. My eyes glowed with envy.

"Oh, Jc," I sighed with longing.
"Kiss-" before I could finish, he kissed me instantly.

We both looked at each other knowing exactly what one another wanted. His 
tender lips massaged mine as I lifted  off his shirt again. It was now more 
obvious than ever we would finish what we had started. He pleasurably groaned 
as I ran my fingers across his chest. I bit my lips as I slowly sighed from 
his overpowering passion. He was now on top of me kissing me immensely. I 
could feel his heart interrelated with mine as I was lost in its rhythmic 
power. I turned all my anger and all my love into passion. I let out a small 
moan. I felt his hand go up the side of my bare leg. All these feelings for 
Jc rushed inside of me like a secret treasure being opened. I quickly forgot 
about my troubles as I closed my eyes relaxed as I drifted away into a deep seduction.

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