Chapter Twenty-Nine

I looked at Jc who laid next to me. My body trembled at the experience I just 
had. "You ok?" he said running his hand down my face. I kissed his fingers. 
He smiled softly as he seemed to drift out of his mind. I moved closer to 
him. I felt so secure so warm. I bit my lip, and kissed him again. He meant 
everything to me now. I ran the tip of his fingers down his chest. He looked 
at me… "I love you Mandy." My mind went blank. I totally freaked. Was he 
expecting an answer back? I stood up and got dressed. Jc stared. I rubbed his 
cheek. "I will return." I laughed. I ran out into the open air. Leaving Jc's 
arms made me feel weak, able, and scared. Those words Jc said. (I love you) 
ran through my mind. I was so confused. I ran next door…Audrey…I knocked. 
Lance opened the door. "Hey, you ok?" he asked as tears formed in my eyes.  I 
slightly nod. "Audrey home?" I said at a faint whisper. "Yeah, come in." he 
said. I walked in out of the cold. "I'll go get her." He walked upstairs. 
Justin was in my mind now…those words that stung my soul. Tears streamed down 
my face. Audrey walked down. "Mandy?" I looked up at her. I felt so weak. 
"Audrey." I managed to gasp out. "What?" she walked to my side concerned. I 
hugged her crying in her arms. "Come on I will make you some tea." She said. 
"And you can tell me everything."

"He slept with that whore?!" Audrey yelled in an outrage. I told her about Jc 
and how everything happened so fast and how at that time it felt so right. 
Audrey sat across the table staring at me. "You have had feelings  for Jc for 
a while Mandy."  Audrey said. "Wha-What?" I stuttered. "What are you talking 
about?" I asked. "I just never said anything." She spoke again. "Jc opened 
that little box inside of you, your gonna have to choose." She said. I 
lowered my eyes. Audrey stood and kissed my head. "You can sleep here tonight 
so you can sort your thoughts, I'll call the guys and tell them you are 
staying here." She said. I sneezed. "I'll give you some Tylenol flu." She 
said. I was so tired and exhausted the rest of that night was a blur.

I woke up to Jc sitting at the end of my bed. I felt terrible…my head 
throbbed…my nose was runny, my throat hurt and I have a cough. I moaned. Jc 
smiled. "You've been like this all night." He said. "You've been here all 
night?" I asked. He smiled again. "I lost you once I'm not gonna lose ya 
again." I sneezed. Jc handed me a tissue. "Thank-you." I coughed.  Jc reached 
his hand up to my forehead. "Poor Mandy's gotta fever too." He laughed. I 
yawned and laid my head back on the pillow. Jc was sitting on the end of the 
bed. I let out another moan of sickness. "Turn around." Jc said. "On your 
stomach." I looked at him and did what he said. I felt his hand massage my 
back. "Your very tense." He laughed.  It felt good as my muscles relaxed. I 
closed my eyes. I let out a soft moan of sickness and pleasure.  "Mandy…He 
whispered. "Yeah." I said. "Can I keep you?" He said.  I smiled slightly.

All of a sudden  the door was pounded on.  Justin rushed in. I jumped up fast 
making my head grow dizzy. Justin looked at Jc. "What the hell are you doing 
here?" Justin yelled. Jc stood.  "Unlike you I care about Mandy!" Jc yelled. 
Justin's face filled with anger. I felt sick again. I laid back down. I was 
so confused, I closed my eyes I slowly drifted to sleep not wanting to hear 
them fight anymore.


I woke up. Audrey had a cold wet cloth on my head. I started to cry. "What am 
I going to do Audrey?" "I have fallen in love with Jc and I still love 
Justin." I cried.  Audrey swiped my head with the cloth.  "I don't know what 
to tell you." "Lance came in here and broke them guys up." She said.  "Jc was 
so hesitant at leaving your side." She said. I smiled. Audrey looked in my 
eyes. "You've got it bad for Jc now." She went on. "He's got it bad for you, 
you can see it in his eyes, his movements." I started to drift out of my mind 
as I remembered last night, my heart racing, us moaning with pleasure, how I 
wanted him so bad, my heart jumped I had butterflies in my stomach. "Earth to 
Mandy." Audrey said looking at me. I smiled and sighed. She rolled her eyes. 
Lance walked in. "Hey, how are ya feeling?" Lance said. "A little better." I 
said. "Well, Jc won't stop calling." Lance rolled his eyes.  Audrey laughed 
"See what I mean?" She turned her head to Lance. My stomach hurt real bad. 
"Tell him he can come see her." Audrey said. I started to drift asleep again. 
Audrey kissed my head. "Dreams of the one you love." She whispered. 


As soon as Mandy was asleep, Audrey joined Lance in the kitchen. He was on 
the phone. "Really?" Lance smiled. "Well, Justin loves her too." Lance said 
talking to JC on the other end of the phone. "She slept with you, I think 
they're even. "Jc, she's nine years younger than you." "So?" Audrey 
interrupted "My friends parents have 24 years difference between them, age is 
nothing but a number when you're in love." Audrey spoke. You could hear Jc 
cheering from the other end of the line.  Lance rolled his eyes. "Whatever." 
He laughed.

I woke up but didn't open my eyes. Jc was with me. He was singing. *And I 
will take you in my arms and hold you right where you belong till the day my 
life is through this I promise you* I acted like I had just woken up. Jc 
smiled. "How are you feeling?" He asked. "Better now." I smiled. I sat up and 
Jc handed me a glass of  Dr. pepper. I took the small glass to my lips.  Jc 
pulled the glass away and kissed me. When he pulled away I blurted out "Just 
what the doctor ordered." I felt my face turn red. He laughed. I pushed a 
piece of hair behind my ear. "Right now you look very sexy." He said scooting 
closer to me. He took his hand to my face. He kissed me and my heart started 
to race. I didn't want to stop. 


Audrey peered in through the door. Mandy and Jc were kissing. 'She love's 
him' Audrey thought to herself. Lance came behind Audrey. "Awe!" Lance 
smiled. "Let's go do that on the couch." Lance suggested. Audrey smiled. 
"Well then come on." They walked  into the living room, Lance kissed Audrey 
using his tongue. Audrey melted into Lance's arms. She loved being with him. 
She ran hands down the sweater he was wearing. Her heart beated for Lance, 
her love, her soulmate.


I pulled away. I didn't want to go any farther. "No." I said softly. He 
smiled sweetly. "Ok." "That's it?" I said. "Your not gonna get mad?" I asked. 
He smiled again "Of course not." I felt a relief off my shoulders. "Oh Jc 
you're the greatest." I said. "You wanna spend the night at my house?" he 
asked. "Yeah, I'm sure Audrey's tired of taking care of me anyway, you wanna 
order some Chinese?" I asked. Jc's face lit up. "You read my mind!" I stood 
up and walked into the living room. Audrey and Lance were on the couch. Jc 
walked next to me. I coughed to make myself known. Audrey looked up at me. 
Her hair was all messed up. It reminded me of Lance's part in 7th Heaven. 
"Whoa Lance, Hope you guys ain't 'Just friends' I laughed. Lance blushed. "No 
sorry, Audrey is way more than a friend." He said. I laughed. "Ok, just 
making sure." "Do you need something?" Audrey said in a go away I wanna be 
alone with Lance tone. "No, just wanted to thank-you, I'm going home with 
Jc." I said grabbing his hand. "Ok, Maybe you should go see Justin first. Jc 
let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around me. "Ok," I look at Jc. "I'll 
catch up with you later." I kissed him and walked over to Justin's 

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