Chapter Thirty

I very lightly knocked on the door hoping maybe he wasn't home so I could 
spare myself the pain. Justin opened the door almost immediately. A soft warm 
smile came over his face. My arms were wrapped around me. He reached to give 
me a hug. I backed away letting him know I was still upset. His smile faded. 
I couldn't look at him in the eyes. I think it was because he hurt me and I 
suddenly felt guilty for sleeping with Jc. He reached  out again pulling me 
close to him. "I forgive you." He blurted out. I pushed him away. "For what?" 
I asked angrily. "sleeping with…" I cut him off  "Who said I was sorry?!" 
"You slept with what used to be my best friend, then you lied  to me about 
it, then you call me a bitch, AND then you say YOU FORGIVE ME?!" I screamed 
throwing my hands up in the air. "You have some nerve you know!"  I said 
turning to go be in the comfort of Jc's arms. Hot tears streamed down my 
face. "You better stay away from Jc." He demanded. My eyes looked at him. 
"What's your problem Justin?" I whispered. "you were my soul and now I am not 
so sure." "You changed ever since…I didn't finish my sentence. "I still love 
you Justin." I said underneath my breath.  "Don't you dare walk away!"  
Justin yelled. I walked still ignoring his words. I heard crunching in the 
snow behind me, following me. 'Run' I voice said in my head.   Tears welded 
my eyes  as I took off running. 'What's wrong with him?' I asked myself. Jc's 
cabin came into view. I seemed to run faster. 'Was he still following me?' I 
didn't want to turn and find out. I climbed Jc's stairs and started pounding 
on the door.  I saw Justin he was staring at me. The door flew open and I 
fell into Jc's arms crying. "He…he's after me!" I screamed. Jc looked out 
into the open snow. "What?" "It's only you baby, calm down." He said calming 
me. I was shaking uncontrollably.  Jc took me in his arms and rocked me. 
"Your safe now." Jc said.  I closed my eyes. "Can I kiss you ?" he asked.  I 
smiled and looked up at him, and answered his question by my soft kiss. Jc 
closed the door. I walked in next to the fire as I saw the couch where I 
found my true feelings for Jc. Someone knocked at the door. I became scared 
once again. Jc looked at me cross eyed "Chinese!" he said relaxing the 
moment. Jc walked in with two big bags of Chinese. "Dang!" "I think you have 
enough to feed the whole mountain" I said. He laughed "Nope just my stomach." 
The smell of egg rolls filled the cabin. We sat there eating. "This is pretty 
good." I said.  He looked over at my plate while I tried to pick up some meat 
with the chopsticks. He laughed. "Here try this." He said feeding me a piece 
of sushi.  My face cringed at the taste in my mouth. He smiled. "Nice…chewy." 
I laughed chewing the piece of raw fish.  A soft winter breeze blew through 
the crack in the window. I was wearing a baby black tee and some jeans.  
"Here open your fortune cookie." I opened it. The fortune read: 'Hard things 
are heading your way but your love will stick by you forever till the end.' 
Jc smiled "You got a good one!" He said. "ok, your turn." I said. He opened 
his cookie. "You truly love the one sitting next to you and you shouldn't 
keep it hid"  I looked at him strangely. "Nuh uh!" I said reaching for the 
small slip of paper. He pulled it away… "Ok, It really says.. 'Things are 
looking up for you…you've got something you always wanted take care of it.' I 
smiled as Jc drew closer to me. I looked at the fire. I brushed my hand 
through my hair. Jc wrapped his hand around my side. I looked at him and 
kissed his cheek. "What was that for?" He asked as a smile appeared on his 
face. I shrugged.  Jc took my hand up to his chest. I could feel a faint 
heart beat. I looked into his eyes. The seemed soft. "It beats for you." He 
said. I closed my eyes concentrating on his beat. I felt his breath against 
my lips. I opened my eyes as he kissed my lips. I took my hand off of his 
chest and raised it to the back of his neck.  The gum I had been chewing was 
now in his mouth. I laughed. "can I ask you a question?" I asked. "Sure!" he 
smiled snapping the gum. "Why did you dump Becky and Jaci?" I asked 
curiously. He sighed. "You had my heart…but Justin had yours." I lowered my 
eyes. "He still does." Jc sighed with sadness. I gazed into Jc's eyes. "I 
have so many feelings for you that I hid away in a box  inside of me." I went 
on. "You opened that box inside of me and now I am here with you, I think 
I've fallen in love with you, when you told me you loved me I knew you meant 
every word. When we were on the couch and our hearts beated as one. I melted 
into Jc's gaze as he put his finger over my mouth.


'I'm so stupid!' Justin said to himself looking in the mirror. His eyes were 
red and blurry. He remembered the hurt in Mandy's eyes when he told her the 
truth. 'Why did I have to be so mean?' 'I had the world and I lost it.' 
Justin stared as a voice appeared in his head. 'look at yourself are you 
gonna let a 15-year old girl get to you?' Justin sighed. "Yes, she's more 
than a 15- year old girl…I love her with my soul." He answered the voice. He 
remembered how Mandy lit the room with her smile. How they danced beneath the 
moonlight. He remembered the hurt he felt when he saw Jc and Mandy on the 
couch. 'You so deserved it' The voice said again in his head. Justin turned 
his head not wanting to see his reflection. "I gotta get her back." He said 
yawning and walking into his room. He would be lonely yet once again. As the 
bed was neatly made on one side. He laid his head down hoping for a chance 
one more time.


Audrey sat on the couch staring at the starlit sky from the window. Lance was 
sitting next to her. Audrey had a slight headache. Lance turned on some 
Marvin Gaye. Audrey closed her eyes and laid back on Lance's chest. He set 
his head in hers as they swayed to the music. Audrey stood up pulling Lance 
up with her. She looked up at him while they danced to the music.  Lance had 
a soft sweet smile on his face as it seemed to glow. Lance pulled Audrey 
closer to him. "GrOoOwl" He whispered in her ear. Audrey blushed laughing. 
She hugged Lance peering out the window. Justin was outside wandering around. 
Question appeared on her face.  "Lance." She barely whispered not wanting to 
ruin the moment. "Will you go talk to Justin?" She said. "He looks like he's 
gonna go crazy." She said again. Lance turned toward the window and saw 
Justin wandering around. Lance laughed. "Sure, looks like he needs a friend 
anyway." Lance kissed Audrey. He slipped his shoes on and grabbed his coat. 
"I'll be right back." He said to her. "I'll make us some French vanilla hot 
chocolate, then we can go to bed." Audrey winked. Lances face blushed as he 
walked outside.

"Justin?" Lance spoke "What are you doing out here?" Lance said. Justin 
stopped moving back and forth. "I didn't think she would have this much 
effect on me." Justin said. "Walk with me." Lance said. Justin followed. "I 
really screwed up didn't I?" Justin asked. Lance nodded. "Mandy was nothing 
but good to you, she loved you for you not for your fame or money." Lance 
said looking at Justin whose concentration was somewhere else. Lance looked 
it was in Jc's window. He saw Mandy and Jc kissing then Mandy stood up and 
started to twirl around the house while JC watched. Jc was laughing, he 
picked up the pillow off the couch and threw it at her. She stopped twirling 
and threw the pillow back. So then Jc stood up and chased after her as they 
ran up the steps. Justin smiled then sighed. "She's the greatest." Justin 
said. Lance felt sorrow for his friend. Justin sighed with sadness. "I'll 
help you get her back." Lance blurted out. Justin looked up at lance. "You 
will?" He said happily. Lance nodded. "Awe thanks man!" he hugged Lance. "Now 
go home and get some rest." Lance said walking back to his cabin. Justin 
looked in the window again and saw Mandy walk down the steps smiling. She was 
wearing a long white night gown. She looked in the mirror. "You look 
beautiful." He said walking back to his cabin.

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