Chapter Thirty-One

The morning sun shined through the window. I barely opened my eyes to see Jc 
next to me sleeping soundly. I kissed his cheek and got up. I walked 
downstairs and into the kitchen. I started some coffee. My stomach growled. 
"I'm hungry." I said outloud. I started  humming as I searched the cupboards. 
I started to make some French toast. While I was mixing the stuff together Jc 
moved my hair off my neck and kissed it. His facial hair tickled me making me 
laugh. He looked at what I was making. "Lets go out...just me and you." He 
said. I turned around laying my back against the counter and wrapped my arms 
around him. "Let me take a shower first." I said. Jc smiled. "Mind if I 
join?" he winked. I blushed. "Yes, I mind I'm so ashamed of my body." I said. 
"You didn't seem to mind on the couch and besides there is only one shower in 
the house." He complained. "Well I need the shower more than you." I said. Jc 
pouted. "Fine." He said. I smiled. "Now kiss me." He looked at me in the 
eyes. I kissed him running my hands down his back to his butt and gave it a 
light squeeze. He pulled away laughing as I walked upstairs. "Jc, tell your 
friend he's gotta wait." Jc looked down at his boxers and blushed. I was 
laughing hysterically.

*~After the shower~* 

I put on a pair of jeans and one of Jc's jerseys. Jc was looking at me from 
his bed. After my hair was dried and I had some make-up on I sat down next to 
him. "Jc…Yeah babe…I tickled him making him go onto his back. I climbed 
ontop of him then licked his ear. "Let's go." I got off of him and walked up 
to the doorway ready to leave. "Your so cruel." I smiled my innocent smile. 
He stood up "Let's go." He put his arm around me and we got in the car.


Justin woke up looking next to him. It was empty. He missed Mandy terribly. 
He let out a soft moan of sadness. He remembered her soft warm kiss. He 
licked his lips. 'What am I gonna do to bring her back to me?' Justin asked 
himself. He shook his head not wanting to be sad. He hesitated to get out of 
bed. He wanted Mandy to be there to hold him, to tickle him, to smile her 
loving smile. He slowly brought himself out of bed. A slight dizziness rose 
over him. He walked downstairs to the kitchen to the fridge on the freezer 
held by a single magnet sat a picture of Mandy and him. (the one where she's 
whispering in his ear) A single tear rose in his eye. He couldn't stand it 
any longer. He had to tell her he loved her and he was sorry for being a 
total ass to her. He headed toward the front door. 'What about JC?' A voice 
spoke in his head. He ignored it. He walked outside into the 10º weather. He 
looked at the cabin to where Mandy was. She's gone.


After breakfast we went home. Chris and Heather were outside making a 
snowman. I jumped out of the jeep and walked over to them. "Nice." I laughed. 
"Well it's not the greatest snowman but it will do." Chris said giving the 
snowman a second look. I picked up some snow and turned around and threw it 
at Heather. "Oh no u just didn't!" she said. She picked up a snow ball and 
threw it at me. I picked up another one and hit Chris. Chris looked at me. He 
charged at me. "oh man!" I ran. Jc charged after Chris. Heather and I picked 
up a snow ball and threw it at the guys. The guys stopped wrestling and 
looked at us. We were laughing. Jc whispered something in Chris's ear and a 
grin appeared. I looked at Heather. Jc stood up and charged after me. I took 
off running into the woods. I tripped over my feet and fell I was cracking 
up. Jc feel on top of me. "Ugh." I laughed. Jc looked at me he was ontop of 
me. "You're squishing my pancreas." I laughed. "oh sorry" Jc said looking at 
me with his glassy eyes. He turned and started to crawl away. I grabbed his 
foot making him fall. I hugged him. "You are so bad!" I laughed. "I'm bad?" 
He laughed. "Look here missy if you wanna…" I kissed him. While I was kissing 
him I saw Justin's cabin. He was staring at us.  I closed my eyes kissing him 
deeply. Jc pulled away. "There is this secret pond in the woods it's frozen 
now, you wanna go ice skating?" He whispered.  "Why are you whispering?" I 
laughed. Jc looked around. "They are all around watching us waiting." My eyes 
got big "Who?" I asked. "The creature that wanders these woods."  He 
snickered. I punched him in the arm. "Jc, don't scare me like that!"  He 
rubbed his arm. "OW!" "Don't mess with me boy." I laughed. "You know I can 
pin ya." I said in a sexy voice. "Well, maybe I will let you." He winked. 
"yeah, right!" I said standing up. "You know I am faster than you." I took of 
running. Jc sighed. "She's cute." Standing up and taking off after her.


Justin watched Jc take off after his love. 'That should be me.' He said in 
his head. He was so lonely. He needed Mandy to be close to him. To hold him. 
The phone rang bringing him back to earth. He slowly walked over to the 
phone. 'Hello?' It was Lance. "Hey man." Lance said happily. "hey." Justin 
spoke. "We are all going skiing wanna come?" Justin's heart jumped. "Is Mandy 
coming?" He asked happily. "I dunno I haven't called yet, but everyone else 
is." Lance said. "Lance, this could be my chance to prove myself to her." 
Lance laughed. "Yeah let me call you and get back to you ok?"  Lance  said. 
"Yeah, ok call me back." Justin hung up. 


I ran into the cabin laughing. Jc ran in after me. He put his finger up 
breathing heavy. "You- You're- Your not that fast." I laughed again. "Yeah 
right."  The phone rang. "I'll get it." Jc running after the phone. I ran 
after him and clasped at the kitchen table. "Hello?" Jc answered. "Hey 
Lance…well let me ask her hang on." Jc covered the mouth piece on the phone. 
"They wanna see if we wanna go skiing." I crinkled my nose. "No, thanks." He 
said laughing. "We had plans of our own."  "Ok, thanks man…bye." Jc hung up 
the phone.  I rolled my eyes. "I don't have skates." Jc smiled. "My ex 
girlfriend left her pair here." I suddenly felt weird. Jc walked closer to me 
and brushed his hand with my face. "I love you so much, she didn't even 
compare to you, actually none of them compared to you." He laughed. I hugged 
his waist. "Now come' on lets go!" He said walking upstairs. 


Audrey walked outside in the cold. She was scared. She never skied before. 
Lance walked behind her and closed the door ,bending slightly down to lock 
it, bumping her butt. "Excuse you big butt." She laughed. "Well excuuuuse 
me." He laughed wrapping his arms around her from behind. Everyone stepped 
out of their homes. Except Mandy, Jc, and Justin. "Justin's coming ain't he?" 
Lance shook his head. "He said he'd rather stay behind." Audrey sighed "Ok 
then lets go, even though I am not very good." Lance laughed "You'll be 
fine." They all got in their cars and drove to the slopes.


"Come on let's go!" Jc yelled at me from behind the steps. "Hold your 
horses!" I yelled back looking in the mirror slipping on my earmuffs. "I've 
been holding them for a while now!" he whined.  I laughed and ran down the 
steps. "Well?" I said. "You look beautiful." He smiled. "Women." He said. 
"Hey, I heard that!" I laughed opening the front door. I had the skates in 
hand. Jc closed the door behind us and we wandered into the woods.

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