Chapter Thirty-Two

Lance pulled up to the slopes. "Well here we are." Audrey sighed. "I am gonna 
be feeling this in the morning." Lance laughed. "Not if I can help it." Joey 
tapped on the car window. Audrey stepped out. "Hey Lance remember me 
snowboarding?" Joey asked. Lance laughed. "You couldn't even stand." "Yeah 
well Shawna and I are gonna go snowboarding." Audrey looked at Shawna. 
"Snowboarding?" she asked. "I've skied before." Shawna said. "Oh, well I am 
not gonna be good at skiing." "It's actually not that hard." Shawna said. 
"Are we gonna stand around and talk all day or are we gonna ski?" Joey asked 
impatiently. "SKI!" Shawna yelled running off after Joey. Lance looked at 
Audrey. "Come on lets go." 


"We've  walked down this path like three times already!" I laughed. Jc turned 
and smiled. "I know where we are!" he assured me. "Yeah, sure." I rolled my 
eyes. "Ah see!" he said pointing to the icy pond. "Men, always know how to 
get a girl lost." I laugh. "We are not lost!" "Do you know the way back?" I 
laughed.  Jc blushed. "Well, not exactly." "We are stuck out here?" I 
laughed. Jc sat down on a tree stump and slipped his skates on. I sat down 
next to him. 'I am so gonna embarrass myself' I thought to myself slipping 
the skates on. Jc stood up and started skating. He was good. I sat there 
watching him. He stopped and looked at me. "Are you coming?" he said. 
"Uh…Come on!" he said pulling me off the stump, taking both of my hands. "No, 
no that's ok!" I said trying to pull away. I heard something in the woods 
break. "Did you hear that?" I said turning my head. "Probably just some snow 
falling off a tree." He said. I looked into the woods again. "Maybe." Jc 
pulled me onto the ice. I could barely stand.  He pulled me around once 
showing me not to be scared. "Now you try." I stood. "There now skate to me." 
I put one foot in front of the other and slid. Just as I was about to lose my 
balance Jc caught me. I fell into his arms. "Sorry." I said. "Don't be." He 
laughed. He pulled me up again. I tried again I skated around once going 
faster and faster each time. "You better slow down." He warned me as I caught 
up to him. "Whoa,Where are the brakes on these things!" I yelled as I crashed 
into him and we both fell. I was cracking up. I could tell my face was red. 
"Take one thing at a time!" he laughed rubbing his butt. "Sorry." I blushed. 
Jc brushed the side of my face with his glove. I kissed him closing my eyes 
tightly. Something told me to open my eyes. I opened my eyes to see a faint 
figure walking behind Jc. I pulled away. "Oh my god!" I screamed pointing to 
Justin behind Jc. Justin glared with hateful eyes cause I had spoiled his 
plan. Jc turned around blocking me. "Get away Justin." Jc warned. But Justin 
didn't back off he started walking toward Jc. I pushed Jc off of me and stood 
up. "Mandy, No!" Jc said reaching for me. "Jc, I will deal with him!" I said 
pulling Jc off of me. I walked into the woods where Justin stood. "Are you 
spying on me?" I asked angrily. Justin just stared at the ground. "What are 
you doing out here?" I asked again. "Answer  Me damn it!" I yelled. Justin 
looked up at me his eyes were stained with tears. My heart softened at this 
site.  "I- I- miss you so much." He blurted out making tears form in my eyes. 
I turned my head not wanting him to see I cared. "Justin, leave her alone." 
Jc said from behind me. Justin looked at Jc with hurt and pain in his eyes. 
"Man, you were my best friend." "You told me you would always be there for 
me." "Now you gone and stole my love." I felt uncomfortable standing there 
while they fought bout me.  "I would have never done that to you Jc." Justin 
said with a cry. "Mandy…I want to give you my heart I wanna be with you 
forever…I am sorry about Brittany…she meant nothing with me." Justin spoke. 
"She obviously meant something to you if you threw her back in Mandy's face!" 
Jc interrupted. Justin stared at Jc. "I always knew you had a thing for her 
but I pushed it away thinking you would never try to take her from me." I 
couldn't take it anymore. "Ugh!" "You guys fight!" I yelled and looked at Jc. 
"I'm going back to the cabin and make us some hot chocolate are you coming or 
not?" "Yeah I am coming." Jc said walking ahead of me. I started to follow. 
Justin grabbed my arm pulling me back he kissed my lips. I pushed him away 
staring and took off after Jc.


"Whoa, Whoa!" Audrey laughed trying to stand holding Lances shoulder trying 
not to lose balance. Lance held her waist. "Ok…now when you go down try to 
keep your balance , imagine you trying to ride your first bike without 
training wheels." Audrey sighed. "Ok, you go first." She said. Lance smiled 
and took off down the hill swaying back and forth. Audrey's stomach turned. 
'Ok here goes nothing." She pushed herself down the hill she started wobbling 
back and forth about to fall but then she got the hang of it. Then she 
realized Lance never told her how to stop. Her mind started racing. 'Oh god!" 
She saw Lance stare at her, he put his sticks in the ground trying to tell 
her that's how she stops. She took her stick and pounded it in the ground she 
had stopped to soon. She went flying over her ski sticks and fell flat on her 
butt. She felt her face go red. She barely looked up at Lance he was trying 
so hard not to laugh. Audrey was so embarrassed as she saw Shawna and Joey 
laughing from the other side of the hill. Audrey started laughing. "Oh man my 
butt." Lance walked over and gave her his hand to help her up. "Thanks." She 
said taking it. She laughed again. "I wanna do that again!" Lance laughed. 
"Ok then let's go!" Audrey was in pain her wrist hurt bad but she just shook 
it off and got back on the ski lift.


Jc walked into the house and I walked in slamming the door. "What just 
happened?" I said. "We were having the best time and Justin had to spoil it 
all." "I thought it was just gonna be us?" I questioned. "So did i." Jc said 
with sadness in his voice. "What's wrong?" I said following Jc on the couch. 
"Nothing." He said. I laughed "Your lying to me." I said massaging his 
shoulders. He closed his eyes. I slipped my hands down his shirt rubbing his 
chest. I kissed Jc his sweet lips made me want him more. I Jumped over the 
couch and sat down next to him. Jc pulled away staring at me. I bit my lip.  
Jc smiled.   I kissed him again laying him against the arm of the couch.  Jc 
raised me off of him. "I- I can't." Confusion rose inside of me. "What's 
wrong?" Jc looked at me with longing in his eyes. "Justin." He blurted out. I 
rolled my eyes. I kissed him again, but he didn't kiss me back.  I sighed and 
sat down on the couch. Jc frowned you could tell Justin really got to him.  
"I'm going for a walk." I said with tear stained eyes, standing up off the 
couch. "But." Jc blurted but quickly shut up when I shot him the 'I really 
don't care right now' look. "Where are you gonna go?" he asked. "Somewhere." 
I said trying so hard not to let the tears fall from my eyes. All I felt in 
my heart was rejection. I wrapped my coat tightly around me and walked 
outside. A cold breeze pushed my hair out of my face. I let the tears fall 
now as I closed the door behind me and wandered into the woods.


Watching Mandy walk out the door was the hardest thing he would ever have to 
do. Jc stood up and walked into the sunlit kitchen. He needed some music to 
drown himself in. He flipped it on and a familiar tune played. *The hardest 
thing I will ever have to do is to look you in the eye and tell you I don't 
love you* Jc sat down at the kitchen table and sang along. *It's the hardest 
thing I'll ever have to lie to show no emotion when you start to cry.* Jc's 
vision soon became blurry as he laid his head down on the table.


I was running through the woods I didn't really pay attention to where I was 
going I was so confused. It was getting dark and cold as a slight drizzle 
came down.. I came to a cave. It was cold and I needed to get warm. I walked 
into the cave shivering. Rain started to pour down as I sat down on a rock 
inside. 'I can just stay here until the rain dies down' I said to myself. 
After about a half an hour past it was completely dark. I was tired and the 
wind was blowing hard and making eerie noises. I shivered. The rain was 
pouring down as a flash of lighting flashed making the whole cave light up. I 
was scared and alone. I could barely see. A loud bang of thunder crashed in 
the sky. I was lost in the woods, in a cave. I closed my eyes trying so hard 
not to be scared. I opened my eyes to see a faint figure in front of me. 
Terror filled inside of me as I tried to scream but nothing came out. As the 
figure came close I closed my eyes and let out a scream of bloody murder. The 
figure put its hand on my mouth as a rumble echoed through out cave. The 
whole cave started to shake as rocks started to fall all around me.  The 
creature jumped on top of me as if protecting me like a mother to its child. 
I peered through a crack as a pile of rock and snow collapsed over the 
opening of the cave. Everything was now pitch black.

The creature stood up off of me. I started crying not knowing what to think. 
"Don't cry." A comforting voice said. "Just- Justin?" I asked shakily. I 
light soon appeared from a flashlight in his hand. Justin  examined the way 
out.  I stood up and hugged him just happy to see anyone, but soon realized 
the anger I had for him and backed away. "we are gonna be here for a while." 
He said. "Oh great." I rolled my eyes at him. "It's not my fault you had to 
scream at the top of your lungs and cause an avalanche." "Well, if I woulda 
known it was you instead of some creature I wouldn't have screamed!" I 
snapped at him. He started rustling around moving things around. "What are 
you doing?" I asked. "I have some matches here if we get enough dry wood we 
can light a fire." He said. The thought of a warm fire filled my head as I 
quickly stood up to help him. Once we got enough he lit the fire lighting the 
cave so I could see his entire face. He had a slight cut above his eye from 
where he protected me from the rocks. "Oh Justin." I said walking up to him 
to touch the cut. "I'm fine." He laughed. A piece of my shirt was torn so I 
ripped it the rest of the way a  slight trickle of water dripped from the 
roof of the cave . I got some of it wet and dabbed the blood from his head 
Justin grabbed my hand and pulled it away from his head. I looked down at the 
ground and pulled away, I sat down on the rock wrapping my arms around me. I 
was happy not to be alone. I started to drift away thinking of the fun Audrey 
and Lance were having. "So, do you love him?" Justin blurted out. I glared up 
at him. 'what kind of question was that?' I said to myself, but I wasn't sure 
anymore. I didn't answer. "do you still love me?" he asked persistently I 
turned my eyes away from him. "Can you honestly tell me when I kissed you at 
the pond you didn't feel anything?" I still sat there staring. "Fine if you 
don't want to talk to me its ok, but remember we are gonna be stuck here for 
a long time."  He said sitting on the ground bringing his knees up to his 
chin. I soon became angry. "Was she good for you?" I blurted out. "oh here we 
go." He said rolling his eyes. "Don't oh here we go me!" I said turning my 
back to him. "I said I was sorry." He said. "You slept with my best friend!" 
Justin lowered his eyes with grief. "Yes, I still feel something for you 
Justin." I said. You could hear him moving from behind me. I raised my  knees 
to my chin and wrapped my arms around my legs, as a cold gust wind blew 
through the little crack that seeped through the cave wall. I felt Justin's 
hand on my back.  I closed my eyes tightly as a tear found its way down my 
cheek.  I sniffled. "Don't cry Mandy, you have meant the world to me and so 
much more and when you left me I didn't think I would make it." I looked into 
his heart felt eyes. There was still so much there between us, but what he 
did to me…he had no excuse. He sat down next to me (my back to him), I turned 
around to where he was on the side of me. He laid his head on my shoulder, I 
laid my head on his head and breathed in  the smell of his hair. He laid his 
hand on my thigh an I laid mine on top of his hand. The warmth of our body's 
seemed to make the room hot.   I closed my eyes soon becoming tired. 


Audrey walked out of Lance's car and started to head toward Justin's. "Where 
are you going?" Lance asked suddenly. "I wanna just be sure he's ok." Lance 
shrugged and walked into his cabin. Audrey walked up to the cabin and 
everything was dark. She knocked on the door. She knew he wasn't home. So she 
decided to see what Jc and Mandy were up too. She ran to Jc's cabin and 
knocked on the door. Jc answered with a frown. "What's wrong?" Audrey asked 
surprised to see a tear in his eye, but he didn't even have to answer before 
she knew…It was over.

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