Chapter Thirty-Three

She pushed Jc in the door and closed it. "where is she?" She asked. Jc 
shrugged "She went into the woods about an hour and a half ago and never came 
back." Audrey's eyes filled with fear. "Justin's gone too!" She said.  Jc 
kinda shrugged and looked at the ground. Audrey took her index finger and 
lifted Jc's head. "Why did you let her walk out that door Jc?" She asked. 
"You love her more than life and now she's gone." Audrey said. Jc pulled away 
and walked into the Living room. "Justin loves her…He would've never hurt me 
like I hurt him…and…and." Jc stuttered and buried his face in his hands. 
Audrey tried to comfort her friend. "Justin hurt Mandy and you would have 
never." Jc looked up from his hands and straightened up. "Its gonna be hard 
getting over her ya know?" Jc said. He looked at the couch remembering the 
hot night they had spent there. He glanced away. "Well I best get back to 
Lance I am here if you need me." Audrey said rising off the couch.   Jc 
smiled "Thanks, I just need to be alone." Audrey nodded understandingly as 
she walked to the door. "There are other girls." Audrey said shooting him a 
smile. He nodded "but I loved her." "There will be other girls Jc." Audrey 
said in a promising voice.  He nodded as Audrey closed the door and headed 

Audrey walked inside and headed straight for the phone. Lance walked in 
behind her. "Problems?" he asked. "Mandy disappeared from Jc's house and I 
think Justin's gone too." She said picking up a small piece of paper and 
reading the number to Justin's cabin. The phone rang in rang as a loud clap 
of thunder sounded in the distance. She looked at Lance. "Something's not 
right." She said.  Lance laughed. "If I know Justin he's probably wooing her 
in a dinner or something." He said. "Your probably right." She sighed laying 
down on the couch.


I woke up to a loud clap of thunder. I had my head in Justin's lap. I sat up 
quickly as the fire seemed to flicker. I through another log on it and taking 
my coat off and draping it over Justin. I brushed my hand to his face missing 
his kiss. I drew my hand away stopping myself.  My stomach growled.  Justin 
moaned next to me. I laughed thinking my stomach woke him. He opened his eyes 
and smiled sweetly.   I smiled and turned to look at the fire. "Wonder what 
time it is." I said. Justin reached in his pocket and pulled out his beeper. 
"it's about 5 in the morning." He said.  I nodded and sat down next to him. 
My stomach hurt and growled. Justin laughed. "Hungry?" "Just a little." I 
blushed. Justin reached into his pocket and pulled out a stick of gum. 
"That's all I have, I'm sorry." I smiled. "You take it." I told him. He shook 
his head. "You eat it I'm ok." I smiled and took the piece of gum from his 
hand. "Thanks."  I sat there chewing the gum staring at the fire. Justin 
wrapped my coat back around me. I looked at him smiling slightly, then gazing 
back at the fire. I wasn't sure what I was gonna say. "Mandy?" Justin spoke 
breaking the silence in the cave. "Yeah?" I said looking into his sea blue 
eyes. He reached his hand to my face. I closed my eyes and put my lips in his 
palm. He started too lean in to kiss me, I bit my lip,  and kissed his lips. 
It felt so right to be in his arms once again. I raised my hand to his face 
rubbing my finger against his cheek. He moved his hand to the back of my neck 
as I moved closer to him. The kiss soon became deep and passionate.  Justin 
pulled away and smiled. "I've missed you so much…I am sorry for what I did." 
He spoke softly. I wrapped  my arms around him and pulled him close. "I love 
you." He said. I smiled to myself. "I love you always." I said in a promising 
voice. I started kissing him again getting lost in his arms.


Audrey woke up with Lance laying next to her staring. "Good morning" he 
smiled. Audrey cracked a smile. It was good to wake up to the love of her 
life. Audrey laid there for a second then shot up out of bed. Lance smiled 
"Where are you going?" He asked as she got out of bed. "I need to see if 
Mandy and Justin came home. Lance laughed and said something under his 
breath. "What was that?" she asked. Lance laughed and said they are 
probably…well you know….Then he started to move around in the bed and sang 
*Lets get it on* He blushed. Audrey laughed. "Yeah your probably right." She 
said turning back to lay next to Lance. Lance smirked and jumped out of bed 
picking up Audrey and throwing her over his shoulder. "Lance!" Audrey 
shirked. She started kicking her legs franticly. Lance started dancing and 
singing  *let's get it on*  Audrey laughed. "Oh my gosh Lance you best put me 
down!" Audrey laughed. Lance started spinning. Audrey saw the room whiz 
around. "You are way to hyper in the morning." She said. Lance stopped 
spinning and put her down.  Audrey turned to look at him. "now what are you 
thinking!" she said. He smiled sheepishly "What are you talking about I'm not 
thinking about us doing anything." Lance laughed. Audrey laughed "right" His 
eyes seemed to glow as  he pretended to be offended and walk back into the 
room. It's was 7 in the morning. Audrey walked into the bathroom down the 
hall and started some water. You could hear Lance in the other room singing. 
Audrey started laughing as he made  up words and tried to sing in a high 
pitched voice. "Oh man." She rolled her eyes and grabbing  a towel "I'm 
getting in the shower!" she yelled down the hall at him. "OK!" he sang. 
Audrey rolled her eyes and got in the shower. Once Lance knew she was in he 
smiled sheepishly. "hehe" He laughed to himself.


Justin's hand started to move up my leg as I was turned on more and more. I 
pulled away shaking my head. "Not here." I said. Justin stood up and laughed 
"Yeah your right." I stared at him. He looked at me with longing in his eyes. 
My stomach did a couple jumps. "Come here." I laughed. He smiled and sat down 
next to me. I hugged him tightly. He pulled me close and whispered. "I'm 
never gonna let you go."  I pulled away. "Maybe there is a back entrance to 
this place." I said. Justin smiled as he grabbed a stick from the fire to use 
as a light to guide us through the back of the cave. "Well then let's go 
look." We were walking down the cave as a cold breeze seemed to make it 
through. "Look." I pointed to a baby fox as it seemed to notice us and ran. 
"Come on, its gotta know a way out of here." Justin said rushing after it.

"There!" I said as a beam of sunlight shown through a crack in the cave. 
Justin walked up and examined it. He quickly got out and reached his hand out 
to help me, but was I really ready to face the things that lied ahead of me? 
I hesitated. Justin must have known what I was thinking. "I will watch over 
you." He said as I looked at him through the sunlight. I put my hand out to 
him. He pulled me up to him. I laughed. "You're so cute." I said pulling him 


Audrey got out of the shower and wrapped her towel around her. Lance had 
music playing. She walked out of the bathroom to find rose petals all over 
the ground. Pink, red, blue, and yellow. She walked toward Lance's room where 
he was laying on the bed staring sexily at her, there were rose petals on the 
bed too. Audrey smiled as she grabbed the brush off of his dresser and 
brushed her hair. Lance played with the rose petals with his feet and hands. 
Audrey walked over to Lance and started to kiss him. Lance rubbed his hand up 
the side of her thigh making Goosebumps appear.  Lance climbed ontop of 
Audrey removing the towel. (He was only wearing his boxers). Audrey was soon 
aroused as he nibbled on her neck. "ooh Lance." She moaned with pleasure. His 
hands ran down her breast as she bit her lip and closed her eyes tightly. 
Lances tongue tickled  her stomach as Audrey dug her nails into the bed 
trying so hard not to let her voice squeal with pleasure. She ran her hand 
down his chest as she traveled down to massage his pelvic area. "Oh god." Was 
the only thing he moaned as he closed his eyes breathing heavily. Audrey was  
very excited by Lance's pleasure as she put her hands on his mouth to hush 
him from being so loud. "Audrey." he moaned as she pulled away. She kissed 
his lips. Audrey tilted her head back and moaned as Lance went further down. 
She looked down at him as a sheepish grin appeared on his face. She knew she 
was in for a ride as he kissed her stomach, moving farther down. She reached 
for something to dig her nails into as Lance's tongue entered her body. 
"Don't stop." She pleaded with extreme pleasure. She bit her lip as Lance's 
hand caressed her breast while he was below. Lance came back up and kissed 
her not wanting her to hit her climax yet. She was ready for anything now as 
Lance entered her body. Audrey's body trembled as a single moan escaped her 
lips. "You ok?" Lance said in a moaning pleasure moving back and forth slow 
at first then faster and faster. 


Justin and I ran up the mountain. I wanted to go to Audrey's house. I walked 
up to the porch and all of a sudden Justin and I heard a shriek and then "Oh 
god Lance." I turned around and stared at Justin. "Uh, maybe another time." 
Justin looked up at the room where the noise came from… "Ugh…Oh" …another 
voice sounded. Justin laughed and turned red. He took my hand and 
headed home.

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