Chapter Thirty-Four

I walked into the cabin. It was cold and dark. "Brr, its cold in here." I 
said. Justin wrapped his arms around me and whispered. "I will keep you 
warm." We swayed back and forth as I turned to kiss him. My stomach growled. 
Justin laughed against my lips. As we walked into the kitchen. I started to 
search the cupboards…Justin walked up behind me bumping me. I looked up at 
him and turned around. He grabbed my hips and boosted me up on the counter. I 
kissed him...running my fingers through his soft curly hair. His tongue went 
deeper into my mouth. I brushed the back of my hand against my face .I 
wrapped my legs around him pulling him closer. He started to kiss my neck as 
I closed my eyes with pleasure.  I was wearing a low neck collar shirt as he 
went further down. "Oh Justin." I moaned out loud. The phone rang making 
Justin look up at me. "Wait right here." He said impatiently. I laughed as he 
ran to the phone. I slid down off the counter and walked to the refrigerator. 
I pulled out some celery sticks.  Justin walked back in and smiled. I laughed 
taking a bite. "Who was that?" I said. "Lance." Justin laughed. I rolled my 
eyes. "Are they done?" I said again. Justin nodded "Yep Audrey's on the phone 
she wants to talk to you." I set down the piece of celery and walked out of 
the room. "Hello?" I said expecting to hear the quiet voice of Audrey. "Where 
have you been?!" she said almost screaming. "I got trapped in a cave." I 
said. "With Justin?" she asked again. "Yeah." I said. " I wanted to tell you 
about a half an hour ago but it sounded  like you and Lance were a little 
busy." I laughed. Audrey gasped. "You heard us?" I laughed. "Well you wasn't 
exactly quiet!"  Audrey burst out laughing. "Have fun?" I asked. "Yeah lots." 
She said. I could here Justin moan in the kitchen. "I'm lonely!" he said. 
"Hey Audrey I am gonna go Justin's getting fussy." I said. Audrey laughed "Ok 
talk to you later." Bye!

I walked back into the kitchen to see Justin mixing something up. "Whatcha 
making?" I asked trying to look over his shoulder. He turned around. "Go sit 
on the couch and make your self comfortable." I looked him up and down. "Ok." 
I said suspiciously. I got a glass of orange juice and walked into the living 
room and sat down on the couch. I turned on the radio and laid back. I was 
tired so I closed my eyes as I drifted to sleep.


Justin walked out of the kitchen to find Mandy fast asleep on the couch. She 
had drifted to sleep listening to God must have spent. Justin smiled warmly 
and covered her up. She had to be exhausted. *God must have spent a little 
more tiime on youu*  He kissed her head and went back into the kitchen.


I woke up to a million smells entering my nose. It was about four o clock I 
had slept for 5 hours. I peered into the kitchen to see Justin singing to 
himself while he played with a mixture in a bowl. "What are you up to?" I 
said standing up. Justin looked over at me and smiled. "Don't come in here!" 
I smiled again.  "Ok, fine!" I said heading upstairs. "Where you going?" he 
said peering his head out of the kitchen. "Well I am gonna shower and change 
I look a fright." I said. Justin smiled. "Girl, you look beautiful."


Audrey and Lance were getting ready to go out for the evening. She wasn't 
sure what Lance had planned but she hoped it would be special and she wanted 
to get a few more gifts since Christmas was in two days. She was gonna wear a 
long black skirt that was cut up one side and a white top. She pulled her 
golden hair back out of her eyes. Lance walked in he was wearing Black pants 
and an Armini blue sweater. Audrey stared at him from the mirror. "Where are 
we going?" she asked. "It's a surprise I have planned." He winked at her. 
Audrey smiled. "Are we going clubbing?" she asked. Lance smiled…"For the 
first part yes." Audrey's eyes lit up. "Can we take Jc?" "He needs to find a 
girl he is so heart broken over Mandy." Audrey said pleading Lance. Lance 
hesitated for a minute then finally agreed. Audrey hugged Lance. "Maybe he 
will go home with a girl." She said rubbing noses with Lance as she dialed 
Jc's number.


I walked down the steps wearing my black skirt and a White button up shirt 
that was tight arounf the bust line. He greeted me at the bottom of the 
steps. "May I come into the kitchen?" I asked. Justin shook his head. "Please 
go into the dining room." Something smelled wonderful. I walked into the 
dining room where two candles were lit. "Awe." I said. Justin walked out 
carrying a bowl of salad. "This is your appetizer." He sat it beside me. And 
sat down next to me. I took a bite as the taste of Italian formed in my 
mouth. I closed my eyes. "Mmm." Justin smiled sexily staring at me. I 
laughed.  "Good?" he asked. "Yes, very." I licked my lips I sniffed the air. 
"Something burning?" Justin stood up quickly. "The bread!" He ran into the 
kitchen. He walked out with a lopsided smile. "well the breads a bit burnt." 
He said. I laughed.  He walked out carrying  a bowl of pasta..  The smell 
overwhelmed the room. I looked at the herbal pasta. It smelled wonderful. I 
took a bite as the juices surrounded my mouth. "Aren't you eating?" I said as 
he sat there staring at me. "I already did." And besides watching you 
enjoying the meal fills me up." He laughed "That was corny." I ran my foot up 
Justin's pant leg as a big grin fell over his face as I went higher up. He 
closed his eyes as I slightly touched his ____ then pulled away teasingly as 
a slight breath escaped his lips. I took another bite playing with the noodle 
on my tongue. Justin watched in excitement. I bit my lip looking at him. You 
could tell he was turned on.  I picked up my plate and walked into the 
kitchen. I started to wash my dish. Justin walked behind me rubbing my 
shoulders. While his foot massaged my leg. I dried my hands off and turned 
around to look at him. I kissed his lips, sucking on his bottom lip. Justin 
moved down and kissed my neck I closed my eyes tilting my head back.   Justin 
kissed my lips again. His hands traveling up the side of my bare thigh. I bit 
down on my lip, hard trying not to moan. He laughed slightly to see my 
pleasure knowing this would be the first time I have let anyone touch me like 
that. His hand moved father and farther up as a ball in my stomach became 
tighter and tighter he was now inches away. "Justin, no." I said. Letting my 
stomach come back out of my throat. He began to kiss my neck then to my ear. 
"Please baby, I promise I will be gentle." He said in a hot voice running his 
hand up my leg again. I couldn't say no I was already in a trance.  "Oh God 
Justin." I moaned out loud as he moved farther up. I looked at him as he 
concentrated on my thigh which was blanketed with Goosebumps. He ran his 
fingertip up and down I shivered. He flattened his hand and went further up. 
The knot in my stomach had returned but I pushed it away with my own passion. 
With his other hand he unbuttoned my shirt. I turned my head and kissed him 
moaning against his lips as he went in. I ripped his dark navy blue shirt off 
revealing his chest. His finger moved around down below. Making me sweat. 
Justin kissed my neck and started to move down. My moaning soon became loud 
so Justin inserted his finger in my mouth as I sucked on it. He boosted me up 
slightly on the counter as his face brushed the side of my leg. He went 
inside my body with his tongue, my leg was draped over his shoulder as I 
tried to hold back my climax. I sucked on his finger sexily trying to stop my 
moaning.  He stood up and brushed my face with his soft hand and whispered in 
my ear. "Let's finish this upstairs."


They got to the club unnoticed but soon had millions of girls swarmed around 
them.  Audrey had to struggle to hold on to Lance. Jc was pulled to the side 
and have millions of girls. Audrey looked at Jc and you could still see the 
hurt in his eyes…he didn't want the girls there he wanted Mandy. Audrey felt 
awful. She asked Lance if she could dance one dance with Jc. He smiled softly 
and kissed her. "Of Course." He said. Audrey  pushed her way through the 
crowd of girls and grabbed Jc's hand and pulled him on the floor. "Thanks." 
He said. She laughed. "Jc, you need to move on, look at all these girls here 
I'm sure you could find one girl out there who is right for you." She said. 
One girl stood out in that crowd. She was sitting at a table smiling and 
laughing with one of her friends. She didn't really notice that 'Nsync' was 
there. Jc looked at Audrey as the song changed to 'Amazed.' Jc smiled. "Go 
Dance with Lance." He said. "I'm gonna go ask that girl over there." Jc 
pointed. Audrey glanced over. She had golden brown hair, Emerald green eyes 
that seemed to glow, and her smile lit the room. 'Just like Mandy' She said 
to herself. He walked slowly up to the girl sitting at the table. She looked 
up at him and smiled. Jc smiled cause the girl reminded him of Mandy. "Hello, 
ya wanna dance?" he asked nervously. The girl bit her lip and smiled. "Sure." 
Jc smiled warmly and reached his hand out to help her up. Jc introduced 
himself. "I'm Jc." She smiled. "I know" "My name is Cynthia."  "That's a 
pretty name." he complimented. "Thanks." she said laying her head on his 
shoulder. (They Danced) 


"You look so beautiful." Justin said brushing my hair. I was laying on his 
shoulder while he had his arm around me. The blankets were covering us.  I 
was exhausted. I kissed his chest as he pulled me close. I closed my eyes 
hearing Justin's heart beat. "I love you." I whispered running my hand across 
his chest.  "I love you to baby." he said kissing me.


Jc laughed "You were dancing in the store?" Cynthia blushed. "Yeah Mandy 
Moore was stuck in my head.  Some old lady stared at me and thought I had 
gone physco." Jc laughed again. "Well enough about me...What are you doing up 
here in the Colorado mountains?" she asked. "We are planning on spending 
Christmas here." Cynthia eyed Jc. "You here with someone?" Jc frowned. "No 
I'm all alone...all the guys have found the greatest girls...except me. 
"Cynthia reached her hand out to Jc's on the table. Jc smiled. "Well that is 
till now, I  think I have found myself one of the best." Jc smiled. "You 
wanna go back to my place?" Cynthia asked looking at her watch. Jc grinned. 
"Sure!" he stood up knowing he was gonna be ok. Mandy will always hold a 
place in his heart but the emptiness that he had once felt was now filled 
because of Cynthia.


I opened my sleepy eyes to see Justin sleeping soundly. I took my fingers and 
brushed them through his curly hair. I stared at the peaceful figure. "I love 
you so much, you're my dream come true." I said watching him breath. I ran my 
hand over his face. He opened his eyes and smiled. "I wake up to my fair 
Juliet, who is my sun without her my world would be dark and cold.." He 
spoke. I kissed his lips with romance. "But of course you are my beautiful 
Juliet." He said again. "And you are my Romeo…that can sing." I laughed. He 
smiled at me lovingly…wrapping his warm strong arms around me. I closed my 
eyes, I felt secure from harm and the cold and slowly drifted to sleep.


I woke up again to water running in the bathroom. He was taking a shower. The 
water shut off and he walked out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped 
around him and water dripped down his chest. He had his finger in his ear. 
"Good Morning." He smiled. I sat up stretching and yawning. Justin charged at 
me tickling me. I laughed. "Justin!" I laughed harder as he nibbled at my 
neck.  He pulled away looking at me in the eyes. I laid my hands around his 
neck. Looking into Justin's eyes made me feel wonderful. "Tomorrow is 
Christmas." I nodded. "I get to spend it with you." Justin stood up the towel 
still tightly wrapped around.  I stood up and wrapped my arms around his neck 
he wrapped his hands around my waist we started to sway back and forth as I 
rested my head against his chest.  I started to hum Faith hills breathe I can 
feel the magic floating in the air 
Being with you gets me that way
I watch the sunlight dance across your face
And I've never been this swept away

All my thoughts just seem to settle on the breeze
When I'm lying wrapped up in your arms
The whole world just fades away
The only thing I hear Is the beating of your heart 

Cause I can feel you breathe
It's washing over me
And suddenly I'm melting into you
There's nothing left to prove Baby,
all we need is just to be
Caught up in the touch
Slow and steady rush Baby,
isn't that the way that love's supposed to be
I can feel you breathe
Just breathe..

In a way I know my heart is waking up
As all the walls come tumbling down
Closer than I've ever felt before
And I know, and you know there's no need for words right now

Cause I can feel you breathe
It's washing over me
And suddenly I'm melting into you
There's nothing left to prove Baby,
all we need is just to be
Caught up in the touch
Slow and steady rush Baby,
isn't that the way that love's supposed to be

The song seemed to fill the room as we danced. "You have a pretty voice." 
Justin said as we still swayed. The rest of the day was pretty much a blur 
but everyone of us finished our Christmas shopping and we went to 

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