Chapter Thirty-Five

"Merry Christmas." I heard Justin whisper in my ear. I opened my eye to see 
no sun. "What time is it?" I said sleepily. " about 6 in the morning."  I 
sighed. "Aww its to early Justy, let me sleep. Someone knocked on the front 
door. "Everyone's here come on let's go open presents!" he said running 
downstairs to answer the door. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Come on Mandy!" 
Justin yelled from downstairs. "Yeah yeah…I'm coming."

I walked down the stairs to see everyone's smiling faces "Merry Christmas." 
They all said simotainiously. "Merry Christmas." I said sitting on the floor 
next to Audrey.  Audrey smiled. Justin walked out of the kitchen chewing a 
piece of food.  "Presents!" Joey said. "Guys, This is Cynthia." Jc 
introduced. "Cynthia this is the guys."  We all said or hellos then we all 
gathered around the tree and opened our presents.

~Half and hour Later~

"Last one." Audrey said handing me a small shaped box. I looked at her and 
opened it. It was a BabyBlue sapphire ring. On the inside it was inscribed 
'Dreams Do Come True' "Aww" I said hugging her. "I'm sorry I didn't get you 
anything." I said. "Its…she was interrupted. "Yes you did!" Justin said. I 
looked at him as he walked out of the room and walking back in carrying a 
medium sized box in  hand. I stared at Justin confused. Audrey looked at me 
then at him as he handed her the box. Audrey took the box and opened it. 
There sat the locket that I wanted to get her a while ago. She smiled as she 
opened the locket to see a picture of us inside. "Aww" Is all she could say. 
I glanced at Heather as she grinned at me. Justin and Lance stood up. "Ladies 
we are gonna make you breakfast." Lance said.  Shawna smiled. "So what are we 
supposed to do in the mean time?" "I dunno…whatever ya want." My gaze turned 
to Justin. "Mandy…I need to see you upstairs." I stood up and he grabbed my 
hand as he took me up the steps.

He sat me down on the bed. I stared at him as he walked over to the closet 
and pulled out a bag. "Justin…But…We promised not to get each other 
anything." I stuttered. "Yeah, I know but did you honestly think I would 
listen to u?" "The love of my life." I stared as he laid the bag in my lap.  
I opened the bag and pulled out a soft creme colored dress the bottom was out 
stretched  the arms had little wings, it wasn't a v shape it was more like a 
square, at the end of the sleeves it was like little V's. It was the most 
adorable thing you had ever seen, but I was confused. 'What was this for?' I 
asked my self. Justin must have read my mind when he came out and said "I 
went to your school and asked them when your prom was, they said it was 
January 6th and the theme was famous couples." He said. "And well I was 
thinking we could go as Romeo and Juliet, so I guess what I am asking is Do 
ya wanna go to the Prom with me?" He asked smiling at me. I wanted to cry 
right there, he was so sweet! "Of course." I said standing up and  kissing 
his lips as the smell of sausage gravy and biscuits filled the air. I began 
to kiss him deeper as we fell onto the bed. "Eh hem!" We heard a voice come 
from the doorway. I looked to see Chris standing there grinning. I wiped my 
lips and stood up. "Sorry, just wanted to tell you breakfast was ready." 
Chris said his face slightly red. Justin smiled and said. "Its ok man." He 
wrapped his arm around me and we went downstairs to eat.

The breakfast the guys made was awesome no one got up less than full. "I feel 
fat." I said grabbing my stomach. We all do Audrey said not wanting to move.  
I sat down on the couch and laid my head on the arm. "I'm tired and full." I 
said closing my eyes. Justin sat down at the other end and patted his thigh 
for me to lay on. I smiled warmly and took his offer. I laid my head on his 
thigh while he played with my hair. He knew that, that would make me fall 
asleep Audrey sat across the room sitting on Lance's lap. Justin played with 
my hair and I closed my eyes again. I started to drift away but I was still 
conscience to what was going on around me. "She's so beautiful." Justin said. 
"So, Justin." Chris said trying to strike up conversation.  "How are you and 
Mandy doing?" Chris asked. "She's awesome she always finds a way to put a 
smile on my face."  "You really love her don't you?" Jc said with his arm 
wrapped around Cynthia. "She is my life, heart and soul  her kiss makes me 
fly on air, her smile makes me want to dance, her love that she gives me 
makes me never want to leave her side." Justin said still stroking my hair. 
My stomach did flip-flops as Justin said those words. "Life without her would 
be so empty and cold." "She will never know all the love I have for her." I 
smiled to myself as I drifted to sleep on my loves leg.


I woke up and found my head laying on a pillow and a blanket wrapped around 
me. I shivered as a cold breeze flew over me. I looked at the clock it was 
one in the afternoon. I realized I was upstairs in my room. I sat up and 
looked around. 'How did I get here?' I asked myself.  Justin walked in the 
room and looked at me with a soft smile formed over his face. "How did I get 
here?" I asked him patting the bed so he would sit. "I carried you." He said. 
I raised my hand to his face and kissed him. "What was that for?" He smiled 
eyeing my lips for another. I kissed him again this time with more passion. 
"I love you Justin." I said looking into his eyes. "I love you too, more than 
you know." He said brushing my face with his hand. "I think I have a pretty 
good idea." I said laying back on the pillow. "Do you?" he said with a 
childish grin as he put his arms on each side of me.  I raised my hand to his 
face caressing his cheek. I ran my thumb over his lips as a soft kiss brushed 
over it. I sat up to take the place of my thumb with my lips as we began to 
kiss deeper. He was laying on top of me as we kissed. Our tongues massaging 
each others. He pulled away staring into my eyes.  "You are so beautiful." He 
said. I kissed him again raising my leg into the crotch of his pants he 
closed his eyes and smiled. I let out a subtle laugh. "Oops, gotta wait for 
tonite." I said as I stood up and walked into the bathroom, but before I 
closed the door I turned to see Justin smiling slyly and he collapsed on the 
bed. I laughed and closed the door to take a shower. 


Audrey laid on Lances chest as they relaxed on the couch. Lance was playing 
with Audrey's hair while she smiled sweetly at him. "This has to be the best 
Christmas ever." Lance said. Audrey looked up putting her chin into his 
chest. "Why's that?" she asked. "Well, because I finally found the love of my 
life, my soulmate, and she's laying right here with me. "Aww, Lance that's so 
true, I have waited for this day to spend it with my love and I am so glad 
its you." Audrey smiled. Lance pulled Audrey closer to his lips so that he 
could kiss her. "I love you Audrey, I just wish I could show you how much I 
do." Lance said brushing Audrey's hair out of her face. "I love you too, and 
if you feel the way I feel about you I know exactly how much you love me." 
She laughed. Lance grinned. "I love you more than you love me I am the one 
with a bigger heart." He laughed. "Riiight." Audrey said kissing Lance as the 
fire seemed to dim away.

The day drifted to night, I gazed out the window into the starlit sky the 
moon was out and seemed to dance across the sky.  I wrapped my arms around 
myself as I seemed to drift away in a dream. Justin walked up behind me and 
wrapped his arms around me. "Beautiful night." He said swaying me back and 
forth. "It's perfect." I whispered. "Just like you." He said. I smiled to 
myself laying my head back against his chest. He rested his chin apon my 
head. I turned around and laid my head on his chest and started to rock back 
and forth. Justin started humming. I looked up at Justin's smiling face and 
kissed him. "Tonight's gonna be perfect." I said kissing him. I took his hand 
and led him upstairs. I laid him down on the bed as he tried to kiss me. I 
put my finger over his mouth to stop him. I took his shirt off and then stood 
up. There were candles around the room so I took the lighter laying on the 
dresser next to a vanilla scented candle and lit them turning off the light 
leaving only the candles to light the room. I grabbed a peacock feather from 
the plants that sat on the floor and rubbed it against my face. Justin smiled 
smirkishly as  I walked over to the bottom of the bed and rubbed the feather 
against his chest. His breathing soon becomes heavy and I know he is aroused. 
I leaned down to kiss his lips as he grabs my shoulders and laid me down 
taking off my shirt. He took the feather from my hand and rubbed it down my 
face to my neck down to my stomach. He kissed me now, letting his tongue go 
deep into my mouth. With my feet I pushed down his pants and his boxers while 
he removed my jeans and underwear. I felt him enter me as I let out a moan. I 
looked at Justin who was trying to get his rhythm going I was so turned on by 
his face and how he smiled with his eyes closed. He started to moan. I pulled 
him down and turned all of my moaning into the kiss as we kissed each other 
deeply. "I love you." He said as he went faster. "Oh…God…Mandy!" He started 
moaning. I closed my eyes and smiled as he collapsed and laid down on my 
breast and I put my hand to his ear. We were breathing heavy, with sweat 
beading down our faces. He looked at me. I smiled. "I love You too."

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