Chapter Thirty-Six

~~Two Days Later~~

RECAP: We cleaned the cabins and now we are waiting in the airport for our 
flight to get ready to leave. Mandy Justin is sitting by the window laughing 
and flirting as usual. Audrey and Lance decided to go split a slushy. Cynthia 
decided she would go Back to Texas with them since she knew she was in love. 
Joey and Shawna snuck off somewhere and Chris and Heather were sitting behind 
Mandy and Justin planning their wedding.

*Attention the Plane Leaving for Dallas, Texas Is Now Boarding*

Justin Stood up and grabbed my hand pulling me out of the chair. "Ugh, What 
the rush?" I asked. I was really tired we had gotten up at 5 in the morning. 
"You can sleep on my shoulder on the plane if you hurry up!" Justin said 
hurrying down the corridor. I was dragging. Justin turned around and smiled. 
"FINE!" he ran back to me and picked me up. "JUSTIN!" I yelled. "Put me 
down!" He Laughed as we walked onto the plane. I rested my head on his 
shoulder as he sat me in the chair. I didn't feel really good. Justin sat 
down next to me and smiled. I barely smiled. "You feeling ok babe?" he said 
reaching his hand to my forehead. "Hmm, you seem kinda warm." He said. "I am 
fine." I said reassuringly. I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my 
eyes. He held my hand as I drifted to sleep. 

Audrey looked over her seat to see Mandy fast asleep on Justin's shoulder. 
Justin's gaze was focused on Mandy, But when he saw Audrey gaze over he 
looked up at her. Audrey smiled. "She's so tired." Audrey said. "I'm kinda 
worried about her, she's got a fever." Audrey looked at Mandy. "Aww, poor 
bud." She said. "Well, Dr. Justin maybe you should kiss her with your magic 
kiss and she will feel better." Justin Laughed. "She loves you so much." 
Audrey said smiling at Justin. "Well, I love her too." Justin said. Mandy 
stirred on Justin's shoulder. "Justin." She moaned it wasn't a happy moan it 
was a help me moan. Justin looked at Audrey. He bent his head down till he 
met Mandy's lips. She opened her eyes with a sudden jolt, but relaxed to see 
her love there.

"You ok Mandy?" Audrey asked still peering over the seat. (the plane had 
already took off and we were in the air) "Yeah, just having a nightmare." I 
looked into Justin's peaceful eyes, trying to calm myself down. "What did you 
dream?" Justin asked. "Car accident, it was very bad and it was my moms car." 
 Justin's eyes grew big. "Everything will be ok." He said putting his arms 
around me. "I hope." I sighed.

After the plane landed we headed straight home. Justin walked in the door and 
let out a long sigh. "Its good to be home." He said. All of a sudden his cell 
phone rang. I turned around as Audrey walked in all happy and hyper. "Well, I 
know that we gotta have some fun tonite!" She said. I laughed "Of course!"  
Justin hung up his phone. "Who was that?" I asked smiling. Justin grabbed my 
hand. "We need to talk upstairs." He said seriously. "What's wrong?" I asked. 
"Just come upstairs." he said leading me up the stairs.  I followed him into 
his room, and sat on the bed. Justin ran his hand through his curly brown 
hair and started pacing. "Justin what is wrong?" I said getting a little 
angry that he was hesitating so long. Justin sat down next to me on the bed 
and grabbed both of my hands. "Mandy." Justin said lowering his head to the 
ground. I took my hand and grabbed his chin lifting his head so I could see 
his eyes. "Tell me Justin." I said. "Please." I begged, my heart sank to see 
him like this. "Mandy…he choked…Your mom and your brother have been in a 
terrible accident." Terror rose inside of me. "Well are they ok?" Justin 
shook his head. "Your mother is fine, but your brother didn't make 

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