Chapter Thirty-Seven

I was in total shock. I started crying. Justin tried to pull me to him and I 
just cried on his shoulder. My world had stopped. My only little brother that 
tortured me when we were little is gone. I hadn't talked to him in forever 
and now he's gone. I couldn't stop crying.  "Oh Justin." I cried. He pulled 
me tighter to him. The smell of Tommy Hilfigure was overwhelming. I didn't 
want to leave the dark room I just wanted sit there and cry in my love's 
arms. I laid down on the pillow and cried. "Mandy…I will be right back." 
Justin said walking out of the room.


Justin walked downstairs to where it was happy and cheerful. "They are 
probably getting there freak on." Joey said laughing but soon shut up to see 
Justin coming down the steps.  Audrey glanced over at Justin and saw little 
streaks of tear stains where tears use to sit. "Justin what's wrong?" Audrey 
asked making everyone's focus turn to him. Justin frowned. "Mandy's brother 
died." Audrey's mouth dropped. Jc stood up off the couch. "What happened?" 
Justin sighed. "Her mother was drinking and he needed picked up from a 
friends house, on the way home she swerved off the road and hit a tree. He 
died instantly." Audrey couldn't take it she burst into tears. "Her mother, 
thank god, only has a few broken bones, bruises, and black eye.  Jc took off 
up the stairs with Audrey behind him. Jc lightly knocked on the door and no 
one answered. He opened the door slightly to see Mandy laying on the bed. 
"Mandy?" Jc mumbled. Audrey pushed her way past Jc and sat on the end of the 
bed next to Mandy. She was sobbing uncontrollably. Audrey laid down next to 
Mandy, Audrey was still crying. "Oh Mandy, I'm so sorry, I don't know what to 
say." Mandy still said nothing. Audrey felt so sorry for her buddy. Jc walked 
over to the other side of the bed and wiped Mandy's hair out of her face 
revealing her blood shot eyes.  Her hair was wet from all the tears she shed. 

"I don't think he knew how much I loved him." I sobbed. "I'm sure he knew 
Mandy." Audrey said. "I was so mean to him when we were young." Justin walked 
in carrying a wet cloth. He put the cloth on my head. I barley gazed up at 
him. And looked back down as another river of tears started down my face. I 
closed my eyes and cried. I fell asleep.

"She's Sleeping." Jc said. Justin couldn't stand to see Mandy so hurt like 
this. He sat on the other side of the bed next to Mandy.  Audrey looked at 
her heartbroken friend. She glanced at Justin who wrapped his arm tightly 
around Mandy as what it looked a single tear fell from his eye. "C'mon Jc 
let's leave them alone." She said taking his hand and closing the door behind 
them.  Justin kissed the back of Mandy's head. She was dying inside, Justin 
knew it. Mandy stirred in her sleep as he heard her tears start again. He 
felt so helpless and scared, He knew that she needed him more than anything 
now and he had to be there for her. Especially at the funeral how is she 
gonna stand? He was gonna have to be her support. Mandy's soft whine 
interrupted his thoughts. "He was so young not even a teenager yet." Mandy 
said. Justin pulled Mandy closer as she turned around to hug him.  "You want 
me to take you to see your mom?" Justin asked unsure of what she would say 
provided the situation. Mandy sat there for a moment and sighed. "Yes let me 
change." Justin turned on the light and saw mascara stains down her face.

I walked into the bathroom trying to contain myself.  My poor baby brother. I 
missed him so much. I miss his smiling annoying face. I washed my face and 
hands and tried to smile as I remembered the days we would laugh and play 
Nintendo together. Tears welded in my eyes again. 'Mandy pull yourself 
together you can get through this you are stronger than this, he's in a 
better place with god in heaven.' A voice told me in my head. Justin lightly 
knocked on the door. "You ready?" he asked. I wiped my tears and 
walked out  
"Yes I am."

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