Chapter Five

I pulled away from Justin. "I've wanted to do that for a long time." He said. 
"Me too." I smiled, brushing my hand across his face, running my fingers 
through his hair. He closed his eyes at the feel of her touch on his face. 
"You're Trembling." He said holding her close. I smiled brushing my fingers 
across his lips, he closed his eyes brushing kisses across my fingers.  He 
opened his eyes to see the longing in her face. He licked his lips and drew 
closer for another kiss he was longing for, for the two months they were 

I felt his warm breath against my lips as I tightened my grip on his 
shoulders. His soft smooth lips against mine, I felt like I was flying on 
air. I felt like anything could happen. Justin took my hand and led me out of 
the club. The night cold air hit my face, as the smell of Justin's cologne 
surrounded me. He looked at me and pulled me to him again. "This is crazy." I 
laughed. A smirkish grin fell over Justin's face, as he kissed me. "We can't 
tell Sydney." I said pushing him back. A puzzled look fell over his face. 
"Why?" he asked. "It's not like I'm dating her." He said. "Why is that a 
problem?" I said. "Well, if I can't tell Syd, I can't tell the guys and I 
could never kiss you in front of them." He whined. "Justin, how long have you 
felt like this?" I asked. He looked at me. "Since the day you called me your 
guardian angel." He said searching my eyes for a response. "Why didn't you 
tell me?" I asked. "I wasn't sure how you felt, and I heard you tell Sydney 
we are just friends and nothing else." He said. "Oh Justin you were there?" I 
said. "I only said that to Syd, I have felt this way since you wiped the tear 
from my eye and Syd will kill me if she finds out." I said. "You were my 
first kiss." I smiled  Justin smiled. "You are the best kisser." He said 
getting closer for another one. I glanced up in his eyes that sparkled in the 
night air. We headed home.


We walked in my front door.  Justin turned me around. "I'm gonna go home." He 
said grabbing my hand and kissing me. "Ok," I smiled as he let go of my hand 
and left.  

I walked into my bedroom. My heart was racing.  Was this what Audrey was 
telling me a while ago? When I asked her what she thought love was.


~We are sitting in my bedroom. Audrey Nikki and I. We had just met the guys 
and Justin is just a friend.~

"How can you say you're in love?" I asked. "It's just a feeling." Audrey 
said. "Well, love is fake and overrated, people can say they love you and not 
mean it." I said.  "But you know the feeling, you know they mean it by what's 
inside." Nikki explained. "Right." Audrey said. "What does it feel like?" I 
asked, inside I was laughing at them. 'Ha love it's so fake.' I said in my 
head. "It's a feeling you can't describe." Nikki said. "Love is when you see 
him your heart skips a beat and you feel like you're floating on air. You 
wanna be with him every moment of the day, at night u wish he was holding you 
in his arms, you know when you kiss him that he's the one you will be kissing 
for the rest of your life." Audrey said thinking hard about it. "That's not 
all it's just a feeling you know is so right…its very hard to explain." 
Audrey said. "But you will know when it hits you." Nikki said. "It's fake." I 
blurted out. 


Well maybe I was wrong maybe I had fallen for my best friend and I have 
fallen hard. I had changed into my dark teal silk Pajamas. I sat Indian style 
on my bed as I opened my journal. I read a past journal.

Dear journal,
I have been studying to be Juliet for a while and well I didn't get the part, 
but I am the understudy. I have been practicing day and night. Tonight Justin 
did one of the most sweetest things he could ever do, I was sitting here on 
my bed reading a book and my phone rang. I picked it up it was him and this 
is what I heard…"what soft what light through window breaks it is the east 
and Juliet is the sun." I laughed and opened my window to the balcony to see 
Justin standing at the bottom of the window. I hung up the phone and ran out 
to the window. "Ay, me." I said laying my chin in my hand. "She speaks...oh 
speak again bright angel." And we did the whole scene...well until we got to 
the kissing scene. He climbed my balcony to me and finally we got close but I 
pulled away. Oh how I wanted to kiss him, but I could never do that to 
Sydney...and it wouldn't be love…love is so fake...guys only want one thing. 
Well that's all tonight Journal. 


I smiled to myself. I was longing for Justin's touch again. I started to curl 
up to my book. I heard a noise out on my balcony but I paid no attention to 
it and continued reading it. "Good Book?" I heard jumping from the spot. 
"Justin, what are you doing here?" I asked as a smile appeared on his face. 
Justin walked closer to me taking my hip into his hand. I smiled sheepishly.  
He raised his hand to my face rubbing his soft fingers against my cheek. I 
closed my eyes at his touch. I raised my hand to his on my cheek and looked 
into his sparkling eyes. He drew closer. I laid my lips apon his tightening 
my grip on his shoulders, as I let his tongue roam my mouth. 

I broke the kiss and sat back down on my bed returning to my book. Justin 
laughed and sat down next to me, he kissed my neck. He laid his head on my 
shoulder and just sat there quietly with his arm around my waist. He soon was 
breathing heavy and I knew he was asleep. I smiled softly and laid the book 
on my night stand. I flipped the light off and wrapped my arm around Justin 
kissing his head before slowly drifting into my world of dreams. 

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