Chapter Six

I woke up and found Justin standing up staring at me. I smiled. "It's good to 
let you find me here?" He said. "what are you talking about?" I asked. 
"Almost every night I would sneak up here and watch you sleep." He said. "I 
wanted to kiss you and hold you in my arms and now I can." He said. I sat up 
in bed and grinned. Justin sat next to me and brushed my hair. I heard 
someone bust through my front door. "Hello?" It was Audrey. Justin jumped up 
out of bed and headed toward the window. "No stay, you look like you just got 
here and you're just wrinkled." He looked down at his wrinkled pants. Audrey 
walked in the door to my room. "Oh hey Justin." She smiled looking at me. 
"Hey Aud." Justin said opening my window to the balcony. "I'll see you 
later." He winked staring at me. "Ok talk to you later." I said as he left. 
Audrey's gaze turned to me. "What's up?" She smiled. "Not to much, just woke 
up really." I said rubbing my eyes. She grinned. "What?" I smiled a little 
uneasy. "Oh, nothing, we are all going to the mall and then to the movies 
wanna come?" She asked still smiling. "Sure, I'll  call Justin." I said 
cheerfully. Audrey laughed again. "What?" I asked persistently. "Nothing I 
got to go…umm…oh, would you call Sydney and invite her too?" Audrey asked. 
My heart sank and I sighed. "Yes, I will." I said.

After Audrey left I took a shower then I picked up the phone and dialed 
Justin. He picked up the phone. "Hey hon." I smiled glad to hear his voice 
again. "Hey, I just got out of the shower." He said. I laughed. He said 
something underneath his breath. "What was that?" I questioned smiling. "oh 
nothing just that I mighta thought about ya while I was there." He said. I 
laughed "Justin!" "We are going to the mall and movies wanna come?" I asked. 
"Sure, let me get changed and I will be right over."


I picked up the phone hesitantly and dialed Syd's number. She picked up the 
phone kinda shakily. "Hey Syd, You wanna come to the mall and movies with all 
the guys and me?" I asked talking fast. She said and agreed. "Everything ok 
Syd?" I asked. She sniffled and said yes. I finally got off the phone. 

Justin walked in through my balcony. "You could have came through the front 
door." I laughed looking at his wet head. He smiled and walked over to me 
sitting on the vanity taking the brush from my hand and brushing my hair. I 
closed my eyes letting the bristles massage my head. I opened my eyes and saw 
him smiling at me. I stood up and kissed him pulling him closer to me. The 
doorbell rang downstairs as Justin pulled away and frowned. "What's wrong?" I 
said rubbing my fingers across his cheek. "We won't be able to do this." He 
sighed kissing me again. I frowned to. "We can make it." I laughed as the 
door bell rang again. I pushed him out of my room. "Go open the door and let 
me change." I said and closed the door.

~20 minutes later~

They all sat on the couch down below waiting for Mandy. "Where is Mandy?" 
Nikki finally asked.

"Yeah, she sure takes a long time." Chris laughed as he sat down on the love 
seat. He was wearing a navy blue T-shirt, jeans, and regular tennis shoes.
"I'll go check on her." Justin said as he jogged up the stairs to her room.
I was dressed in a white top with a v cut in the front, short sleeves, and my 
fave pair of blue jeans. I was slipping on my tennis shoes as I heard a knock 
on my door.
"Come in Justin!" I laughed.
"How'd you know it was me?" Justin laughed.
"I smelled your cologne." I said as I looked up and saw him dressed in a sky 
blue wife beater, beige pants, and he was carrying another shirt, the same 
color blue, in his right hand. His necklace, like always, was apparent over 
his shirt. "You might want to tuck that in your shirt when we get to the 
mall." I laughed.
"I will." he said walking up to her. "Ready to go yet?" he asked as he 
watched her put her hair into a pony tail.
"Yeah," I said turning to face him. "I am now."
"Great...but there's one thing I wanna tell you before we head downstairs." 
he said smiling.
"What's that?" I asked.
Justin placed his shirt slowly on my chair, placed his hands on my hips, and 
lifted me off the ground and sat me down on top of the dresser. "This," he 
said as he placed his hands on my face, and kissed me. I let my legs wrap 
around his waist, and my hands ran up and down from his face to his neck.  
"Now we can go." he said smiling.

*The Mall*

We pulled into the parking lot and headed for the mall. My stomach growled in 
unison with Audrey's. We laughed. "You guys wanna get something to eat?" 
Chris asked. Sydney was quiet. Chris looked at Sydney. "Hey Syd, You ok?" He 
asked a little worried. She looked up at him and put on a fake smile. "Yeah, 
I'm starving, let's go." She said. 

We walked into the restraunt. We were seated in a booth I sat on the very 
edge touching the wall Justin sat next to me, Sydney sat across the table 
from me and so on and so on. We ordered our drinks and meal and had some 
nonsense chatter. I would glance over at Sydney and she would just glare at 
me, I quickly turned my head and go back to the chatter. While we were having 
a conversation about Busta and Chris on the trampoline Justin put his hand on 
my leg. I glanced at him and smiled laying my hand on top of his. The drinks 
came as Sydney was handed her coke she knocked it out of the waitress's hand 
spilling it into my lap. I stood up fast looking down at my shirt and my 
pants. "Ugh, Sydney!" I shouted jumping out of the booth. I jumped up and ran 
to the bathroom. I stood there staring in the mirror. I looked a fright and 
the soda wouldn't come out! I didn't know what to do. I heard someone knock 
on the door I looked over and saw Justin peer in. "Any one in here?" He 
asked. I shook my head. "Just me." I said. Justin walked in. "But this is a 
Ladies room." I laughed. Justin looked at me. I frowned. "I look awful and 
Sydney did that on purpose!" I said as anger rose in me. Justin shook his 
head. "She feels awful." He said. I stared in the mirror. Justin smiled and 
took off the blue over shirt he was wearing and handed it to me. "You need it 
more than I do and besides you can see right through that thing." He smiled. 
I blushed taking the shirt and buttoning it over my white tank top. "Thank- 
you." I smiled. Justin  rubbed his hand over my cheek and pulled me to him 
for a kiss, but I pushed him away. "We can't, Syd could walk through that 
door any minute." I said. Justin frowned but then nodded. "Ok, I understand." 
We headed back to the table. Audrey smiled. We finished our lunch and headed 
toward the movie theater.


Justin and I sat in the very back corner. Throwing popcorn at each other and 
laughing. Sydney sat close to them to keep her eye out. Joey sat next to her 
and Chris on the other side. Lance and Audrey were already making out on the 
other side of the theater. Jace and Nikki sat there with their arms wrapped 
around each other. Sydney glanced over at Justin and Mandy they were 
whispering and laughing. She rolled her eyes. 'Just friends I should've saw 
past that the first time.' She thought to herself. 

Justin threw popcorn in my  face. "You know what?" I said laughing. "What?" 
Justin asked smiling. I rolled my eyes. "Nevermind." "I wish I could kiss 
you." Justin whispered as the lights got low and the movie started. I smiled 
at him and turned my head to the movie resting my head on his shoulder. 
Justin shifted his shoulders. I put my head up and looked at him. He smiled 
in the darkness and kissed me. I didn't care anymore I brought my hand to his 
face and kissed him. I guess we got caught up in the moment when I heard a 
gasp behind me. "I knew it!" I turned around fast to see Syd her eyes filled 
with anger and sadness. She stormed out of the theater. I jumped up and ran 
after her. 

I walked into the bathroom where I heard sniffling in the bathroom stall. 
"Syd?" I said quietly. The sniffling ceased. "Sydney, I…I can explain." I 

Justin walked close to the bathroom to hear what was going on, hoping Mandy 
will tell Sydney about them. 

Sydney came out of the bathroom stall. "Go ahead, this outta be good." She 
said staring at Mandy her eyes red from  crying. "He's  been having problems 
with women and he needed comfort, one thing lead to another and…well yeah." I 
said trying to explain. She looked at me with such anger. "I thought you 
would tell me the truth…You are such a liar…I saw you guys dance to MY song 
and kiss last night!" she yelled. My heart sank. "Syd…I." I tried to explain. 
She just put her hand in my face and said…"Don't." Storming out of the 
bathroom bumping into Justin.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Justin standing there with hurt in his 
eyes. The movie was over so we headed home. Everyone except Justin Sydney and 
I talked of the movie, we just sat there in silence.


I was sitting in my room writing in my journal when Justin burst through my 
window. "Why did you lie?" he asked angrily. "Because I didn't want Sydney to 
know." I said. "Well, I can't keep lying I wanna tell the world I want to be 
able to kiss you in public, I want to tell you I love you, send you roses." 
He said. I turned my head. "Then go to Sydney, she will let you do that." I 
said my heart felt like it was breaking in two. Justin let out and angry 
groan. "You know what I think?" He said angrily. "What Justin?" I said 
raising my voice looking into his eyes. "Your afraid." He said. "Afraid of 
what?" I said at a chuckle. "Your afraid of love. You can't even see it's 
standing right here in front of your face and your turning your back on it. 
You look at all the bad things that have happened to you and you have shut 
the door to your heart afraid to let anyone get in and when they are about 
too you turn them away." He said.  I stood there amazed at his outburst. He 
just shook his head and walked out.

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