Chapter Seven

'What just happened here?' I asked myself. 'Did I just let my first love walk 
out of my life?' 'Was love really as fake as I thought it was?' All these 
questions were running through my head. A single tear fell down my face as I 
glanced out the open window that my love exited out of.  I had to see him and 
talk to him. I stood up and ran out of my house over to his.


I climbed up Justin's window and saw him in a white wife beater and boxer 
shorts. He was sitting on his king size bed with his arms folded over his 
chest. I lightly knocked on the window. Justin stood up and unlatched it. He 
opened it and a smile slightly appeared on his face. "You were right." I 
said. He looked at me with question. "I am afraid of love, I know I am 
falling for you and I am just scared." Justin smiled and took my hand and 
pulled me out of the night air. I looked into his sea blue eyes and felt like 
I was drowning. He rested his hand on the side of my arm. His warm hands on 
my cold skin made Goosebumps appear on my skin. Justin pulled me to him, I 
rested my head on his chest swaying back in forth. A yawn came out and Justin 
looked at me. "Would you like to spend the night here?" He smiled. "Sure." I 
said my eyes getting drowsy. "Here." Justin said sitting me on his bed 
walking to his dresser. "You can wear one of my shirts." He said pulling out 
a thin white shirt and handing it to me. I went into his bathroom and 
changed. I walked out to find Justin doing push ups on the floor. This was a 
daily ritual of his. I smiled and walked to the side of the bed. He stood up 
off the ground and smiled laying down on the pillow. I laid next to him 
looking into his eyes. Justin took his hand and brushed the strand of hair 
that hung in my face behind my ear. I smiled closing my eyes feeling safe. He 
kissed my head and flipped off the light and we fell asleep.

Justin woke up and found Mandy sleeping, wrapped in his arms. A warm feeling 
came over him. He needed to see Sydney, he knew that was one reason Mandy was 
so scared but the other reason he knew he still had to figure out. He kissed 
Mandy's head and stood up. He glanced at the beautiful girl and wanted to 
stay but he knew he had to go. He got dressed and snuck out to Sydney's.

Sydney woke up hearing something clinging to her window. She stood up and saw 
a small pebble hitting the glass of her window. Question filled her face.  
She peered down to see what it was. Justin. 'What's he doing here?' she asked 
herself excitement raising inside of her. 'He's come to his senses , he 
realizes that we are meant for each other.' She told herself. She jumped with 
anxiety running down herself and checking herself in the mirror one last time 
and opening the door smiling. Justin smiled back. His face made Sydney's 
heart skip a beat and she felt warm all over. "We need to talk Syd." Justin 
said taking her hand.  She glowed. "You don't have to say a word." She added. 
Justin frowned knowing what she was thinking, and shook his head. "No Sydney, 
I know how you feel about me and its sweet…but." He started. "But…oh please 
no but Justin." Sydney begged. "I love someone Sydney." He said with deep 
sympathy. Sydney removed her hand from his. "its Mandy isn't it?" She 
questioned. "Yes, Sydney I…" He was soon cut off by Sydney's sudden tears. He 
reaches to give Sydney a hug, but she backed away. "I hope we can still be 
friends and you understand." He said turning to head home. The door slammed 
behind him.


I woke up and glanced at the clock. I heard the shower running in the 
bathroom. I stood up wrapping Justin's robe around me and walked out onto the 
balcony. I stared at the blue sky. Not a single cloud could be in this 
perfect sky. I closed my eyes and took a long breath feeling the breeze hit 
my face. An arm wrapped around my waist and a nose in my neck. I smiled 
feeling warm. His kisses hit my face and then to my lips. I smiled deepening 
my kiss. He stared at me and smiled brushing his fingers through my hair. 
"Beautiful day." I said smiling as the sun hit my face. "Just like I 
ordered." Justin said. "A beautiful day for a beautiful girl." I walked back 
into the room sitting on Justin's old worn rocking chair with my arms wrapped 
tightly around me. Justin smiled slipping on a black shirt that clung to him. 
I turned my head to let him slip on his boxers. He kinda laughed and told me 
I was ok. I looked back at him. "I have to tell you something." Justin said 
being serious. "What?" I asked feeling my heart race. "I left while you were 
sleeping." Justin said above a slight whisper. "Where did you go?" I asked. 
"Sydney's." He answered fast and abrupt. "Why?" I asked afraid to hear his 
answer. "I had to tell her about us, and I knew that was one reason you were 
afraid to love." He said touching my shoulder. A relief filled me. Justin sat 
on his bed and patted next to him for me to join him. I stood up and joined 
him on the bed. I laid my head on his stomach.  "I also went to see my mom." 
He said. "Oh Really?" I asked. "And what did Mrs. Harless have to say?" I 
asked. "Well, I told her what is happening between us and she is happy she 
said she knew you could keep me in line, plus she loves when you call her mom 
she feels special." Justin laughed. I smiled. "You never told me about your 
parents." Justin said. I frowned this was a subject I always avoided with 
Justin. It's just sad and embarrassing. I shook my head and gave a nervous 
laugh. "What is there to know?" I said. "Oh, Come on!" He begged. I swallowed 
the gulp in my throat as the memories flooded my head of why I wanted out so 
bad. "Justin, this isn't an easy subject for me." I said feeling the tears 
ready to fall. "It's ok then you don't have to tell me." He said noticing 
this was a touchy subject. "No I want to tell you, if I want to learn to 
trust you, you have to trust me." I said determined to do this. I sat up and 
looked at him a little uneasy. "Wait." Justin said. "Let's go for a walk in 
the park and you can tell me everything." He said.


I held Justin's hand as we walked around the crystal clear lake. My mind 
fluttered. "Ok, now go ahead." Justin said gripping my hand tighter. "Well." 
My voice cracked. "My mom was an alcoholic who beat me up on occasions, and 
my father abandoned me when I was 14. Only person I had was god and Audrey." 
I said feeling the tears hit my cheeks as I went on. "We lived in this small 
trailer with only two bedrooms and my mom slept with my brother, I starved 
myself trying to save what little money I could for my brother and food. If 
my mom hadn't already spent it all on wine. My grandma and dog died that same 
year and same month. My life fell at my feet. I had lost everything. So when 
I turned 18 I ran." I said choked up. Justin stopped walking and hugged me. I 
let the last of my tears fall and dried up.  Justin lifted my chin and wiped 
the fallen tears from my eyes. We sat at a near by bench and talked about 
everything. From family, to friends, to crazy fans, to old boyfriends and 
girlfriends, to childhood memories.

 "Well that's my life." I said. Justin smiled. "Me too." He said kissing me. 
"Now for the present time." He said. "I found me a best friend and she was 
the sweetest girl you ever met no girl has ever understood me the way she 
does and that's why ever since I met her I knew she was the one." Justin 
said. I looked into his soft blue eyes as a twinkle glowed. I was speechless. 
"Wait here." He said disappearing into the trees. I looked onto the lake.  I 
smiled to myself. I think I was in love Justin had my heart and now I knew 
what love was. It's was the best feeling in the world.

At that moment Justin returned from the brush leaving my thoughts to be later 
continued. He was carrying something in his hands. I smiled at him as he 
handed me a crown of icy BabyBlue forget-me-nots, on the back of the crown 
there was yellow ribbon hanging down. "Aww, Justin." I smiled as he put it on 
my head. "My fair Juliet." He said.  "Ouch!! wait I think I sat on something 
in my pocket!!"  He pulls a box out and said  "Oh. I forgot this is for you." 
I was so astonished already. What more could there be 
I opened the box and there upon the inside was a gold necklace with sapphire 
flowers and the phrase inscribed on the chain.. "thou the angels and heavens 
sent love shall be forever upon us" Tears welded my eyes this was the nicest 
thing anyone has ever done for me. "Oh Justin. I've waited so long for us to 
feel this way about each other and I hoped it would come." "They sent me an 
angel and now I am in love with him." I said out loud. Justin smiled and then 
spoke… "so you always did have feelings for me too. I loved you with all my 
soul and prayed the angels  would help me this time just like how I helped u 
and was afraid u didn't feel the same. But something in my head told me not 
to give up, cause I knew we were meant for each other. The way your smile 
brightened my day, and your words always touched my heart. It all seems so 
clear to me now." Those words made my heart jump and all my love ran through 
my veins. "I Love you." I spoke letting the words just flow out. Justin 
smiled and kissed me. I flew up in the clouds with Justin and I knew that 
this was love. Everything Audrey told me was coming true. I smiled in my head 
as I kissed Justin. He pulled away and looked into my eyes. "I Love you till 
the day winter comes in summer and the ocean never touches the sand." "Now 
come on I have another surprise." He said. "Another one?" I laughed taking 
his hand. He made me close my eyes as he led me somewhere. "No Peeking!" He 
said. "I'm not." I laughed "Ok now open them." He whispered in my ear. I 
opened my eyes to see a golden brown horse in front of me. "Oh Justin." I 
smiled admiring the horses beauty. "She's beautiful." I said. Justin picked 
me up. "Come with me Juliet to my castle in the clouds." He said getting on 
his horse and leading me into the sunset.

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