Chapter Eight

I woke up to a familiar room. Justin's, but one problem, no Justin. I was 
wearing the same clothes as yesterday with a blanket wrapped around me. I sat 
up and saw a long white silk dress on the sleeve was a note that said: Meet 
me in the front of the house at 6:00 sharp Love, Justin. Question filled my 
mind. 'What was this for?' I asked myself. I glanced at the clock. It was 
only eleven in the morning. I looked around the room. 'What happened last 
night?' I asked myself. 'I remember we were riding and I was holding Justin 
tightly as he hummed some music and that's all.' 'I must have fallen asleep. 
I decided to take a long warm bath in Justin's tub.

After my bath it was noon. I decided to go downstairs and find something to 
do. As I started down the spiral stairs in my bare feet there was red and 
pink rose petals all over the stairs. I slowly followed the down to the 
living room where there were roses all over the room just covered. There were 
twenty vases all in a line on the floor a dozen in each. I smiled as I read 
each card in numerical order. The first one said… 'when she shall die take 
her and cut her out in little stars and she will make the faces of heavens so 
fine that all the world will be in love with night and pay no worship to the 
garnished sun.' I smiled to myself he had taken Juliet's line and turned it 
into Romeo's. Each vase had a sweet cherished heartfelt line from Romeo and 
Juliet. The last one had an extra letter which said… " I know u probably have 
nothing to do at the moment, but trust me this is the longest time I can ever 
be with out u.''  The letter promised.  I smiled again.  I laid down on the 
floor smiling. 'I wonder how Sydney is.' I asked smelling the rose that lay 
beside me. The doorbell brought me back from my day dream. I stood up and 
peered out the door to see Sydney standing there. I smiled. "Hey Syd." I 
said. "I can't talk long I just wanted to tell you I am happy for you and 
Justin and I know what is meant to be is meant to be." She said. I reached 
out and hugged her. "I am so happy!" she pulled away. "Well I better go see 
ya later?" She asked. "Yes of course." I said closing the door. 

The doorbell rang again. I thought it was Sydney. I opened the door and saw 
Chris standing there. "Hey Chris!" I said. He smiled. "You seem happy." He 
winked. "Yes, I am very happy, Sydney is ok with me and Justin!" I said. 
Chris smiled and handed me a medium shaped box. "What's this?" I asked 
examining the box. "From Justin and he told me to give ya a kiss." Chris 
raised his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank-you 
Chris." I said closing the door when he returned to his car. 

I examined the box in my hand and opened it revealing a small bottle of CK 
Happy for women. The little note read: 'I know it drives you crazy.' I 
laughed and smelled it. I ran upstairs and grabbed my extra bathing suit I 
left over at Justin's and went out back to tan for an hour.

*An Hour Later*

The doorbell awoke me from my lawn chair in the back. I knew I had better 
stop tanning or I would turn into a baked turkey. I jumped up and ran to the 
door. Lance stood there smiling. "Hi Lance, I was about to get some lemonade 
want some?" I asked smiling. "No I can't stay I am here to give you this." He 
handed me a small bag. "And this." He kissed my cheek. I looked into his 
wholesome eyes. "Thank you." I said. He waved and left. I closed the door and 
peered into the bag. I pulled out four butterfly hair clips the wings moved 
as I pulled them out with little ruby jewels on them. I smiled. "Aww." I said 
setting them next to my first gift. I sat down in the TV Room. I want to 
watch a movie. I thought to myself. I looked down at the movies. One caught 
my eye. Its was kind of stashed between the shelf of the TV and the book 
shelf. I picked it up and examined it. It was blank no title or nothing. . I 
shoved it into the VCR and pressed play. Justin's voice appeared on the TV 
but the picture was me sleeping. This is what he said. "Mandy sleeping, she 
is so peaceful and look how you can tell she's having sweet dreams." He 
zoomed in on my face. I smiled watching the movie. The screen suddenly 
switched to all of us in an open field. Audrey was recording cause she 
couldn't run. We were playing flag football. Our team had the ball. "HUT!" I 
screamed and I started running. Jc Threw me the ball. I caught it and took 
off running and  Audrey was jumping up and down making the camera go with 
her. "Mandy run here comes Justin!" She said. I hit the touchdown and threw 
my hands up in the air. Justin came up behind me and tackled me. You could 
hear Audrey start laughing. "JUSTIN!" I screamed as he tickled me. 

'How could I have been so blind?' I said watching me shake up a bottle of 
soda and dump it all over Justin. I laughed. Justin took the camera from 
Audrey. I hugged her and wrapped my arm around her. Justin zoomed in on us. I 
looked at the camera and batted my eyes. "These are the two prettiest." I 
stopped and called Nikki. "The three prettiest girls in the world!" I smiled 
laughing as we turned around and headed back to the field. Justin laughed. 
"Especially you Mandy." He whispered.

We headed back out on the field. Audrey took over the camera. Justin ran back 
on the field. He squatted down in front of Jace. Jc tossed the ball between 
his legs to me and took off running. I threw the ball to Jc before I was 
plummeted by Justin. "Ooo That had to hurt." Audrey said zooming in on Justin 
laying on top of me. Audrey turned the camera back to Jc. Nikki was chasing 
him and pounced on his ankles yanking down his pants revealing his panther 
spotted boxers. Audrey started cracking up as Jc struggled to pull his pants 
up. "Growl." Audrey said turning the camera back to Justin and I. We were 
still in the same position. "What are they doing?" Audrey asked zooming in 
closer. The TV went blank I smiled to myself. I stood up and put the movie 
back into its hidden place and went to the kitchen for a small snack.

I went straight for the cereal. "Yumm." I said outloud to myself picking me 
up some frosted mini wheats. Some one knocked on the front door just as I was 
about to take my first bite. I glanced at the clock. It was three I was 
assuming another gift from Justin as I walked to the door revealing Joey's 
smile. "Hey Joey!" I smiled. He nodded his head not removing the smile from 
his face. "Wanna come in?" I asked. He shook his head. "No I can't just 
delivering a gift and a kiss." He handed me a small box a little bigger than 
my first one, kissed my cheek and left. 

I opened the box carefully revealing to heart shaped earrings. They were so 
clear as rain. There was no note. I smiled setting them down next to my first 
and second gift and went back to my snack. After I was finished I decided to 
go upstairs and lay down for a while. I walked up stairs and grabbed Justin's 
pillow smelling his sweet smell that made it his. I missed him. I laughed 
outloud thinking of what a dork I was. I flipped on his stereo across the 
room as our song filled the room. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

The doorbell rang I opened my eyes. "Ugh." I said stretching. The doorbell 
rang again. "I'm coming!" I yelled running down the steps. I opened the door. 
Jace was standing there. I smiled sleepily. "Sorry did I wake you?" He asked. 
I nodded. "That's ok." "Will you come in?" I asked. Jc hesitated. "Please 
It's quite lonely here without the one I love here and you're my best 
friend." I begged. Jc smiled. "Ok I will stay but only for a half an hour." 
He said walking into the house. "Oh here." He said handing me another gift. I 
smiled opening the small box. A locket. Three little diamonds on the front of 
it. I opened it up see two pictures. Him when he was about 14 and me when I 
was about 14 too. I smiled showing Jace. "Aww." He said. I closed the locket 
and inscribed in the back was: I LOVE YOU. I looked at Jc and smiled. Setting 
the locket ever so carefully by the three gifts and leading Jc into the room 
full of roses. "Wow I never knew Justin was so romantic like this." Jc said. 
I lead him into the TV room and we talked.

"Well I better go before Justin has a cow." Jc said standing from the couch. 
"Oh, ok." I said hugging him. "Don't worry your next gift will be here in 
about fifteen minutes." He said. "What else can he possible give me?" I asked 
sweetly. Jc smiled. "Hmm, I wonder." He said raising his finger to the tip of 
his chin. I laughed. "I dunno." I said tickling him. "Maybe you could tell 
me." I said him laughing. "No, no, no!" He yelled. The doorbell rang. Jc 
kissed my cheek and opened the door. Audrey stood there with a brush and a 
few hair items. Jc walked out and waved "Have fun!"

Audrey smiled. "I am here to fix your hair as a gift from Justin." She said. 
"And your gonna tell me how love hit you!" She laughed. I smiled. "You were 
hit hard I can tell he is all you think about and dream about huh?" She said. 
"So how about my hair?" I said changing the subject.  She rolled her hair and 
dragged me upstairs to Justin's room.

About forty five minutes later I was sitting on the bed wearing the long 
white dress with spaghetti straps my hair in a big clip and the butterflies 
clips here and there. Audrey was putting the final touches on my make-up. 
"There!" She said giving me a final look and nodding.  I stood up and looked 
down, I was wearing the earrings, locket, hair clips, and perfume.   "You 
look so pretty Mandy." Audrey said. I hugged her. "I am glad you found love 
too." She said. The doorbell rang my heart started to race and all of a 
sudden I felt nervous. Audrey grabbed my hand. 

I walked to the door and opened the door seeing Nicole. She smiled. "You look 
pretty." She said. She glanced at Audrey. "Let's go." She said. I looked 
puzzled. Audrey stepped out beside Nicole. "Here." She said handing me the 
letter. "Don't open it till five minutes after I leave." I closed the door. 


Look outside.


I smiled and opened the door seeing nothing but complete blackness. I flipped 
on the light. I walked outside onto the porch. Four guys stood there before 
me. 'Where was Justin?'  They started singing 'This I Promise You.'  Tears 
welded my eyes as Justin stepped through the middle of them and sang coming 
toward the porch. My heart pounded. His eyes twinkled in the moonlight as he 
started singing his course. I closed my eyes tightly letting a tear fall. 
Justin took my hand and got down on his knee as all the guys started singing 
again. 'And I will take you in my arms and hold you right where I belong.'  
From behind him he pulled out a pure gold rose. 'how come I never thought he 
had this type of side to him?' I asked myself staring into his eyes that 
melted my soul. He pulled me close as I set my arm out to reach for it. He 
placed a kiss on my lips. "Aww." The guys said behind us. I laughed breaking 
the kiss blushing. "I love you." He  whispered in my ear. "I love you too." I 

We got into his Beemer and drove off, me having no clue where we were going, 
but one thing was for sure, for once I finally felt loved and secure 
in his arms.

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