Chapter Nine

Justin pulled onto the deserted beach. He got out of the car and opened my 
door like a gentleman. He led me onto the sand. On the ground was a soft 
fuzzy blue blanket. In the middle sat a single candle lit. All around the 
blanket was blue forget-me-knots. The waves crashed against the shoreline. 
The moon, the stars, and the candle were the only light. I kneeled down on 
the blanket. The air was calm. Justin sat next to me. "This is the sweetest 
thing anyone has ever done for me." I said. Justin smiled and placed his hand 
on my cheek. I closed my eyes feeling his warm moist lips against mine. I 
placed my hand on his chest kissing him deeply. I broke the kiss smiling at 
him and brushing my fingers across his lips gazing into his sparkling eyes. 
"This is perfect, I love you with all of my heart and soul and you are my 
best friend I can tell you anything." I said kissing him again. "I have loved 
you since the day I picked you up off the ground of that ally, you looked at 
me and called me your guardian angel and wrapped your arms around my neck." 
He said. My stomach let out a growl ruining the moment. I laughed and rolled 
my eyes. "Them Frosted Mini Wheats are wearing off." I said. Justin laughed 
staring at me. "Did I tell you, you look beautiful tonite?" He asked. I 
blushed. "Thank-You." "Well let's see what I have in my basket." He said 
setting the woven basket in his lap. He pulled out some cherries and 
strawberries. "So what's on the menu for tonite?" I asked trying to peer in 
the basket. "Shrimp, red wine, and pasta with crab meat." He said. "Yumm." I 
said taking a piece of shrimp and popping it into my mouth. Justin smiled 
feeding me a bite of the pasta. I closed my eyes as the taste invaded my 

After dinner we I sat in between Justin's legs, laying my head on his chest. 
We munched on cherries and stared at the starlit sky. A shooting star danced 
across the star. "Oh, Make a wish!" I said pointing. "Don't need to."  Justin 
said. "I have everything I need right here." He said. I smiled laying my head 
against his as his breath hit my head. Justin flipped on some music on the 
boombox he had brought with him.  Faith Hill~Breathe. I stood up taking 
Justin's hand. "Dance with me." I said pulling me to him. He held me tightly 
as we let the music take control of our bodies and we danced across the 
beach. The music ended but yet still filled our heads as we swayed. I looked 
into his eyes as the moonlight reflected off of them. Justin licked his lips. 
I tilted my head slightly to kiss him. A rain drop hit his face. "Let's go 
before it starts storming." I said helping him pick up the things. Justin 
wrapped the blanket around me. "Here carry this." He said taking the basket 
from my hand. I put the blanket in the car. Justin got in but I ran out into 
the now pouring rain. "What are you doing?" He called out from the window. I 
laughed and ran back out by the ocean. Justin got out of the car and ran out 
there with me. I grabbed his hands.  The rain rolled down his face as a smile 
formed. I laughed. "Would you sing to me?" I asked. Justin's eyes seemed to 
glow. "Ok." He took my hand. 'I swear by the moon and the stars in the sky 
I'll be there I swear Like the shadow that's by your side I'll be there for 
better for worse till death do us part I will love you with every beat of my 
heart I swear.' He sang. The rain pelted down on us as I stood there 
mesmerized. Justin laughed. "Come on, Before you catch a cold." He said 
taking my hand and leading me to his Beemer.

I held Justin's hand tightly as I never wanted to let go. He comforted me as 
I always wanted it to be. We drove for a long time and then reaching the 
hotel. I had no clue where we were or what was happening and as I stepped out 
of the Beemer I stared at the sky and closed my eyes tightly. Justin took my 
hand and we walked inside the hotel which was entirely empty and quiet during 
this time of night, Justin led me to an elevator and we rode the elevator all 
the way up to the  top floor which was a large suite we had all to ourselves. 
then Justin did something so sweet I walked before him out of the elevator 
and he came up behind me, swept me off my feet, and carried me into the room.

Justin smiled as I laid my head on his shoulder. Inside my head I thought 'I 
never knew he felt so compassionate inside and right at that moment, my soul 
opened entirely to him, and I put my health and trust in his open arms.' 
Never before had I felt this way after being hurt in the past and my heart 
never could express the love I had for anyone.  No one cared for me like he 
did and the friendship we shared was the best thing to ever happen to me in 
my entire life! I had never felt so good inside around anyone and for the 
second time my life was saved again heart and soul and he gave me the courage 
I needed to not be afraid to walk up and greet the love holding you by your 
side. At that moment I new he would never leave my side. Justin laid me on 
the bed of the suite and kissed my lips I brought my hand to his face kissing 
him deeply.


Audrey dragged Jc into the club. "Come On Jc." She said. Lance had already 
went in and got their booths. "It's not gonna be any fun without Nikki." Jc 
whined looking into the crowd of people dancing. Nikki had gone to work. Jc 
plopped down on the empty side of the booth. "So you guys want some drinks?" 
Audrey asked smiling.  They both nodded simotaniously. "Yes thank you." Lance 
said grabbing her hand and kissing it. Audrey smiled and went off to get the 
drinks. Jc and Lance talked when two girls about 15 years old passed the 
table. "Oh My Gosh that's Lance and Jc of Nsync." One girl said. "Of course." 
The other girl said not amused. "Every one comes to The Grind." she said. 
Lance smirked. "Yeah, everyone." He said. Jc looked at Lance. Lance gave Jc 
the look to peer into the crowd. There he saw Nikki dancing all over some 
blond haired guy.  She licked his ear and brushed up against his body. Then 
her lips moved to his mouth. There tongues noticeably intertwining. Jc jumped 
up from the red leather booth and tapped Nikki on the shoulder. She turned 
around glancing at Jc then back to the man she was with. Once it registered 
in her brain who she was looking at her eyes widened in horror. "Jc!" She 
said surprised. "Wha- What are you doing here?" She asked. "I am here with 
Lance and Audrey...I would ask you the same thing but I already know why." He 
said eyeing the man. Jc looked at Nikki with such hurt in his eyes. "Jc I-." 
She started to explain. "It's over Nikki." Jc said turning to leave. Nikki 
rested her  hand on his shoulder. "No...Jc...Wait...I-." She said. Jc turned 
to her and gave her one last good-bye kiss and stormed out of the night club. 
Nikki glanced over at Lance and Audrey as tears welded her eyes and she ran 
to the bathroom.

Jc ran out into the cold misty air. How could she do that to him? What did he 
do to her? Jc remembered her kissing him. How he wanted to jump up and just 
kick the crap out of that guy. THUD Jc fell to the ground of the cold 
pavement of the sidewalk. "Ow!" He heard. He looked up and saw a girl holding 
her ankle. "Oh, I'm so let me help you." He said offering his 
hand. The girl looked up at Jc. Her eyes were a deep blue...the moon in the 
sky set a slight twinkle to them. Her face a soft glow as a smile appeared 
and she took her small hand into his. She started to get up putting pressure 
on her ankle. "Oww!" She said. Her eyes turning to pain. Jc frowned. "here." 
He said picking her up holding the girl in his arms. "My name is Jc." He 
said. She brushed a piece of her golden brown hair behind her ear.  "Ashley." 
she said above a slight whisper. Jc walked to his car sitting the girl 
inside. "Let me take you back to my place and wrap that ankle up." He said 
looking at her making sure it would be ok. She frowned. "My roommate will be 
expecting me home can you take me there?" She asked looking into his heavenly 
blue eyes. "Sure." He said.

Nikki saw Jc get into his car with the girl. Tears welded her eyes again as 
they drove off. 

Justin went down stairs and ordered some champagne and strawberries. I was 
standing in the bathroom brushing my hair. My mind drifted to Justin. His 
sweet kisses his tender touch.


~A County Fair a month ago~

"Come on Mandy!" Justin said motioning for me to get in the Ferris wheel. "No 
way Timberlake I'm am scared of heights!" I screamed to him sucking the 
strawberry sucker. Justin stuck out his bottom lip. "Please." He said like a 
child asking for a new toy.  "How can anyone resist that face." I sighed 
giving in. I climbed onto the red seat. Justin wrapped his arm around me. I 
looked at the man running the Ferris wheel. "Please don't stick us at the top 
I'm deathly afraid of heights." I said. Justin winked at the man. "Well I 
think your boyfriend will be able to keep you calm." The man laughed. "Oh, 
he's not my…" Justin cut me off. "Thanks." He said as we went around the 
Ferris wheel.

Justin walked in carrying the champagne and strawberries

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