Magic Spells and Laser Guns

Last Updated Sunday, January 27, 2002

Added several new story links:
BSB Fantasy -- "Full Moon Rising" (werewolves)
"Guardian Angel" (angels)
"Her" (apparitions, psychology)
"In My Hands" (witches)
"Soul Warrior" (magic)
"The Dark Trilogy" (magic)
"This House is Cursed" (ghosts)
"Libera" (magic)

Welcome, welcome, welcome! I'm so glad that you've decided to stop by and partake of the many different stories offered up by these talented writers. As you look around, you'll discover that this isn't your normal fan fiction links page. Every single story on here notonly deals with the Backstreet Boys or 'N Sync, but they also offer either a science fiction or fantasy element to them. They're the different kind of fan fics that you've been looking for.

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