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Would a penis enlargement surgery or natural operation, and women's breast enlargement surgery be allowed in Islam? 

The sections of this article are:

1-  Would a penis and breast enlargement be allowed in Islam?
2-  Would enlarging the penis through natural exercise be allowed in Islam?
      Would that be similar to body building where we enlarge our body muscles?
3-  Penis and Breast enlargement operations had been proven to be fatal.

At first, I was really hesitant to accept these questions.  But then since this is a web site of information about Islam, then I believe it is the readers' rights upon me to address all of their questions.  The topic of penis and women's breasts enlargements is certainly one that can not be ignored in the West today.  It's very common for people to do these operations now days.

To answer the above questions, we have to first know that it is obvious that 1400 years ago these operations didn't exist during Prophet Muhammad's time.  So therefore, what ever answer a person would give you is absolutely driven by medical, cultural and personal reasons and influences.

One might argue that our Prophet peace be upon him prohibited body mutilation, which would then therefore prohibit any private part enlargement:

Narrated 'Abdullah bin Yazid Al-Ansari:  "The Prophet forbade robbery (taking away what belongs to others without their permission), and also forbade mutilation (or maiming) of bodies.  (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Oppressions, Volume 3, Book 43, Number 654)"

Please visit Where did genital mutilation for females come from?  Is it allowed in Islam and Christianity? for more details.

But the answer to this point would be that there is no body harm or mutilation done here if the surgery is done ok.  And like any other medical surgery, there is always a possibility of failure, but this of course wouldn't make all surgeries of any kind be forbidden in Islam. 

I must however make clear that there had been many fatal results done with these operations that resulted in men's penises being severely damaged, and women's breasts being cut off.  Please read the "Penis and Breast enlargement operations had been proven to be fatal" section below in this article.


Would enlarging the penis through natural exercise be allowed in Islam?  Would that be similar to body building where we enlarge our body muscles? 

Well a penis muscle is certainly the same as any other muscle in the body.  The point from body building at the Gym is to grow our muscles and to look and feel better and healthier.  Natural exercising for growing the penis using special equipment is the same as lifting a dumbbell to grow your arms' muscles.  Personally I don't see where that would be sinful in Islam.


Penis and Breast enlargement surgeries had been proven to be fatal:

I must warn you that many surgeries done to penises and breasts had resulted in fatal injuries to the parts, where I've seen on TV guys cry because their penises had been seriously damaged after the surgery, and women got their breasts cut off because of leaks that happened in the bags that they installed inside their breasts.

So, my advise to you brothers and sisters is:  If you can find a natural exercise or pills that were medically proven to be safe to enlarge your breasts or penises, then I personally don't see anything wrong with that.

But with surgeries, please stay away from them, because until today doctors are not yet knowledgeable enough to give you a confident answer that their surgery will succeed.   And don't listen to those crooks who will try to convince you to go with such surgeries to make money off of you regardless of the serious risk that you're about to put your body and life through.





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