Ask me any question:
* You can do a word search (press ctrl-F keys) to narrow down the topics.
Q1: Why do some Muslims call Americans and Westerners "Great Satan"?
Q2: Why did GOD end His revelations with Muhammad and not with Jesus?
Q3: Why did the GOD of Islam allow for the "original" Bible to get corrupted or lost?
Q4: How is it that Muslims believe that Jesus is Christ but they don't believe in atonement?
Q5: What do Muslims believe about the end of the world and Jesus' part in it?
Q6: How does a Muslim get to Heaven, saved, reach a state of perfect harmony with God?
Q7: Does the Noble Quran in Verse 19:33 confirm Jesus' crucifixion?
Q8- In the Quran it mentions the virgin conception of Jesus, why
would God go to such extremes to produce a prophet when all other prophets came about the
usual way - through intercourse and birth? If Jesus is not divine then what purpose did
the virginal conception serve?
Answer to the question.
Q9- How is Allah telling the Christians and Jews to rule in accordance with the Bible that is with them according to Noble Verse 7:157 when these scriptures were corrupted by the followers of the religion and could not be found in their true form?
Q10- What is the punishment for rape in Christianity and in Islam?
Q11- If Islam is so against any form of idol worship, why do they bow to the kaaba? Why do they call it God's House? Do they believe He lives there?
Q12- I liked your concept of God in Islam and that man can directly have fellowship with God. But how does God stand the sin in man ? How does God see the sin between man and man?
Q13- What language did Jesus really speak during his ministry?
Q14- Is there equality between men and women in Islam? and why did Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him say that he saw most of the people in hell are women?
Q15- Are two women equal to one man in Islam?
Q16- Why did Allah Almighty order women to cover up in Islam?
Q17- Is music allowed in Islam?
Q18- If Jesus was Muslim as Muslims claim, then why did he convert water into wine in one case, and said that wine is his blood in another since wine and alcohol are prohibited in Islam?
Q19- Are the "Nation of Islam" Organization really Muslims?
Q20- Is the First Chapter in the Quran (Surat Al-Fatiha) a prayer from Muhammad? or a True Word of GOD (Allah)?
Q21- Did Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him really prescribe camel urine as medicine?
Q22- Can you prove to us that the Bible's Gospels are doubtful?
Q23- Is the Temporary (Muta) Marriage prohibited in Islam?
Q24- Is Niqab (Women covering all of their faces) Mandatory in Islam?
Q25- How did Islamic people handle believers in other faiths during the time period of the Crusades?
Q26- How could Allah create the world in 6 days if science has proved that the world and universe took millions of years to make?
Q27- If Islam is truly a religion of mercy, then how do you explain the obvious connection between Islam and much of the world's terrorism?
Q28- Was Muhammad influenced by magic or hypnotism?
Q29- How come Muslims don't have images of GOD as Christians do with Mary and Jesus?
Q30- What is the future of Jerusalem in the Noble Quran?
Q31- How can you say that the Bible has corruption in it when Saint Paul in 2 Timothy 3:16 clearly said that "All Scripture is God-breathed"?
Q32- Since Muslims do not believe that Jesus was the true Messiah sent to die for our sins, do Muslims believe that one will eventually come (like the Jews) or do they believe that there never will be one?
Q33- Why did Allah Almighty make lawful for Muslim men to have sexual intercourse with the married women whom are captives of war?
Q34- Why should I convert to Islam? What does Islam have to offer for me? And how can you guarantee for me that I will be saved in the Life After through believing in Islam?
Q35- What makes Islam better than other religions such as Christianity and Judaism? In other words, why is Islam faith good for me?
Q36- Are drugs such as weed, and pot allowed in Islam?
Q37- Is masturbation allowed in Islam?
Q38- Does Islam allow for Muslim women to marry non-Muslim men? And does it allow for Muslim men to marry non-Muslim women?
Q39- What is the place of the Jews and Christians (People of the Book) in Islam?
Q40- How will Allah Almighty Judge Muslims and non-Muslims?
Q41- Was the Noble Quran only sent for the Arabs? Or was it sent to Mankind?
Q42- When Allah describes the pleasures of Paradise, He always mentions the houris (maidens) for men. What is the equivalent reward for women? And what happens to a married man's wife?
Q43- If the husband rapes his wife, is that a sin in Islam? Is there any answers to this in the Quran?
Q44- Is anal sex allowed between the husband and the wife in Islam?
Q44- Does Paradise in Islam really have Lesbianism in it?
Q45- Can you show us where in Islam does it prohibit for Gays and Lesbians to marry each others?
Q46- Where in the Quran does it say that Muhammad was the last Prophet and Messenger of GOD?
Q47- How would you reply to Rashad Khalifa's number 19 theory, where he removed 2 Noble Verses from the Noble Quran because their references were not multiples of the number 19?
Q48- Can you explain the challenge of Allah Almighty to both Mankind and Jinns to produce a Chapter like any of the Chapters in the Noble Quran?
Q49- Did GOD create some Men and Jinns to be destined to hell?
Q50- Can a woman be forced into marriage in Islam?
Q51- Can we call the Angel Gabriel peace be upon him the Holy Spirit?
Q52- Why did slavery exist during Islam? And how did Islam deal with it?
Q53- Is there mention of U.F.Os or other Human Planets in the Noble Quran?
Q54- My husband divorced me 3 times all at once! Am I really divorced?
Q55- Is Muhammad GOD or part of GOD in Islam?
Q56- Does Islam really allow the killing of innocent unbelievers?
Q57- Do women have the right for education in Islam?
Q58- Is the Palestinian "Suicide Bombing" in Israel's cities lawful in Islam?
Q59- Can Muslims torture prisoners of war?
Q60- Who is your Messiah in Islam? Who is your Savior?
Q61- Does Islam teach that is okay for you to harm me if I have harmed you, no matter what? How does it account for intentions?
Q62- What do you say in response to the fact that many Christians are killed in Islamic countries for their faith? I know you said on your site that Muslims are forbidden from doing that...why does it still happen?
Q63- Why do the Muslims not like the Jews?
Q64- Do People and Angels bowing down to Jesus in Worship really prove that he is the Creator of the Universe?
Q65- Does Islam allow for individuals to make their own verdicts and fight the enemy, or should the government do that? What does Islam say about that?
Q66- Are Muslims the "Chosen People" of GOD? If not, then who are?
Q67- After death, what would prevent a Muslim from entering Heaven? Also, how long will the Disbelievers stay in Hell?
Q68- How can a person be sure they will enter Heaven?
Q69- Why did Muhammad take up arms and Christ didn't? Why did Islam spread by the sword if it were indeed a Religion of Truth, and Christianity didn't?
Q70- Why would God send the Gospel with His prophet Jesus, and then allow all of the disciples of Jesus to be misled by believing that Jesus died on the cross, and thus distort the original message of the Gospel?
Q71- Was Adam created on Earth or in Heaven?
Q72- What is the definition of Democracy in Islam? How does Islam practice Democracy?
Q73- What is Jihad? And why is it?
Q74- Where do Martyrs go after death? And will they be judged for their good and bad deeds?
Q75- What is the place of Isaac and Ishmael in Islam and Christianity?
Q76- I was told that what's happening in the Middle East today was all foretold in the Bible. How do you respond to that?
Q77- How do you respond to the End of Times Prophecies in the Books of Psalms and Ezekiel against the Muslims of today in the Bible?
Q78- Did Jews continually try to stone Jesus prove that he claimed to be GOD?
Q79- Jesus claimed that whoever saw him saw the Father. Wouldn't that prove that Jesus is GOD Himself (i.e., the Creator of the Universe)?
Q80- Who are you Osama Abdallah? Do you have a P.h.D in Islamic Studies?
Q81- Does Psalm 16:8-11 refer to Jesus' resurrection as the book of Acts suggest?
Q82- Does the Noble Quran in 17:104 say that the Jews will prevail in the State of Israel until the Day of Judgement?
Q83- Are Homosexuals and eating Pigs allowed in the Bible?
Q84- Are tattoos allowed in Islam?
Q85- Where did "genital mutilation" for females come from? Is it allowed in Islam and Christianity?
Q86- Can GOD change his mind? Why did he allow for the Bible to get corrupted? What wisdom is he trying to give us? Your Islam is bogus!
Q87- Can we use other than the language of Arabic when we pray to Allah Almighty?
Q88- Why do we see some additions in parenthesis in the English-translated Quran? Does GOD need man to add words to clarify what He means?
Q89- Is there a concept of Original Sin in Islam? i.e. why part of God's perfect Creation is not righteous?
Q90- Is the philosophy of idol worshiping similar to having a Holy Book such as the Noble Quran for instance to help a person to connect with GOD?
Q91- Does Islam believe in Evolution?
Q92- How do Islam and the Bible treat women who are having their menses?
Q93- Is Satan in Islam the same as Satan in the Bible?
Q94- Will Hell eventually be empty? For how long will Allah Almighty punish some of His creation?
Q95- What is Fasting in Islam? And what is the Wisdom behind it? What is Ramadan?
Q96- Does Islam really order Muslims to not take Jews, Christians and other non-Muslims as friends?
Q97- Is growing beards mandatory in Islam?
Q98- Is the Quran eternal or is it created in time by Allah?
Q99- Why does Islam have Jizyah (money paid by non-Muslims in the Islamic State) law?
Q100- Why does the Noble Quran contain Verses that command the Muslims to fight?
Q101- What is the best way to convert a Christian to Islam?
Q102- How can I convert to Islam?
Q103- Is Ethnic cleansing allowed in Islam?
Q104- Did Prophet Muhammad really split the moon with his index finger?
Q105- Is our destiny pre-determined by GOD? Does GOD choose who is evil and who is good? How come GOD didn't make all of us good if He is the "Most Merciful" and "Most Just"?
Q106- Are Zoos allowed in Islam? What does Islam say about animal cruelty?
Q107- Was Jesus a Capitalist or a Communist?
Q108- What does Islam say about bad breath and body smell?
Q109- Is Islam a superstitious religion?
Q110- They say to me: "You say the Bible is corrupt. What makes you think that the Quran isn't too?"
Q111- What does Islam say about bribery?
Q112- What does Islam think about reincarnation?
Q113- Does "Islam" really mean to force someone to Islam or else kill him?
Q114- Would you describe Heaven and Hell according to the Islamic doctrine?
Q115- Is Banking in the West allowed in Islam? Is dealing with interests allowed in Islam?
Q116- Are penis and breasts enlargements allowed in Islam?
Q117- Did Muhammad self-serve himself in the Noble Quran?
Q118- What is the punishment for the Muslim who kills an innocent disbeliever?
Q119- What do you think is the ideal solution for the situation in Israel and Palestine?
Q120- Did Prophet Muhammad really take 20% of all of the Muslims' booty gains?
Q121- Did GOD send a Messenger for each nation on earth before?
Q122- Can women become Prime Ministers or Presidents in an Islamic country?
Q123- Science proved that Homosexuals are born natural. How then can Islam prohibit homosexuality?
Q124- If birth and death are controlled by GOD, then why does He punish those who commit suicide?
Q125- Why does GOD give the arrogants and wrong-doers much power in life and takes it away from the good people?
Q126- Can Muhammad or any other Prophet make a Prophecy? Are they allowed in other words?
Q127- How do you reconcile suffering with the portrayal of a great and loving God, Why war, why famine, why sorrow?
Q128- Is gambling allowed in Islam?
Q129- What is the one thing that you most want me to understand about Islam?
Q130- What does Allah Almighty say about Justice for all in an Islamic State?
Waiting for more questions.....
Please email me at Osama Abdallah
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