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ECAFA - East Central Alberta Forage Association


ECAFA - About Us

2002 Annual Report

Fabric Mulch Demonstration (Site #1)
Pocket Gopher & Richardson Ground Squirrel Control Demonstration (Site #2)
Silage Variety Demonstration (Site #11)
Pasture Sage Control Demonstration (Site #14)
Watering Systems Demonstration – Winter (Site #21)
New Forages for Grazing Demonstration (Site #25)
Horn Fly Control Demonstration (Site #28)
Perennial Forage Varieties Demonstration (Site #29)
Cow Supplementation Project (Site #31)


Newsletter #1
Newsletter #2
Newsletter #3
Newsletter #4

2002 Directors

Extension Activities


Contact Us



The ECAFA has had a very busy year in regards to extension activities. 


Annual meeting: 

The annual meeting for 2002 was held on February 28nd, 2002, at Czar Hall.  Forty members attended.  The focus of the meeting was “How To Drought Proof Your Operation”.  Guest speakers included:

Doug Tien, accountant – analyzing your operation

Wendy Hurst, PFRA – grant program, water co-op

Harry Loonen, Public Lands – range management

John Ruschkowski, producer – options for livestock during drought conditions



The Association hopes you will find the 2002 Annual Report full of useful information.  If you have any questions regarding the report, please call our office at 753-6227 (summer months only) or Agnes Whiting at 753-6421 or Fax 753-6021.



     The association sent out 2 newsletters this year to all producers in the area.  We hope you found the information helpful.  We are hoping to do more of these in the future.



President Wyett Swanson has been asked to speak at a number of producer meetings across the western provinces and the U.S.   His presentations are on the experiences he has had, and the changes he has made to his operation through managing the grazing of pure alfalfa stands.



     June 12, 2002 we held a field day to demonstrate the development of a livestock watering system using underground pipe installed with a pipeline plow.

On Aug. 28, 2002, approximately 10 local producers took part in the East Central Alberta Forage Association Tour.  The projects visited were the Silage Variety Plot, Cow Supplementation, Livestock watering system using an underground pipeline, and Pasture Sage/Buckbrush Control.


Pasture School:

We had hoped to hold a pasture school in the area.  Unfortunately, due to the dry conditions we did not have enough registrations and had to cancel for this year.  We will be trying again in 2003 to hold the school.


If you have any suggestions for extension activities you would like to see in our area, please give us a call.





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