Old news from the main page is archived here. Dates may not be accurate, and links may not work. This information is provided just in case someone just has to find some old article or link they once saw on this site.
2003 2002
I'm sure I've linked to this before, but Flippy's Cat Page is an incredible comdendium of cat lore. United Cats was especially impressed with theCat Health page.
Read all about the Meow Mobile, a mobile adoption center. United Cats salutes this innovative idea for finding new homes for cats.
A cat now named Jack Frost was rescued in the nick of time from a frozen fate. Due to the judicious use of a hair dryer and expert veterinary care he is expected to recover.
Yes, Little Nicky, the world's first commercial cloned cat has been delivered to his thrilled owner. Yes, someone spent 50,000 US$ for a kitten that some claim wasn't a clone at all. United Cats will follow this fascinating story as it develops.
A curious story about a new sport for cats, the Cat Agility Course. United cats wondered if it could really be true, people making their cats do stupid pet tricks in a competitive setting. Yes, like dog dancing, it really exists, Check out the ICAT site for everything you ever wanted to know about this new development in the cat show world.
Yet another story of a cat rescued from a tree. This one was saved by the local electric company.
An 83 year old man carries his desperately ill cat seven miles because the authorities wouldn't let them on the subway. Fortunately the cat survived the ordeal, United Cats is always touched by the devotion that pet owners show their animal companions.
A lucky stray cat survives a hurricane and the loss of his leg, and now has found a loving home. This link takes a long time to load for some obscure reason.
Shrink wrapped cat? Not really, but close. A cautionary tale about keeping an eye on the cat when something is being delivered, lest the cat leave with the delivery truck.
Another nice story about a lost cat returning home.
Kitty City has a nice selection of cat related gifts.
A humorous animated holiday eCard to help homeless animals.
Yet another story about a cat rescued from a tree. This story is particularly sweet.
There's not a whole lot of good news coming out of Afghanistan these days, but here's a nice story about the rescue of Stumpy from Kabul.
A legend and poem about the Christmas Cat. Apparently one has to wear one new article of clothing on Christmas or the Christmas cat will get you. Certainly a curious little legend.
Another excellent article on Holiday Pet Safety.
Assad, a globetrotting cat who stowed away on a ship has found a new home in England.
Again, this isn't really a cat story. A cat's headstone has sold at auction for over $400,000. Basically a cat was worth more dead than most people are alive, strange times indeed.
Remember Socks, the first cat during the Clinton era? It's not too late to buy Socks gift items for that hard to please relative.
A new species of tiger has been identified through genetic testing.
A cat lost at a motel is found scratching at the door of the room he stayed in for one night. That's one smart cat, not to mention lucky.
United Cats doesn't know whether this is amusing or sad, probably a little of both. A man who thinks he's a cat got stuck in a tree.
A cat returns home by trekking 1300 miles across Siberia. This may not be a record, but it's a pretty impressive feat.
It's antifreeze season, entirely too many cats (not to mention people and other pets) are poisoned every year by this sweet tasting but very toxic fluid.
Yes, it's true, Colby Nolan, a black cat from Dallas, has been granted an MBA. The "university" in question is being sued, but nonetheless Colby looks quite handsome in his cap and gown. Colby wasn't guilty of fraud, so United Cats hopes he gets to keep his degree.
A lovely story about Peanut, a blind cat. who lives and works in a vet's office.
Another travelling cat. Shadow took a trans Canada trip via moving van, but is now happily reunited with his people.
Firemen rescue a trapped cat.
Submit your True Cat Stories for inclusion in a new book.
Nick the cat survives a fire, and now is in need of a home. Sadly several other pets didnt survive.
An even luckier cat than Nick survives rat poison and a fire. No worries, seven lives to go. With pic.
A lucky cat survives three broken legs and other injuries. With pic, this poor fellow is very friendly and needs a home.
Cats arent always heros, this cat started a house fire. Fortunately the fire was contained and the cat unharmed.
While normally we do not run (cough) dog (cough) stories on United Cats, we couldnt pass up this cute story of a dog that adopted two kittens.
Another traveling cat, Mario made it from Milan to Manchester.
Another fine story about firemen saving a cat from a fire and giving it the Kiss of Life. United Cats salutes the brave firemen of the world.
United Cats stumbled across this article about a library cat who needs a name. This alerted us to a fine organization, the National Library Cat Association. Their Library Cat Map is especially recommended, with fine pictures of library cats from around the world. The Association is clearly international in scope now. More information on the founding of the Library Cat Association can be found here.
An informative article on the controversial procedure of kidney transplants for cats.
Another feline hero manifests as cat alerts owner to House Fire!
A town loses its mascot to a well meaning catnapper. Fortunately the story has a happy ending and the cat with six names is home safe and sound.
United Cats is not even sure what to make of this one, an artist has released an album that consists of melodies made up of cats purring. The CD is of course titled "Purrfect Symphony."
The Animal Protection Institute is an excellent organization with a comprehensive web site.
How to avoid Mountain Lion Attacks and what to do if you are attacked.
In a similar vein, this is all United Cats could find on Lion Attack Safety. Basically, stay inside your car or you're in big trouble.
A kitten survives a washing machine adventure. Always check inside any appliance before turning it on.
A cat takes a thirty mile limo ride.
Science marches on. Software has been developed to remove pet red eye from pet photos. In the case of cats, it would be more accurate to call it green eye.
A long and detailed article and interview about cat cloning. A case is made that cloning will actually reduce the number of stray and feral cats by funding neutering programs.
Three fine Australian lads saved a drowning cat and gave it CPR. It's people like this that give United Cats hope for the human race.
Drinking and purring don't mix. This moggy is well on her way to recovery after it was discovered she wasn't sick, she was inebriated. She's fine now, but her beer swilling days are over.
Yes, Hello Kitty is thirty years old.
This is an odd story about a man who climbed into a lion pit at a zoo, apparently in an attempt to convert the lions to Christianity. Possibly inspired by the story of Daniel and the Lion's Den, fortunately the lions had been fed recently and he was not badly hurt. I include it as a warning yet again that big cats are dangerous, and because there is footage of the incident. I've never seen a lion attack a human on film before; it's not for the faint of heart, but neither is it graphic or gory.
An interesting and informative article about feral cats, more specifically tips for people who move away from feral cats they are caring for.
A lovely little story about a cat rescue in Romania.
Another story from the Big Cats are Dangerous file, dont ever stick your hand in the cage.
The rats have won in Mexico. As reported earlier the "army of cats" was a dismal (and predictable) failure.
As many I am sure already knew, cats can suffer from stress. Scientists are now studying this important feline health issue. Even better, a treatment has already been devised: Tuna Ice For Stressed Cats.
FELINE HERO! A cat that saved two men and two goldfish from a house fire has been awarded the Scottish Executive's Don't Give Fire a Home fire safety award. Read about Felix the heroic cat! As soon as United Cats finds a picture of the redoubtable Felix we will post it.
The proposed hypo-allergenic cat may be more hype than hypo, scientists express misgivings about the feasibility of the concept.
The science of falling cats is called feline pesematology. There is also primate pesematology, and one must assume canine pesematology etc. There are some lovely strobe pictures of a falling cat here. And the same cat can be seen animated as well. (Poor kitty, doomed to fall repeatedly forever.) While cats can and do fall from great heights safely, nonetheless many who do so are killed or injured. Here is an excellent article on how to avoid Feline High Rise Syndrome, the injuries typically suffered by cats in falls.
Firefighters rescue two cats! Yes, two cats and a dog have been saved by quick thinking firemen with oxygen masks. With pictures. Sadly two dogs also perished in the blaze.
The price of cat clones has dropped once again. US$ 20,000 doesn't seem like much of a bargain to United Cats, but the price is expected to drop considerably further.
Yes, a Hypo-Allergenic cat will soon be available. United Cats is still undecided on the issue of custom made animals, but it does appear to be the wave of the future so I will continue to post news on the subject.
It is now proven that there are cougars in New Brunswick. Everyone who has been losing sleep over this issue can now relax.
A cat survives thirty miles trapped in an engine compartment. The car had to be partially dismantled, the police gave a hand, but all turned out well in the end. Now the cat's people just have to be located...
In keeping with our recent extreme cat theme, read about the World's Fattest Cat.
A courteous and clearly well read reader has provided the answer to question number 7 on the United Cats Cat Questions page. United Cats is always grateful to hear from our readers.
ARMY OF MEXICAN CATS UPDATE. The army of cats couldn't cut it against the army of rats in a Mexican town. Sadly this was the predicted result for this basically zany idea. The town is now going to resort to cash bounties in their fight against the infesting rats.
Another practical link added: KittyKondo! Just like it sounds, furniture for your cat, plus lots of other stuff.
Dearborn, Michigan has commissioned thirty Fiberglass Cats to be painted by artists. Its all part of a drive to raise money for a new state-of-the art animal adoption and education center.
A trendy caf in Hong Kong boasts 15 Caf Cats for those who cannot enjoy the company of a pet in their home. Now thats fine dining, a picture can be seen here.
In a scary story China the cat was trapped in a tree for eleven days, and then fell sixty feet to the rocks below, badly injuring herself and using up a number of lives. Fortunately the fine people of the Olympic Peninsula area have donated $3000 towards her care and she is well on her way to recovery.
Another practical link, I especially like their name: Cat Nuts Forever!
They market a wide range of cat products including professional grooming supplies. United Cats supports the idea of well groomed professional cats.
Consulting Cat Health appears to be a very comprehensive on line cat health service. While United cats prides itself on our cat expertise, these people are clearly the next level up if one desires professional on line advice regarding their cat.
More jaguars have been spotted with automated wildlife cameras in Southern Arizona. The jaguar (panthera onca,) the western hemispheres largest cat, once roamed through several southern states. Through the efforts of groups like Save the Jaguar this magnificent cat is returning to its' ancestral range. Apex predators such as the jaguar play an essential role in any ecosystem, everyone benefits from their return.
I have added another practical link on the United Cats' Links page: Diseases from Cats. Fortunately there are few things one can catch from a cat, learn about these diseases and how to protect yourself from them on this informative web site.
Some recent research on Cats, Dust, and Asthma indicates the problem isn't as severe as some have theorized.
Forty percent or more of the U.S. pet population are seniors. Read about some of the special needs and care of older cats and dogs.
It's not often that Police Helicopter plays part in a Cat Rescue, but in Wichita Falls Kansas, thats exactly what happened. And even better, after the dramatic rescue, the cat's people reclaimed their adventurous and now locally famous cat.
The Humane Society of the United States weighs in on Cat Cloning. They are against it for a number of reasons. United Cats is also skeptical of the process, spending huge sums of money to create "replacement" animals when millions of animals die in shelters every year seems like misplaced priorities at best.
A detailed article about the Feral Cats of New York City, and the people and organizations trying to help them.
The Temple of My Familiar is an interesting spiritual and animal rights oriented cat site with a lot of fascinating links. United Cats was especially amused by the "Kitty Lick 3" video game ad and link we have placed at the top of this page.
I am pleased (I think) to report that a Japanese News Site has linked to United Cats. Here is how Babelfish translated their site description of United Cats:
"The united "cat" is. It is not the musical of popularity. It probably is existence to be present as expected in the United States? Such a thing and the like how you call, with character of first news report and the upper and others are, to scratch perusal desire it is certain to be raised. As a teaching aid of translation it is good, probably will be. In addition if it introduces to the friend, it probably is to be able to offer laughing a rest Abrupt cooking house of try cone < Flower >"
Fascinating, eh? I suspect that this free software translation leaves something to be desired. I wish I could figure out how to email them and thank them, but alas my Japanese is not up to the task. If any reader can clarify this interesting situation I would be honoured to hear from them.
In the spirit of Halloween, here is an interesting if somewhat scientific story from the NewScientist: Black Cats May Be The More Fortunate Felines. Apparently a black coat may be more beneficial to cats than the obvious advantage of conferring invisibility in the dark.
Yes, the site you have been waiting for all your life: Cats Who Quilt! Where quilters and cats meet on the web!
Not all calicos are insane, The Calico Girls appear to be two very nice calicos living in Idaho. And they have a large and impressive web site.
In an effort to make United Cats more useful I am going to be adding links to my commercial cat links section. The first of these is SittingPrettyKitty, a manufacturer of unique handcrafted cat furniture, cat trees and cat scratching posts.
Ernest Hemingway had a great love for cats, especially polydactyl cats. His last home and now museum in the Florida keys still houses and cares for 60 cats, many of which are direct descendents of Hemingway's cats. Read their story at the Hemingway's Home and Museum site.
On October 9-10 there will be a cat show at the Madison Square Garden Expo Center. Hundreds of cats in one big room! Does it get any better than this?
The situation for the endangered Iberian Lynx (sometimes called the European Tiger) is dire. There is new hope now that, Cromo, a male Iberian Lynx, has been acquired by the Jerez Zoo for its' captive breeding program.
Read about the Iriomoto Cat. One of the worldfs rarest cats, as few as 60 remain on the Island of Iriomoto near Japan. It has partially webbed feet and is a good swimmer, which makes sense for an island cat I suppose.
The British Big Cats Society (BBCS) has launched a Major New Bid to Film British Big Cats. Whether the British Big Cats exist at all is an enduring mystery, hopefully this new effort will settle the issue.
A simple but nice story from Japan, not only did someone call the police when they saw a stranded cat, the police came and rescued the cat after it fell six stories!
I have updated the United Cats Guide to Flea Control; inspired by the following unfortunate incident: 19 Bug Bomb Foggers Blast a House Apart.
A pet expert weighs in on the story below about the army of cats in Mexico, and she is not happy with the plan. Read her comments at Cats Can Hurt and Not Necessarily Help the Villagers. United Cats will continue to follow this story, let us hope it all turns out for the best.
A town in Mexico is marshalling an Army of Cats to deal with a million rats.
A hilarious web site about Kitty Porn. Sadly none of the links work, but some stuff still made me really laugh...such as: "In a recent study conducted by Richard Little it is estimated that there are over a million billion pictures of cats on the Internet. That number is expected to rise by some 30000000% over the next year."
The Calico Files has returned, where United Cats unveils the incredible government conspiracy about the true origin of the calico menace.
Just a sweet cat site I came across. Well, OK, the author came across my site and left a nice comment in my guest book. Her site is Introduction to the Care of the Shorthaired Domestic Cat
Apparently spay and neuter programs sometimes work too well, so tomcats are rushed to Guernsey Island to deal with a kitten shortage. Now is that civilized or what?
In an unusual departure from normal feline news, a cat escapes from its' carrier and attacks a flight crew. Possibly this story is related to the previous story in some way, but details are sketchy. ;)
And yet another story about a travelling cat, this one somehow making it from the USA to the UK. The first theory is that he is a strong swimmer, but there are other possibilities.
I'm not sure if this is good news or bad news, but a restaurant for cats opened briefly in New York.
BREAKING NEWS! Well, maybe it's old news, but I never heard it before. Apparently our illustrious attorney general thinks that calico cats are signs of the devil. Yes, while the rest of the world moves forward into the 21st century, the US attorney general is stuck in the middle ages. The calicos of America are not taking this lying down (the preferred term is "reclining" anyways) and have spoken up about their fears: Calico Cats Admit Fear of Attorney General Clearly more research needs to be done on this alarming situation.
A nice story about a Kitten Rescue.
Is your cat fat? Research (One in four cats and dogs overweight) indicates that many cats are overweight. Here at United cats we refer to this as the furry meat loaf syndrome. For information on how to deal with this embarrassing situation see Overweight Cat.
Technology marches on! Yes, a device is now available to interpret what a cat is saying. While we are highly skeptical here at United Cats, go to Japan invents 'cat chat' device and decide for yourself.
Here's a nice story about a cat who came home after being lost for seven years. All because the cat had a microchip implanted in his neck, now that's a good combination of cats and technology. Cat missing for seven years reunited with owner
And you thought your cats were bad! Fortunately all ends well in Cats start house fire.
A stray cat inherits a pile of money. Oh My. Read all about it at Will Leaves Cat in Clover.
It's a new year here at United Cats, presumably elsewhere as well. Many changes and updates are coming soon, but here are some feline survival stories to start the year with: Cat Bricked in Wall
and Stowaway Cat Survives Atlantic Journey.
BREAKING NEWS! Well, maybe it's old news, but I never heard it before. Apparently our illustrious attorney general thinks that calico cats are signs of the devil. Yes, while the rest of the world moves forward into the 21st century, the US attorney general is stuck in the middle ages. The calicos of America are not taking this lying down (the preferred term is "reclining" anyways) and have spoken up about their fears: Calico Cats Admit Fear of Attorney General Clearly more research needs to be done on this alarming situation.
A nice story about a Kitten Rescue.
Is your cat fat? Research (One in four cats and dogs overweight) indicates that many cats are overweight. Here at United cats we refer to this as the furry meat loaf syndrome. For information on how to deal with this embarrassing situation see Overweight Cat.
Technology marches on! Yes, a device is now available to interpret what a cat is saying. While we are highly skeptical here at United Cats, go to Japan invents 'cat chat' device and decide for yourself.
Here's a nice story about a cat who came home after being lost for seven years. All because the cat had a microchip implanted in his neck, now that's a good combination of cats and technology. Cat missing for seven years reunited with owner
And you thought your cats were bad! Fortunately all ends well in Cats start house fire.
A stray cat inherits a pile of money. Oh My. Read all about it at Will Leaves Cat in Clover.
It's a new year here at United Cats, presumably elsewhere as well. Many changes and updates are coming soon, but here are some feline survival stories to start the year with: Cat Bricked in Wall
and Stowaway Cat Survives Atlantic Journey.
Radioactive cat litter? Makes the normal stuff seem almost pleasant. Read about a man fined for improperly disposing of cat waste in: Radioactive Litter.
Cat vs coyote, guess who won! Normally coyotes are bad news for cats, read about a cat who was determined not to be another grim stastictic: Cat vs Coyote
Everyone knows that smoking is bad for people, but recent research indicates it may also be bad for your cat: Passive smoking puts pets at risk
Great news for cats in the US, a TV show just for cats is in the works!
I know my kitties are tired of watching Oprah reruns while I am at work,
Catvision will save them from this dreary fate.
I have returned. Pictures of me and my cats lolling on the beach, windsurfing,
jet skiing, and just plain having fun on vacation will be posted soon. The cats
loved the beach, one giant litterbox! In the meantime breaking cats news includes the
following story: Wild Cat Family Caught on Film And a sad but hopeful story about
a lady trying to do the right thing for 30 orphaned cat: Woman Seeks to Give Cats a New Start United Cats wishes
they could help, all I can do is urge people to be responsible pet caregivers and have their cats spayed
and neutered.
I am on vacation until mid/late July. Regular updates will continue then.
Good news and bad news today about cats. The good news first, a short article about an
unusual cat "rescue." Sergeant saves panting Persians in peril
On a more somber note, it may be time to stop using flushable cat litter. Aside from the damage it can cause to the plumbing
a Study Links Parasites In Freshwater Runoff To Sea Otter Deaths. Lastly United Cats urges our American readers to make sure their cats and other pets have a safe and comfortable
place to spend the July Fourth Holiday, the sound of fireworks can be very distressing to our feline friends.
Some good news about other big cats. Read about cheetahs in: Plans for rebirth of Indian 'cheetah' And some lions have been rediscovered: 'Extinct' lions surface in Siberia
Happy Summer Solstice! Today's special: More than you ever wanted to know about the lynx. First, an effort is being made to save one of the world's most endangered felines. Read about the Iberian Lynx in: Spain Fights to Save World's Most Endangered Cat For a more
depressing appraisal of the Iberian Lynx situation read Iberian lynx nears extinction as EU-backed work
wrecks habitat And finally
there is much information to be had about lynxes of all spots at
World Lynx
Does your cat need therapy? Separation anxiety may explain some unfortunate behaviour problems in Smelly Surprise from Kitty Could Just Mean She Loves You
It's Father's Day! Why not order him a Cat Dad T-shirt? If that's not macho enough for your dad,
how about this Real Men Love Cats T-shirt? In a similar vein here is a fine Cat Dad Cookie Jar. Shopping aside, United Cats wishes all dads, feline or otherwise, a fine and happy Father's Day.
Read this fine cat column The Amazing Talking Cat by the world's foremost cat columnist, Jon Carroll.
Know someone who is considering having a cat declawed? Declawing Cats contains a wealth of information explaining the problems with this procedure and the many alternatives. It is illegal in a growing list of countries. If a person's furniture is more important than their pet's health and well being, they shouldn't have a pet.
Cats and politics? Parliament has a mouse problem, guess what has been proposed to solve it.
More big cats in the news. Good news about the return of the American Cougar. A happy ending for some Circus Tigers. And lastly, some lions get a lion sized Scratching Post.
Yes, it's The Answer Cat. A fine site that is both funny and informative. We particularly liked the papparazzi illustration on this page.
These two stories fall in the "Don't try this at home" category. Sadly stories like this are in the news far too often. Large cats are dangerous and should never be approached. The first story needs no introduction, the title says it all: Petting Lions And a second story about a wise but unfortunate woman who should have known better: Tiger Attack Please, always admire the big cats from a safe distance.
SnowB is very pleased that he has been accepted as a member of the Orange Tabbys Boys Club. Only a small number of cats qualify for this honour. They have to be orange, they have to be tabbys, and they have to be boys. A club for real cats, all others being but pale imitations. That's SnowB's opinion. |
Having legal problems because of your cat? Are you responsible for their credit card purchases? Can you be sued if they traumatize a neighbours dog? Check out Cats and the Law for everything you ever wanted to know about the legal status of cats.
A cat in New Zealand has survived sixteen days being trapped in a storm water pipe. United Cats is always pleased to post stories about cats surviving despite the odds.
A couple of stories about well travelled cats. A kitten hitches a ride in the wheel well of a cessna. And an orange tabby cat finds his way home.
The June update is complete. May news has been moved to the News Archive. Various minor improvements and updates installed. The "click to donate for free" pages have been consolidated in the SAVE THE CATS link above. A new help article has been added. New Cat is a guide to introducing a new cat into an established cat household. And finally, the picture of the 87 pound cat above pretty much speaks for itself.
An article about Instinct vs. IQ. Scandalously biased in favour of dogs (cough) but still a curious little discussion of animal intelligence. Troubled by the little "gifts" the cat brings home? Help is on the way! Read about a High Tech Cat Door that is under development. |
Another news story about how cats manipulate people: Meanings of Meow
Help the big cats! Here is another great site where a few mouse clicks can save critical wildlife habitat: Race for the Big Cats
A "Just For Kids" link. Build a suitable habitat for a Cyber Tiger. From the fine folks at National Geographic.
Apparently there is a school of thought to the effect that commercial pet foods are not healthy. United Cats is not sure what we thinks of this, so here are two links so that readers may decide for themselves. First there is What's Really in Pet Food. A disturbing look at what goes into commercial pet foods. And if more information is desired BARF Links has a wide array of helpful links on this subject.
Cats once ruled the world apparently, in ancient times cats hunted humans. Now of course cats still rule the world, they are just a lot more subtle.
The Allergy Proof Cat is on the way.
A psychologist believes that cats are evolving into supercats that are better able to exploit humans.
At the Ecology Fund site there are buttons to click that will preserve habitat for wild kitties and other wildlife. If people register at this site, Ecology Fund will keep track of how much wilderness they have saved. One friend of United Cats has saved over an acre this way, pretty nice for just a few mouse clicks a day.
Lisa's Cat Lover's Pages has lots of pics and graphics, among other things. It's one of the best personal pages we have come across in our continuing cat research here at United cats.
Animals have been granted some constitutional rights in Germany, the first European country to do so. As United Cats believes that respect for all living beings is a good thing, we applaud this development. Read about this ground breaking story here: Animal Rights
Jaguar visits Arizona. It's always good to know that some of our larger furry cousins are doing well. See the story and trap camera picture here: Visiting Jaguar
Here is a heartwarming story about feline rescue: Firefighters Save Felines.
Family driven from home by cat attack. The police are rarely required to deal with feline assaults, but this family's overprotective Siamese went on a Cat Attack.
Cat plots world domination, see this awe inspiring site: Connie's Plan.
An Awards Page and a Web Rings Page have been added. See the awards we have won and visit other fine cat sites.
I have added a large type high contrast version of the site in my efforts to make United Cats accessible to everyone. You can get to it by clicking here. In the same spirit, a French and German version are being created.
The popularity of calicos continues unabated, a fact that is either worrisome or alarming, depending on one's perspective. For further information on calicos see Are All Calicos Insane? Research into the calico phenomena continues at United Cats, please send us your calico stories, links, and anecdotes.
The site has been overhauled and updated. Various new links added, plus another chapter in the ongoing saga of my three cats: Cats in the City Other news and external links below, enjoy!
Free kitten screen saver at Newton. If anyone tries this out please send me feedback, not sure if I should recommend it.
Our fame spreads, Dekerd's Story has been published in a hardcover book. See Cats of Our Lives for details and ordering information.
Fungus routed by a rabbit, SnowB chased by a deer. Lurid details of our Oregon Adventures to be posted shortly. And SnowB is eagerly awaiting the Stripe Enhancer he mail ordered. With enhanced stripes he should be able to run much faster.
Breaking News! Britons now prefer cats over dogs:
Britons Prefer Cats
And another cat rescue tale from the BBC: Cat Bites Rescuer
A cat survives a harrowing ordeal: Miracle Cat
Yes, the site we have all been waiting for: Live Nude Cats!
An interesting web site about Columbus and domestic (?) cats in the new world: Mystery Cat
The world's first cat cloning is a success.
See Copy Cat for details.
Copyright © Doug Stych 1998,2002 All Rights Reserved