Change to image links |
If you don't want to wait for images to load, change to the text version of the links. Some of these sites either don't have banners to link back to them or I couldn't get through. Most of these links lead to Dragonball related sites but I will also include links to other useful sites as well. |
Nice layout and the image gallery is great. The webmaster is a nice person to meet. |
Great layout, some problems to be worked out though. |
I can't say too much for the layout. Has some great DB Z roms and used to sell Dragonball tapes. He has stopped selling them because of high demand and little time. |
Has two versions, an advanced layout and a regular layout. All the movies clips on his site were made by himself and the video capture card he bought is a quality $200 one. His server, Simplenet, is ripping him off, they used to be free but they started charging him. |
The images are very eye pleasing and the layout is great. Definitely not one to be missed. |
Long loading time. The layout isn't that bad. |
A directory of good anime sites. |
Organized layout and great loading time. |
Organized, but the Geocities pop-up windows become annoying after a while. |
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