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AROMATHERAPY by Fragrant Garden Int'l., Essential Oils, Young Living, Chakra Oils, Organic Essential Oils, Organic Aromatherapy, Young Living Distributors, Young Living Marin, Young Living Maryland, Young Living California, Botanicals, Marin, California, Aromatherapist, Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils
Aromatherapy and Organic Essential Oils by Angel Love 415 289 2213 Aromatherapy for Body, Mind, Heart, & Soul...

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Aromatherapy hails back to ancient Greece and Babylonia. Today we can reap tremendous benefits in an increasingly toxic world. We need the oxygenating properties of these oils. Whether for personal care and therapeutic benefits or for home and cleaning aids which in turn help the environment, aromatherapy and essential oils are nature's gift for us to feel healthy and radiant.

When you receive an aromatherapy consultation, you experience first-hand which oils are best suited for you based on your the issues in your life and your instinctual preferences. Using only the finest, medicinal-grade essentials oils, your aromatherapy consultation will help you in many ways. Physically, your body's vibrational frequency will be enhanced, thus promoting a balancing effect, either more energized or more relaxed, depending on your personal needs. Emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, as well, you will discover the key to enhancing your total well-being.

There are many varieties of oils, from woods (cypress, pine, eucalyptus), leaves (geranium, tarragon, sage), flowers (jasmine, rose, lotus), resins (galbanum, myrrh, frankincense), fruits (tangerine, grapefruit, lemon) and many more. Did you know adding lavendar oil to the rinse cycle of your laundry can disenfect and scent your clothing? Diffusing oils in a potpourri burner can relax you and enhance an environment. Certain oils are best applied directly to the skin although most are best diluted in a nut or seed oil, like jojoba or almond. There is an entire line of products for personal care, home care and the benefits extend to the environment as well.


* Skin Care
* Energy Balancing

* Health & First Aid
* Laundry & Household Cleaning

* Pest Control
* Air Purification

Call now for an appointment, your first 30 minutes are complimentary...



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Organic Chakra Oils
Organic Essential Oils
Fragrant Gardens, Int'l.
Feng Shui Elegance, Int'l.
Dating Coach Goddess
Club Shangri-La
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